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Sue Russell's Shop

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I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Assembly or Class Play

Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Assembly or Class Play

Baghdad Early Islamic Civilization Assembly Cast size: 30 - easily adaptable up or down as, besides the Narrator, the speaking parts are just numbered 1 - 29. Duration: Around 15 minutes reading time (not including music suggestions) This assembly is intended as a celebration of learning and toleration. And it is to this end that the focus is on the work of the individual scholars, working in unison in Baghdad, during this Golden Age. Included is a brief comparison of ‘East and West’– comparing London and Baghdad. Also available from Sue Russell: • Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Guided Reading Scripts 5 scripts, 6 speakers each, plus quiz for each script. Approximately 5 minutes reading time for each (not including the quiz) 1. When? 2. Where? 3. The Story of Muhammed 4. Beliefs of Islam 5. World Religions And • An Assembly on Islam which tells the story of Muhammed and gives a brief outline of Islamic beliefs Sample Text: Music 1 Golden Years – David Bowie; or Imagine – John Lennon (Children file in, taking places along two rows of 15, facing the audience) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on Whole cast: (Together) Baghdad and Early Islamic Civilisation (Child 1, 2 and 3 stand up with 3 banners: Golden Age, Learning and Tolerance) Narrator: Aha! And when was this Golden Age? Child 1: It was between the seventh and thirteenth centuries. That is, around six to twelve hundred A.D. Narrator: That’s a long time (looking towards Child 2 and 3) to be learned and tolerant! Child 4: Oh. You’d be surprised what mankind is capable of when the conditions are right! Narrator: (Looking at cast) Well. I think we need to find out what these ‘conditions’ were, don’t you? (Narrator ushers Child 2 and 3 with banners Learning and Tolerance to front of ‘stage’) After all, aren’t Learning (Child 2 waves banner) And Tolerance Child 3 waves banner) Two of the most important ingredients to a happy and stable society? Child 4: And a happy and stable school! Child 5: Yes, we (gesturing to cast) have all learned a huge amount about the importance of Learning and Tolerance Child 6: Just by doing this assembly! Narrator: How so? Child 7: Well, we’ve learned all about this amazing civilisation that we knew nothing about before Child 8: And we’ve learned how it actually was, and is, possible to work together for the greater good.
Anti Bullying Assembly or Class Play

Anti Bullying Assembly or Class Play

Anti-Bullying Assembly or Class Play Michael Jackson’s You Are Not Alone is used as its title and final song. Its Children’s Mental Health Week 3 - 9 February. So I am reducing a number of my ‘mental health related’ scripts to mark the occasion Some useful tips on looking out for others - and yourself. This class play identifies different types of bullying and suggests strategies for both prevention and dealing with the problem when it arises. It looks at the problem of bullying from 2 perspectives - that of the ‘bully’ and the ‘bullied’, examining why bullies behave as they do and what it feels like to be on the receiving end. The most important message is that we are all special, that we should like ourselves the way we are, and that if we ever find ourselves being bullied, we should get help/talk to someone - never bottle it up inside and ‘put up’ with it. I wrote this at a time when my own daughter (then 9) was being bullied. I learnt many lessons from the experience which I would like to pass onto others. This script comes in two versions - First one being longer at around 15 minutes (not including music suggestions); second one shorter at just under 10 minutes. I have identified the text that has been left in and taken out from versions I and II respectively. This gives you as a teacher the choice of what length play you wish to use. Another resource for use within the classroom is a script in the Bible Stories section of the website on David and Goliath - cast of 10 and with discussion pointers on bullying at the end. Sample Text: Child 19: You have to believe in yourself. And be your own best friend! (Child 21: Lollipop lady walks to centre of stage - lifts STOP sign each time it’s spoken) Narrator: What are you doing here? I can’t see any traffic? Lollipop Lady: No, but there are lots of things that need to stop, apart from cars. We’re here to tell you about the things we should stop doing! Child 1: STOP feeling everything that goes wrong is your fault! It isn’t! Child 2: STOP thinking you have to be perfect at everything! It’s not possible - you’re not superman! Child 3: STOP letting what you can’t do get in the way of what you can do! Child 4: STOP trying to be everybody’s friend. You can be liked by some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time! Child 5: STOP jumping to conclusions. If someone doesn’t say Hi to you, don’t think ‘Hey! They’re ignoring me. They don’t like me anymore!’ They might not have seen you. Don’t assume the worst! Child 6: Stop labelling yourself. Feeling sad one day doesn’t make you a wimp! Child 7: Getting your sums wrong another day doesn’t make you a loser! Child 8: Having a spot on your nose one day doesn’t make you ugly! Child 9: Having an extra chocolate bar doesn’t make you wicked! Child 10: Stop telling yourself you should be this, and you shouldn’t be that.
History of the Olympics Assembly

History of the Olympics Assembly

Olympic History Class Play (one of collection of 10 scripts) This assembly, written by Sue Russell, covers the history of the Olympics, starting with its origins in Ancient Greece. All the host nations are presented in a fun coverage of both events and stars. Featuring the 18 countries that have so far hosted the Olympic Games, plus Brazil (2016 host), each gives a brief summary of their 'contribution' to the Games' history so far. Sample Text: 1. Simply the Best - Tina Turner (Children file in, waving flags triumphantly) Coubertin: Good morning and welcome to our class play on The History of the Olympics - when nations compete against each other, in the most sporting manner. (19 nations stand up with flags, cheering loudly) (Zeus plus 3 Ancient Greeks stride onto stage, folding their arms in front of them, taking up an aggressive stance) Coubertin: ‘Course, it wasn't always like that. Back in 776 BC it was only athletes from across Ancient Greece who competed. Zeus: In my honor! Sostratos: 5 days Leonidas: 7 events Kallipateira: (Scowling) And no women! Coubertin: Ah! The good old days! When men were men, and women were women! Kallipateira: I thought you were here to represent the Modern Olympics? Coubertin: Indeed I am. And you're about to see just how many changes took place over the years Zeus: Not necessarily for the better! (Looking around) I can't see any of this lot paying me homage! And what are those women doing, mingling with the men athletes? Coubertin: (In disgust) They're competing too! Other scripts available: 1. Brazil - Host Country to 2016 Olympics 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 5. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Australia Assembly

Australia Assembly

Australian Assembly In celebration of Australia Day - joint narration by Pom and Swagman - an interesting mix of language and culture! tapping into this great country's history, geography and culture. Cast Size 24 but easily adjustable up or down (information can be split up between several more children taking cast size to 30) Duration Around 10 minutes reading time – this does not include music suggestions and ‘song performances’ Following is a review from publisher contact: A short play giving a lot of information about the land down under: some history, some wildlife, some music and some facts and figures to round it all out. This is another well-presented assembly from Sue Russell. There is the usual large cast size to accommodate a class group, with the many, small parts offset by having the two main characters who are onstage for the majority of the production. There are regular musical interludes to add interest, and any passages that contain recitation of facts, figures or histories are balanced by changing the speakers or having the characters react – I particularly liked the Swagman complaining there was too much dry information. To conclude: a bright, fast overview of a big, big country and a good introduction to a school topic. Sample Text Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on Australia. (Swagman strolls nonchalantly onto stage, looking around and ‘sizing' everyone up, before going over to Narrator, who is eyeing him cautiously) Swagman: G'day, mate! So what's all this about? Narrator: (Politely) Begging your pardon .. Swagman: (Interrupting) Ah! A Pom! Now how did I guess? Narrator: (Defensively) Something to do with me speaking the Queen's English? And as one of her loyal servants Swagman: (Interrupting) Don't tell me! You're gonna tell all these good folks about life ‘Down Under'? Well, allow me to help out a little. (Turning to Cast) What says you to us livening things up a little around here? (Whole cast nods enthusiastically, relaxing former ‘standing on ceremony' posture) (Swagman walks over to CD player and turns on ‘Down Under' - chorus, children singing and dancing, whilst Narrator looks on in horror) Music 2 - Down Under by Men at Work Narrator: (To Cast) Cut! (To Swagman, irately) Hey! Just what do you think you are doing? I'm in charge here! Swagman: No worries, mate! No need to chuck a wobbly! I was only trying to help. (Pointing to Cast) These guys and Sheilas just looked like they'd enjoy a little taste of the real Oz. Narrator: What? As delivered by a .. by a ... Swagman: Swagman, that's me! And here (taking off bag from his back) .. Meet Matilda!
Stone Age to Iron Age Assembly or Class Play

Stone Age to Iron Age Assembly or Class Play

Stone Age to Iron Age Class Play Cast of 30 – easily adjustable up or down Duration: 15 to 20 minutes not including music suggestions This is one of two scripts written by Sue Russell and was written for upper Key Stage II (9 – 11 year olds). The second, Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age - also available off this website - was written as a simplified version of this one, for lower Key Stage II i.e. 7 – 9 year olds. This script has a truly wide-ranging cast that includes a hunter gatherer, a farmer, some guys with ropes from Stonehenge, a 'Rolling Stone', a caveman, ape, cast of Ice Age, a Celt, Iron Man ... and a Narrator and Archaeologist that just can't seem to get on! Starting 9 million years ago and running through all three 'ages': Stone, Bronze and Iron (yes, the play does take 'ages'!) this is an informative but, as usual, fun romp through history - with one long-suffering narrator! I chose to try to explain a little about evolution and how Stone Age Man 'came about' so as to put the aforementioned Ages into context. There is a phenomenal amount of information to cover in this 'Unit' but I hope I have covered the most important changes in this class play. The guided reading scripts, which can be read in the classroom, to accompany this class play, will I hope offer a more comprehensive coverage of the subject, with the usual quizzes to assess knowledge gained. Sample Text: Whole Cast: (Together) The Stone Age! Narrator: Ah! There we are! Now, that’s progress for you! (Enter Hunter Gatherer) (Narrator looks him up and down) Narrator: Hmm. Well, maybe not that much progress! (Exit Hunter Gatherer, shrugging his shoulders) Child 9: (To Narrator, angrily) Patience! Evolution takes time! It doesn’t just happen overnight, you know! Narrator: (Looking at his watch) I’m beginning to realise that. Now, where are we on that timeline? Child 8: (To Narrator, impatiently) Around 2 and a half million years ago! Weren’t you listening? When man starting using stone tools! That’s why it’s called Whole cast: (Together) The Stone Age! Narrator: OK! We got that! But how do we know that’s when stone tools were used? (Enter Archaeologist) Archaeologist: (To Narrator) You asking more questions again? Narrator: Well, Archaeologist: (Interrupting) That’s OK! That’s why I’m hired to do my job! To give people like you evidence!
Superheroes Assembly for Key Stage I

Superheroes Assembly for Key Stage I

Superheroes Assembly for Key Stage I Duration: Around 10 – 15 minutes depending on how many ‘superhero demonstrations’ there are. The first ‘speaking’ part of the assembly is around 5 minutes reading time. The rest of the assembly is down to the teacher in charge as explained in Production Notes. Cast: Written for cast of 30 but easily adaptable up or down. The cast comprises class teacher as narrator plus children 1 – 30. This assembly or class play is in roughly two parts - the first deals with the qualities of a superhero and how a superhero would change the world; the second is a demonstration of 'superpowers' by different 'superheroes'. It is very much a 'movable feast' - the children can make their own choices re: how they'd change the world; and likewise choose which superheroes they'd like to portray - they can even make up their own. I have thus provided a 'template' which can be adapted according to class numbers and 'members'. Sample Text: Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on Whole cast: (Together) Superheroes! Narrator: So, for the benefit of our audience, what makes a superhero? Or maybe I should ask the question, what makes a hero super? Child 1: Super powers, of course! Child 2: You can’t do much without them! Child 3: Especially against those horrible baddies! Narrator: So. Let me get this straight. Heroes are always good? Child 4: Right. They fight for what is good in the world Child 5: Against all that is bad! Narrator: That must take a lot of courage! Child 6: That’s why they’re superheroes! Child 7: Brave! Child 8: Strong! Child 9: And determined! Child 10: It’s not always easy being a superhero! Narrator: (To cast) So. If you had the powers of a superhero, what would you do to make the world a better place? Child 11: I would take food to everyone who was hungry. Child 12: I would give shelter to everyone without a home. Child 13: I would hug everyone who feels unloved. Child 14: I would drive around in a Ferrari! Narrator: (Snorting) Oh really! And how is that going to improve the world? Child 14: Well, it would certainly improve mine!
International Children's Book Day Assembly or Class Play

International Children's Book Day Assembly or Class Play

International Children's Book Day Assembly or Class Play This script was written in celebration of International Children's Book Day April 2nd 2017 including characters from Horrid Henry, Peter Pan, The Gruffalo, Charlotte's Web, Captain Underpants, Matilda, The Tales of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. NB This is the same script as World Book Day Assembly but adapted to International Children's Book Day. Cast of 30 (easily adapted up or down) Duration: Around 20 minutes not including music suggestions Sample Text: Narrator: Thank you! Of course there is so much to celebrate in the world of literature! All those wonderful inspirational characters! (Enter Horrid Henry, scowling) Horrid Henry: Dah! I suppose you’ve got a whole line up of squeaky clean characters for us today? Just got one word to say to that – BORING! Narrator: And you are? (Pauses) Oh, don’t tell me – Horrid Henry! (Aside to Audience) A shame he had to start us off today! Definitely not one of our more likeable characters! (To Henry) Now, if you don’t mind, I do have a lot of other, shall we say ‘more wholesome characters’ to introduce! Horrid Henry: (Scowling) Please yourself! (Exit Horrid Henry, giving exaggerated ‘yawns’) Narrator: (To Audience) Oh dear! Sorry about that! Let’s see if we can ‘raise the bar’ a little! (Peter Pan ‘flies’ onto the stage) Narrator: Ah! Peter Pan! How nice to meet you! Peter Pan: The pleasure is all mine! (Enter Wendy and Tinkerbell) Peter Pan: I’d like you to meet Wendy: (Curtseying) Wendy (looking at Peter Pan adoringly) Darling! Tinkerbell: (Trying to ‘swoosh’ Wendy out of the way) And Peter’s favourite, Tinkerbell! Peter Pan: (Laughing) Now, now Tinkerbell! We have spoken about that jealousy thing! (Tinkerbell pulls a face, sulking) Wendy: Oh but she’s so adorable! You can’t be cross with her for long! (Enter Horrid Henry) Horrid Henry: What was I saying about those yukky sugary-sweet characters? Time to introduce some more interesting ones! (Horrid Henry beckons to Captain Cook and Crocodile) (Enter Captain Cook and Crocodile, snapping at Narrator’s heels) Narrator: (Angrily) Who let this beast on here? (Glaring at Horrid Henry) Oh I might have known you’d be up to no good!
Africa Assembly

Africa Assembly

Africa Assembly This African Class Play covers North, South, East, West and Central Africa Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - 15 minutes without inclusion of music (playlist of 14 wonderful songs - this could double length of performance!) With so much extraordinary wildlife, is there going to be any time left for just a mention of man's part in this vast continent?! Our trusty narrator will, as always, make sure this happens - striving as always to keep his cast members under control! He does, however, have his work cut out for him with this one - keen safari members, intrepid expeditionaries, dancing tribesmen, and Ancient Egyptians … all proving more than a match for the wildlife?! Sample Text Narrator: (Aside to audience) Phew! At least we were spared the music this time Music 13 In the Jungle the Mighty Jungle – Lion King (opening lines) Narrator: Oh no! I spoke too soon! Stop! You know what we need around here? A piece of real drama! (Narrator beckons to Children 25-29 and after a quick ‘conversation’, children line up and address the audience) Child 25: We would like to perform for you a brief African Adventure. Child 26: Starring me, the great explorer David Livingstone Child 27: And me, the equally great Henry Stanley. Child 26: Er, wait a minute! Who said anything about being equally great? I was the explorer, remember? You just found me! Child 27: Huh! Famous undoubtedly only because everyone remembers my words ‘Doctor Livingstone, I presume.’! My men and I (Cheers from Child 28 & 29) We went on to take part in the biggest African expedition ever. Child 28: (Wiping his/her brow) Phew! It’s a bit hot for me, under this blazing African sun! (Loud grunt/growl) Child 28: (Screaming) Help! What was that? Child 29: Maybe one of those fierce African tribes we’ve heard so much about! Both: Run! Child 28: Livingstone can stick his expedition! Child 29: We’re off home! This is one of several assemblies written by Sue Russell on different countries. Others include England, Scotland, Wales, Great Britain, Holland, Australia, France, Spain, Malta and India plus ‘Around the World in 20 Minutes’.
Educate Against Hate Assembly

Educate Against Hate Assembly

Educate Against Hate Assembly This script is suitable for secondary school children – possibly for upper end primary; but I think given the subject matter it is perhaps appropriate for a more mature age. The main focus is that of promoting the bigger picture in schools to our children so that they are not taken in by the 'smaller picture' and/or swayed by the dogmatic views of extremists. I would like to stress that this script is not intended as a ‘piece of politics’ but as a message of common sense. Cast Size 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Duration Around 10 to 15 minutes. Sample Text: Child 21: But how do people get so hoodwinked into listening to this stuff? How can they not see what is going on? How can they be so misguided? Child 22: Because they are vulnerable. That is why these extremists choose them. They pick on people who have not had the education to question what is put before them. The extremists know this. They know full well that faced with a bit of rational questioning they would be shown up for what they are. Child 23: Complete and utter frauds. Narrator: That is why education is so important. Hopefully if you give children the bigger picture, they will see what is wrong with this smaller one that is being offered. Child 24: You will never remove evil from the world completely. Child 25: There will always be those who seek to exploit the weak, who trade on others’ unhappiness. Child 26: Which is why we must stay strong and protect those who need protecting from these evil people. Narrator: That is our job as educators. To give children the big picture and provide them with coping mechanisms when things look bad. Child 27: Yeah. You can’t go through life in permanent sunshine. Child 28: And some do undoubtedly have a much tougher time than others. Child 29: But bowing to evil, to the demands of extremists? Child 30: That is not the answer. Narrator: We have to show a united front (pauses) knowing that good, through education, will prevail over evil in the end.
Holi Hindu Spring Festival of Colours Assembly

Holi Hindu Spring Festival of Colours Assembly

Holi Hindu Spring Festival of Colours Assembly A riot! An explosion of colour! Well, not quite. It's those wretched Health and Safety Regulations spoiling all the fun again. That, and a teacher who's prime concern is not to upset the caretaker. But never fear, fun usually succeeds at finding a way through - and there is a great deal of Bollywood dancing and laughter along the way! Oh plus some facts behind the festival of course! Cast of 30. Duration 10 - 20 minutes depending on amount of music/dancing Sample Text: Narrator: Er wait a minute! Don’t go spilling any of that blue paint on this floor! Krishna: But that’s the fun of Holi! Radha: Everyone does it! Narrator: Not on my watch, they don’t! (Narrator ushers Krishna, his mother and Radha back to their seats) Narrator: (Sighing heavily) Phew! That was a close one! Things could have got well out of hand then! (To Group 1) Come on children! Let’s hear some more about Holi! Child 11: Only if we can have a bit more dancing, first! Narrator: (Spluttering) But, but … that’s blackmail! (Group 1 all nod their heads) Narrator: Oh, very well. I don’t suppose it can do any harm! (Enter group of dancers) Music 3 (Dancers do Bollywood routine to music) Narrator: (Applauding) Bravo! Well done! (To audience) You know something? This dancing is rather good, isn’t it? (Exit dancers) Child 1: Well of course it is! Holi is all about joy and fun Child 2: And that’s what dancing is about! Child 3: (Muttering) That and the paint throwing! Narrator: Now! Now! We’ve been over that! Child 4: So, we can have some more dancing, instead? (Narrator gestures dancers, who’ve got to their feet again, to sit down) Narrator: In a minute! Oh my! What is it with everyone this morning? What do you think this is? Child 5: A festival? Child 6: (Indignantly) That’s what it’s meant to be! Child 7: A celebration of good over evil! Child 8: A celebration of the start of Spring! Child 9: The end of winter! (Everyone cheers) Child 10: It’s about love and getting on with everyone. Child 11: And giving everyone what they want and enjoy. (To Narrator) More dancing? Narrator: (Sighing) Oh very well! (Enter dancers) Music 4 (Dancers do Bollywood routine to music – Narrator joining in at the side) Narrator: (Applauding) Oh bravo! (To audience) It is rather catching, isn’t it?
Theseus and the Minotaur Assembly or Class Play

Theseus and the Minotaur Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greeks Theseus and the Minotaur Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: 10 - 15 minutes reading (this does not include music suggestions) Monsters and heroes - not the easiest cast to deal with! But then Poseidon is more than man - sorry, make that - god enough to take this lot on! Also available (as separate purchase): This assembly plus Guided Reading Script plus Quiz (one of large collection of Ancient Greek scripts written by Sue Russell) Sample Text: Music 1 – El Matador Music (Cast file into hall, in order of speaking, taking seats along two rows of fifteen facing the audience) Poseidon: Welcome to this tale about (Enter Theseus) Music 2 Holding Out for a Hero – Bonnie Tyler (chorus) (Theseus strides up and down, bracing his muscles and striking various ‘heroic postures’) Theseus: A hero! That’s me, Theseus! (Theseus gestures to cast to cheer) (Whole cast cheers) Poseidon: And (Enter Minotaur) Music 3 Deeper Underground – Jamiroquai (chorus) (Minotaur ‘skulks’ up and down, glaring at both cast and audience) Minotaur: Me! The Minotaur! (Minotaur ‘paws the ground’, snorts in anger and glares at cast who all boo) Poseidon: Hmm. Quite a split! In fact Theseus: (Interrupting) You could say, Good versus Evil! Poseidon: (Glaring at Theseus) I could! But I’m not going to, if it’s all the same to you! (To audience, aside) These heroes! Think they’re God’s Gift! Theseus: Well, you may not have regarded me as a gift (pauses) Dad! (Pauses) But my other father did! (Enter Aegeus) Aegeus: Ah Theseus, my son! There you are! (To audience) I hope you haven’t been listening too much to this god, here (pointing at Poseidon). Gods! Way too much time on their hands and far too many off spring to show for it! Poseidon: What was that? Aegeus: Oh nothing, Poseidon! Just commenting on how creatively you fill your time. Truly awesome! Poseidon: Well, as God of the Seas I guess I am rather (pauses) what did you say? Oh, awesome, that’s right! A shame not everyone was in such awe of me as you! (Enter Minos) (Whole cast hisses and boos) Minos: (Angrily) Hey! That’s no way to greet the King of Crete! Aegeus: (Contemptuously) Pah! Some king you were! Minos: (Laughing) Huh! And you were any better, oh great King of Athens? (Pauses) Now, just remind me. Who had to send human sacrifices to who? Aegeus: (Exclaiming) Why, you evil, wicked, cruel, vindictive .. Poseidon: (Interrupting) Yes, yes. I think we get it. You two didn’t like each other much, did you? Aegeus: Oh I’ve barely started.
Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly

Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly

Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly A challenging one, this class play, for the school’s head teacher! It’s never going to be easy working with an English teacher (Mrs Wright) who’s always right; a Maths teacher (Mr Minus) who’s always negative; a Geography teacher (Miss Place) who is always getting lost; a History teacher (Mr Date) who is always late; and as for that Music teacher (Ms Tune) – maybe somebody could ask her to stop singing? …. Or at least do it in tune?! And then there’s Mr Fit (P.E. teacher) who isn’t quite as tough as he looks. With insults flying, who is going to stop the staff from stealing the show? Just as well those Year sixes are up to the task! Written for cast of 30 but easily adjustable up (2 to 3 classes) or down – see production notes –the duration is likewise extremely flexible, depending on amount of music used - there are over 20 pieces of music to choose from. As a rough guide, the reading time is approximately 15 minutes but this does not include ‘mini presentations’ of different sports. Script also includes Olympic Ode - performed by the children. Sample Text: Head Teacher: Wow! What an amazing set of Olympians! Mr Fit: All potential medal holders! Mr Minus: (Scowling) All right for some! Head Teacher: What do you mean, Mr Minus, all right for some? Mr Minus: Well, whilst I’m indoors, slaving away over long division, he (pointing to Mr Fit) is out there in the sunshine, knocking a few balls around and … well, generally having a ball! Mrs Wright: (Bitterly) Yeah! All right for some! Whilst I’m writing away, inside, filling in all that missing punctuation, he’s out there playing games! Miss Place: Whilst I’m finding different places on a map! Mr Date: And I’m battling it out with the Tudors! Other Olympic scripts by Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Brazil Host Country to the Olympics 2016 Assembly 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly including history events and ode 5. History of the Olympics Assembly 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Evolution Assembly or Class Play

Evolution Assembly or Class Play

Evolution Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 (easily adjustable) Duration: Around 20 minutes without the inclusion of music suggestions. This script has ‘serious factual content’ including a timeline from the beginning of time to the present, but it has plenty of humour including a seriously bad set of jokes at the end! This assembly or class play is based on the Evolution and Inheritance unit of study and has the following coverage: How fossils record changes that living things undergo over millions of years Shared characteristics of parents and offspring Adaptation and evolution of animals and plants in order to survive in different habitats/how characteristics are acquired rather than inherited/natural selection How creatures change over long periods of time Sample Text: (Enter Giant Tortoise slowly) Narrator: (Sarcastically) In your own time! Giant Tortoise: Hey! No need to rush! And it’s not like I have any predators to run from. Narrator: Just as well! Have you had far to come? Giant Tortoise: I live on the Galapagos islands, off the South American coast. Narrator: Whoa! That’s a long way! Giant Tortoise: Not as far as Mr Darwin travelled on his five-year trip! Narrator: So, you met the great man? (Enter Finch) Finch: We certainly did! Took some of us home with him! (Enter Darwin) Darwin: (To Giant Tortoise and Finch) You got me thinking about (To Giant Tortoise) Different patterned shells (To Finch) Different shaped beaks. You see, these creatures were different on each island suggesting they had adapted to their immediate environment. Giant Tortoise & Finch: (Together) Fascinating! (Exit Giant Tortoise & Finch) Narrator: Shall we look at some other examples? Darwin: (Enthusiastically) Certainly! Music 3 Parade of the Charioteers (Enter Stag and Peacock, both strutting proudly across stage) Stag: Look at my fine antlers! (Looks at audience) Anyone want to take me on? Peacock: Huh! No need for any violence! Just look at my magnificent display (opens tail to full effect). Who could not be impressed with me? Narrator: (Thoughtfully) Hmm. They are rather winning features Stag: It’s called ‘survival of the fittest’! Peacock: You’ve gotta have what it takes you know!
Spring Assembly

Spring Assembly

Spring Assembly This is the first of a series of Seasons Assemblies written for Key Stage I. This first one covers 20 plus 'first signs of spring' and includes a reference to the first chapter of Wind in the Willows, with Mole and Rat extolling the joys of the riverbank! Cast of 30 (easily adaptable up or down) It is suggested that the class teacher takes the role of narrator. Duration: Around 10 – 15 minutes including poems and music suggestions Sample Text: (Young animals ‘run rings around’ Narrator who gets increasingly exasperated) Narrator: (Sighing) Huh! I was forgetting those young animals! (Narrator jumping out of their way) Narrator: Oh dear! Is it just me or does it suddenly seem a bit crowded around here? Mother Rabbit: But didn’t you say, you loved Spring? Narrator: Oh yes! But .. (Bunnies and lambs keep jumping up at Narrator) Narrator: (To Mother Rabbit and Mother Sheep) Could you not keep your offspring under slightly better control? (Mother Rabbit and Mother Sheep ‘round up’ their offspring and return to their seats, scowling) Narrator: Oh dear! And there I was saying how much I loved Spring! But it’s not just about baby animals, you know! (Enter Child 6 dressed as Mole and Child 7 as Rat) Narrator: Ah! Two of my favourite characters from The Wind in the Willows! Mole: (Bowing) I’m Mole! Very pleased to meet you! Rat: And I’m Rat! Known as Ratty to my friends
International Day of Happiness Assembly

International Day of Happiness Assembly

International Day of Happiness Assembly A play to make you smile - I hope! Cast of 26 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 20 minutes depending on number of quotations, jokes and music suggestions included. Sample Text: Music 1 What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong (Enter 2 grumpy young girls, alias GYGs, and 2 grumpy young boys, alias GYBs, holding their hands over their heads) GYG1: What a din! GYB1: Somebody turn off that music! GYG2: Yeah! I’ve got a headache! GYB2: Me too! And it’s getting worse by the minute! (Enter Narrator) Narrator: (Coughing) Er excuse me! But hasn’t anybody told you what day it is today? GYG1: Not Monday, I hope. Worst day of the week! GYB1: Nah! Every day of the week’s bad … when you’re having to spend it at school! Narrator: Enough! Where did you lot crawl from? The wrong side of bed perhaps? (Falls about laughing) GYG2: (Sarcastically) Oh! I see we have a joker in our midst! GYB2: (Sarcastically) Oh! What fun! Narrator: Now, come on, you miserable lot! This really won’t do! (Pauses and looks towards rest of cast) Looks like we’re gonna have to tell them what day it is. Let’s hear it … Cast: (Shouting) International Day of Happiness! (Everyone holds up a smiley face) Narrator: And what do we do on International Day of Happiness? We Cast: (Shouting) Smile!
Circus Assembly for Key Stage One

Circus Assembly for Key Stage One

Circus Assembly for Key Stage One Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Role of Narrator taken by Class Teacher. Duration: 10 - 15 minutes This script is suitable for both upper and lower Key Stage I. Whereas the first half is on the history of circuses, there are lots of jokes to cheer up our Sad Clown for younger children in the second half - plus ample opportunities for ‘the performance of a lifetime’! This script is a kind of template - it can be used for any size class and be expanded to any length of time. Oh, and did I mention Health and Safety?! Sample Text: Fire breather: Look at what fire breathers do! (Fire breather breathes out fire) (Everyone gasps and applauds; Narrator rushes on with fire extinguisher) Narrator: Hey! Health and safety! Health and safety! Stop this now! Sword swallower: And then there’s my act (holding up sword) Narrator: (Intervening quickly) I have no idea what you intend doing with that sword – but not here, not now! Sword swallower: But I was only going to swallow it (pauses) like this! Narrator: (Shrieking) Stop now! That’s way too dangerous! (Whole cast groans) Sad Clown: You see? Always some health and safety spoilsport around these days to ruin our fun! (Circus juggler walks up and down, juggling) Narrator: Now, that’s more like it! Plenty of skill, no danger! (Stilt walker walks up and down) Narrator: (Applauding) Bravo! (Contortionist and ‘Strong man’ perform, Narrator watching anxiously) (Everyone gasps and applauds; Narrator rushes on with First Aid Kit) Narrator: This really won’t do! What have I said about health and safety? (Lion roars loudly)
Anglo-Saxons Guided Reading Scripts

Anglo-Saxons Guided Reading Scripts

The Anglo-Saxon Guided Reading Scripts 5 plays (6 speakers each) and 5 quizzes Also available as an assembly or class play Play 1 Introduction King Arthur: I'll say! All we wanted in 410 A.D. was a ‘quick fix'. Guthrum: Funny how raiding, invading and then conquering often end up with settling. Vikings did that too! Asser: How true! The Anglo-Saxons started their raiding in 350 A.D. Then started invading in 430 A.D. and then settled themselves in Britain just 20 years later! Play 2 Anglo-Saxon Life Freya: Now, now dear! Don't be too harsh. They're a bit simple, this lot. I mean, just look at where they live! Thor: Yes, in a wooden house, with an open fire in the middle Freya: And no chimney! No wonder they stink of smoke! Play 3 Sutton Hoo Discovery Raedwald: And didn't you have a dream - about a funeral procession and treasures? Edith Pretty: Funny you should say that! Yes, I did! How do you know about that? Raedwald: Well, I was in it! I was getting tired of watching you and your son counting the rabbits on those burial mounds, every day! I kept thinking, when are they going to realise what riches they're standing on! Play 4 Beowulf King Hroogar: right party pooper! Just because you're too miserable to enjoy a bit of singing and dancing! Grendel: Woken from my sleep by your partying! No wonder I was driven to murder! Beowulf: But to go and kill those warriors, while they were sleeping! What cowardice! King Hroogar: And then to eat them! Grendel: How yummy! Now, if you'll excuse me! I'm off for a nap - let this lot digest before I come back for more! Play 5 Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Merlin: And those emblems around your necks? Guinevere: To remind them to lead pure lives, always seeking the very best, on the path of the Holy Grail - that symbol of God's grace. Arthur: Yes, that was the cross. But haven't you forgotten the red dragon and what that stood for? Lancelot? Lancelot: You mean serving my king? Well I did that on the battlefield. It just slipped my mind at other times. Arthur: Yes, like when you were near my wife!
FREE Sport Relief Assembly

FREE Sport Relief Assembly

FREE Sport Relief Assembly Every year I do something to raise money for Sport Relief - this generally in my capacity as a zumba instructor (guess what ‘sport’ is there in the script, representing Z on the sports list?!) This script is about as versatile as I can make it - any cast size, any duration, any number of songs/music suggestions. Good luck to everyone ‘doing their thing’ this year. My challenge is going to be ‘sitting still for one minute’ during each of my 15 zumba routines - a challenge beyond anything I have ever undertaken before! If you’ve ever been to a zumba class you’ll know what I mean! Simple message to accompany this script - ENJOY! Sample Text: Child 26: Volleyball Child 27: Weightlifting Child 28: Wrestling Child 29: Zumba! Narrator: (To Child 29) I beg your pardon? Child 29: Zumba! Would you like a demonstration? Music 2 – Zumba number/Latin American music (Child 29 ‘performs’) (Loud applause from cast and audience) Narrator: Magnificent! And I can see that dancing is just as energetic as all those other sports we’ve mentioned! Child 1: (Fanning him/herself) Phew! All that hot Latin American music! Child 2: But let’s not forget our winter sports! Child 3: We have only just had those fantastic Winter Olympics! Child 4: Who could forget Child 5: The skiing Child 6: Bobsleigh Child 7: Figure skating Child 8: Ice hockey Next big sporting event – THE WORLD CUP! Check out assemblies, guided reading scripts and quiz on this wonderful theme! All available off TES and
St. George's Day Poem

St. George's Day Poem

Ode to St. George. I wrote this back in 2009 but, typical of me, have just come across it again - on St. George’s Day! Nothing like forward planning! It’s actually part of a St. George’s Day Bundle - over 50 pages including an Assembly On England in Celebration of St. George’s Day; and a set of Guided Reading Scripts covering England’s monarchy, people, places and customs - all very light-hearted and full of our weird and wonderful ways! Anyway, hope you enjoy this poem. One thing about this ‘lockdown’ period is that I’m coming across lots of my old favourite scripts - that I’d forgotten I’ve written! Sample Text: For England is the place to be England is the land of the free. England produced Winnie the Pooh Peter Pan, and Beatrix Potter too. England produced the likes of Will Shakespeare Wordsworth, Rowling and Edward Lear. England has history that goes on forever (Makes up, perhaps, for our crummy weather!) England produced the Beatles, the Stones and the Who And a capital city, London – equaled by few. England serves the very best tea England has health care that is free. England is the place to be England is the land of the free. (All Together) Rule Britannia! St. George’s Day is here. England never shall have Anything to fear!
Free Home School Script King Alfred

Free Home School Script King Alfred

Let’s Meet …. King Alfred the Great Let’s Meet Series (so far) 2 speakers (famous person plus interviewer) 5 minutes reading time (not including quizzes) • Alfred the Great • Boudicca • Henry VIII • Henry VIII – 2 scripts & 2 quizzes: Wives The Reformation • Elizabeth I • Florence Nightingale • Vincent Van Gogh Plus scripts between • Queen Victoria and Elizabeth I • Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole This series of reading texts based on famous characters – past and present –will include monarchs, adventurers, poets, inventors, politicians, space explorers with two objectives: To Bring History Alive (as with my plays) To make reading a more lively, interactive experience – for both student and teacher Also available: Vincent Van Gogh – a Monologue (plus quiz and discussion suggestions) Plus • Meet the Anglo-Saxons Guided Readers (See detailed breakdown after quiz) • Wonderful Winchester Assembly or Class Play Sample Text: Interviewer: Good afternoon! And you must be King Alfred Alfred: The Great! Please don’t forget that bit! Interviewer: The only one of our kings to have that title Alfred: And well deserved, may I add! Interviewer: To be sure! (Aside) Though why he needs to keep reminding me … Alfred: So, as your memory did have that slight falter, shall I help you Interviewer: Remember how great you were? Alfred: Oh, that would be a little presumptuous. I’ll just settle for why I was Great! Interviewer: (Aside) Amazing how little some egos need in the way of encouragement! Very well. Let’s hear it. Alfred: Maybe we should start with my scholarly skills. Interviewer: Yes, I have heard you were quite the student! Alfred: And I made sure everyone else benefitted from my knowledge – all that Latin in our books turned into something we could understand! Interviewer: So, wait a minute. Before we get totally stuck into what made you great Alfred: I can’t wait!