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Sue Russell's Shop

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I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
Twelve New Labours of Hercules Assembly

Twelve New Labours of Hercules Assembly

Twelve New Labours of Hercules Assembly NB: This script is not about the original 12 Labours of Hercules! It is based around a completely different set of challenges – on the kind of ‘admirable qualities’ the cast feels Hercules should have – presenting him with a 12-part self-improvement plan! This is a kind of spin off from the Superheroes script - almost a reversal in fact; as whilst in that script it was Hercules trying to make superheroes out of a pretty unpromising cast, this script is about the cast pulling the punches - Hercules struggling along in their wake! Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration around 15 - 20 minutes not including music suggestions. This Key Stage II class play is PSHE ‘orientated’ as it focuses on 'character improvements' e.g. humility, courage, mutual respect, upholding what is right, keeping positive, patience, love .... and of course the hardest of all, being happy! Sample Text: Child 11: A start to your self-improvement plan. Hercules: My what? Child 12: Well, we all feel you are lacking Hercules: Me? The great Hercules? Lacking? Child 12: (Coughing) If you would allow me to finish? We all feel you are lacking – make that, greatly lacking in some of the qualities you should have as Hercules: As a great superhero? I don’t think so! Child 13: Actually, I was going to say, as a member of the human race! Your mother was a mortal, right? Hercules: Yes Child 14: So I’m sure she’d appreciate us trying to improve you! Hercules: Huh! How can you improve on perfection? Music 3 Chariots of Fire theme music (Hercules strides around ‘looking magnificent’) (Child 15 walks over to the music and turns it off) Hercules: (Indignantly) Hey! What’s the big idea? Child 15: I think we all get it! You are Mr Universe! Hercules: (Looking very pleased with himself) Well, thank you. I Child 15: (Pointing to head) In your head, that is! Hercules: (Furiously) Pardon? Child 15: Oh do stop saying that! Anyone would think you had a hearing problem! Hercules: (Spluttering) I most definitely do not! Everything about my physique is perfect! Child 15: Like I said, maybe on the outside. But it’s what’s on the inside that is sadly lacking. But don’t worry, we are going to help fix that! Hercules: (Sarcastically) And may I ask how? Child 16: You may! All very simple. You just have to complete 12 simple tasks that we set you. Hercules: (Laughing) Oh I get it! You are going to give me another 12 labours.
General Election Assembly

General Election Assembly

General Election Assembly - Who should be our next prime minister? 6 weeks to go … and bored with the General Election already? Then this assembly is your perfect tonic! As for our narrator, who would envy their task of choosing a prime minister - from a class of 30?! The choice? Football stars, movie stars, rock stars ..... and a whole lotta girl/boy attitude between the Spice 'lot' and a certain Direction! Somebody needs to tell them about equality - and who better than .... S Club 7?! This is a very light hearted look at the coming election. The ‘possible candidates’ are a selection of celebs – chosen purely for entertainment sake. For a more serious ‘take’, the script could be adapted to include a far more serious list of people either now or in the past e.g. Gandhi, King, Mandela, Mother Theresa etc. Likewise, whilst dealing with the current topic of the election, this script could be used for citizenship because of its PSHE component – this latter could be extended by adding a section on ‘What would you change if you were prime minister?’ Duration: 10 – 15 minutes reading time; around 20 – 30 minutes including music suggestions. Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down; and characters may be replaced by children’s own choices. Sample Text Child 1: I think David Beckham should be prime minister! Child 2: Nah! It’s got to be Lionel Messi! Child 3: No! Wayne Rooney has my vote! Child 4: Rubbish! It’s got to be Cristiano Ronaldo! Narrator: (Blowing whistle) Excuse me! Since when did any of these footballers know anything about politics? They might be pretty good at running up and down a pitch, but running a country? I don’t think so! (Exit Child 1, 2, 3 and 4) Narrator: Next! (Enter ‘athlete’ – Child 5) Child 5: I’m here representing the world of athletics! I’d vote for Jessica Ennis! Narrator: (To audience, sighing) What is it with kids and sport? (To Child 5) Yes, I can see why you might think Ms Ennis would set us all a fine example Child 5: A prime role model! An inspiration to us all! Narrator: Yes, yes. I totally agree! But there is a difference between running along those tracks Child 5: In record times! Narrator: And, …..let me finish…., running the country! (To audience) Am I having a moment of déjà vu or didn’t I just say that a very short while ago? (To Child 5) Anyway. Thank you … but no thank you! (Exit Child 5) Music 3 Theme music from Doctor Who
Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly Key Stage I

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly Key Stage I

Olympic Games Assembly for Key Stage I. This script covers past ‘host nations’ but is predominantly an overview of the 2016 sporting events. Cast size 30. Olympic Games Assembly for Key Stage I Rio 2016 With coverage of all hosts nations (past and present) plus all the sports present at the Olympics, this is quite an epic - even by the Ancient Greeks' standards! Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down Duration - 10 to 15 minutes Sample Text: Kallipateira: Huh! But I don’t see any horses! You should have seen our chariot races! (Enter Equestrian Team) Rider 1: Well, our horses may not race but look how well behaved they are! Rider 2: And look how well they jump! (Exit Equestrian Team) Narrator: So that just leaves (Enter Ball Games representative, carrying various balls and rackets) Ball Games rep: The Ball Games! Narrator: Let me help! (Reading from a list) Tennis, table tennis, volley ball, hockey, golf, rugby, football, basketball, handball and badminton! (Exit Ball Games representative) (Recitation of Olympic Ode Chorus) (Enter Archery, Shooting and Fencing representative, carrying assortment of ‘equipment’) Narrator: Wow! What are all these sports! Archery, Shooting and Fencing rep: Archery, Shooting and Fencing! (Exit Archery, Shooting and Fencing representative) (Recitation of Olympic Ode Chorus) (Enter cyclist, on bike) Narrator: And last but by no means least! Cyclist: Watch me cycle! (All applaud) (Exit cyclist) (Enter Homer) Homer: (Spluttering) Well! Narrator: Not speechless again, are we, Homer? Homer: Just a bit! I think it’s time I returned to Ancient Greece – where life was a lot simpler! Other scripts available: 1. Brazil - Host Country to 2016 Olympics 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 5. History of the Olympics Assembly 6. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - An alternative version

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - An alternative version

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Take Two - or The Trial of Alice (An alternative version) Insolent, conceited, insensitive, stupid, cruel, dishonest .... surely not the Alice that Lewis Carroll gave us? Read on to find out how false fiction can be in this alternative take on one of our best loved classics. In this one Alice is facing those animals she met ‘down the rabbit hole’ on her first visit – in court! See how she fares under the pressure of the justice system – Wonderland-Style! PLEASE NOTE: This is not a re-telling of the original story. Cast of 30. Duration: Longer version around 20 - 25 minutes; Shorter version around 15 – 20 minutes. Sample Script: Alice: Now look! There’s been some terrible mistake! I’m here to be queen, not prisoner! (Whole court erupts in laughter) Queen: (Holding her sides) Oh dear! This really is turning out to be the funniest day of my life! King: Totally priceless, my dear! Alice: (Sobbing) No! No! This can’t be happening. White Rabbit will tell you it as it is! (White Rabbit just shrugs his shoulders) Alice: Oh no! This has got to be a bad dream I’ll wake up from in a minute! (Alice pinches herself and then cries even more) (Mouse, Duck and Dodo stand up) Mouse: Oh oh! She’s making one of those lakes again! Duck: That’s how she caught us out last time! Dodo: Playing the innocent! Mouse: And then scaring me to death with stories of that cat! Alice: You mean, Dinah? (Mouse starts screaming; other two get him to sit down) Duck: (To King) You see what I mean? Dodo: Ah! She’s not going to get away with it a second time! (King gestures for both to sit down) Alice: Get away with what? Queen: (To King) Does it matter? Off with her head! Alice: I was wondering when you were going to get round to saying that! King: Oh! The cheek! (To jurors) Please note. Offence Number one – Threatening Behaviour Alice: But I King: Offence Number Two – Interrupting Alice: But that’s not fair! King: Offence Number Three – Whingeing and complaining Alice: Hey, wait a minute King: Offence Number Four – Speaking out of turn (Alice is about to say something else but White Rabbit rushes over and puts his paw over her mouth) Queen: (To White Rabbit) Thank you! She really doesn’t know when to shut up, does she? King: No my dear! Not at all like you! Queen: Not at all! Alice: Huh! That’s a joke! Queen: (Screaming) Off with her head! Off with her head! (King ‘calms her down’ before addressing jurors again, both scribbling away trying to keep up) King: Make that Offence Number Five – Being Insolent and Rude and Juror 1: Please slow down a bit. Juror 2: We’re not used to as many offences as this!
Fashion Assembly including The Emperor's New Clothes

Fashion Assembly including The Emperor's New Clothes

Fashion Assembly including The Emperor’s New Clothes The story of The Emperor’s New Clothes provides the bulk of the text - with a minimum cast of 10; cast numbers are made up to 30 by the addition of numerous fashion models, plus ‘sparring’ fashion designer and narrator! Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - reading of text around 15 minutes but this does not include music or performances - both of which can be increased to effectively double the length of the play. Sample Text (1): Music 1 – You’re So Vain – Carly Simon (Whole cast files in, seating themselves in order, along two rows of fifteen, facing the audience, Narrator standing at the side throughout) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on Whole cast: (Together) Fashion! Music 2 – Fashion – David Bowie (Line of fashion models walk up and down ‘the catwalk’ in front of the audience) Narrator: (Applauding as models return to their places) Very good! Bravo! (To audience) But seriously! Did you see the size of those heels? I mean, how on earth do they manage to walk on such things? Impractical or what? (Enter Fashion Designer) Fashion Designer: (Sniffing his disapproval) Oh! Hasn’t anyone told you? It’s about how you look on that catwalk. Narrator: (Angrily) Even if it cripples you? Fashion Designer: Oh darling! Aren’t we being just a tad overdramatic? Narrator: (Huffily) No, not really! I wouldn’t be able to move in those heels! (Fashion Designer pointedly looks Narrator up and down) Fashion Designer: No, I don’t suppose you would! (Aside to audience) No great loss to the fashion world, right? Sample Text (2) - from The Emperor’s New Clothes Narrator: Once upon a time there lived an emperor who was very fond of his clothes. (Enter Emperor and two courtiers) Emperor: (Twirling on the spot) So, what do you think of my outfit today? Courtier 1: (Gushing) Magnificent! Courtier 2: (Even more gushing) Fantastic! Emperor: (Preening himself) Oh really! Flattery will get you nowhere! Courtier 1: (Aside) Wanna bet? Courtier 2: We wouldn’t get far without it! Emperor: What was that? Commenting on the quality of this wonderful fabric, no doubt? Courtier 1: Oh, of course, majesty! Courtier 2: The finest in the land, to be sure! Emperor: I rather think so! (Aside) Best not say how much it cost! More than I pay these two courtiers in a year! (To Courtier 1) A mirror, please! It must be at least a minute since I looked at myself!
Pinocchio Class Play or Assembly

Pinocchio Class Play or Assembly

Pinocchio Class Play or Assembly A story of redemption and self-discovery – with one small twist! Cast of 24 plus – may be increased with inclusion of music suggestions. Duration: Around 40 minutes plus, with inclusion of all music suggestions. The duration can however be reduced to around 20 minutes if the music is left out. The script consists of 4 scenes of 5 - 10 minutes reading time, each. There is a music playlist of 15 songs but choice of these is discretionary/do not need to be included. Pinocchio script, cast of 6, is also available plus Pinocchio Pantomime which is an adaptation of this script - with larger than life Fairy and lots of terrible jokes! Sample Text: (Sound of whistle blowing, Pinocchio being chased by a policeman) (Policeman grabs Pinocchio by his collar and holds him tight) Policeman: Hey! Where do you think you are going? Pinocchio: (Struggling) Let go of me! I’ve done nothing wrong! (Geppetto arrives, puffing and panting) Geppetto: (To Pinocchio) Oh there you are! What were you thinking, running off like that? Policeman: Ah, I get it. (To Pinocchio) Running away, were you? Hmm. I wonder what from! (Policeman lets go of Pinocchio and grabs Geppetto by the collar instead) Policeman: Gotcha! And such a sweet-looking old gent! (To audience) They’re always the worst, the innocent looking ones! I just happen to know this due to my long and, it has to be said, quite remarkable service in the police force. Huh! Nothing escapes this hand of the law! (To Pinocchio) Go home, sonny! (To Geppetto) And you can come with me! To the nick! (Exit Policeman holding Geppetto; Pinocchio goes off in opposite direction) Narrator: (To Audience) Well. You’d think any normal, decent, loyal, loving son would protest just a little more on his father’s behalf, wouldn’t you? After all, Geppetto was totally innocent and certainly didn’t deserve to spend a night behind bars. (Enter Pinocchio, yawning and stretching) Narrator: Let’s watch. Surely there will be some signs of remorse. (Pauses) Some tiny show of concern for his father? Pinocchio: Well, that was a strange turn of events. (Pauses) Ah well, time for bed! (Narrator gasps and shakes his head) (Enter Cricket, wearing ‘happy’ colourful clothes)
Pinocchio Pantomime

Pinocchio Pantomime

Pinocchio Pantomime A story of redemption and self-discovery – with one small twist – well, maybe not so small when the whole plot hinges on it! NB: This script is the Pinocchio class play adapted as a pantomime i.e. with addition of jokes, a larger than life Fairy as the Dame; and the script adjusted accordingly. Music: there is quite an extensive playlist – 15! The choice of these numbers is totally discretionary. Cast of 24 plus Duration Reading time – around 30 minutes not including music or jokes at the end. 4 scenes of approximately 5 - 10 minutes each – more with addition of jokes at the end. Total performance time: around 40 – 50 minutes plus, depending on how much music is used and how many jokes told. The performance could be reduced substantially with omission of both music and jokes. Sample Text: Narrator: Ah! There you are! At last! The good fairy! We’ve been waiting for you! Fairy: Oh, you mean this script needs something good in it? Well, I couldn’t agree with you more! (To audience) What a load of rubbish, eh? I’ve been sitting out in the wings (Twirling, showing off her wings) Beautiful, aren’t they? About time you all had a treat! This has to rate as one of the worst pantos Narrator: (Interrupting furiously) Hey! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! So where have you been, all this time we have been performing our ‘oh so terrible pantomime’? Fairy: Where have I been, darling? (Twirling) Do you really need to ask? (Pauses) Well, getting ready of course! A fairy must always look her absolute best at all times, especially this time of year! Narrator: (Aside to audience) Strikes me this fairy could spend a little more time down the gym! Fairy: (Exploding) I beg your pardon! I trust you are not suggesting I lose any of (pauses as she tries to find her waist) this exquisite figure? Narrator: Well, it might have helped you get here a bit quicker! Things have just been going from bad to worse, here on stage! Fairy: Oh, you mean the Pinocchio thing? Narrator: Er yes, it is his story we are telling here today! Fairy: Ah well, then. My timing is perfect (pauses as she minces over to the audience) … as ever! Here I am! Narrator: Just in the nick of time! We so need you – or rather, Pinocchio does! Fairy: Yes, I have been watching this rather sad story unravel. That puppet certainly needs all the help he can get! Narrator: But it has to be the right kind of help. He’s been receiving an unfortunate amount of the wrong type. Fairy: What do you mean? Narrator: Well, I’m afraid we have a slight glitch in the plot. You see, one of the good guys has turned bad! Fairy: Oh no! That is bad news! And who might that be?
Ocean Assembly including The Little Mermaid

Ocean Assembly including The Little Mermaid

Ocean Assembly including The Little Mermaid This class play was originally written for Key Stage I but has a lot of additional material – FREE set of 5 Sea Life Quizzes, 350 questions and answers – that could easily be added to raise the level to Key Stage 2. As an outline of The Little Mermaid story is included, this script falls within both the science and literature sections of the curriculum (as well as between two key stages – sorry, a little difficult to place!) If the original story of the Little Mermaid threatens to leave you with tears in your eyes, the jokes of the supporting cast (Cranky Crab, Daft Dolphin, Cod Father just to mention a few) will soon cheer you up … or maybe reduce you to further tears! Sample Text: (All Sea Creatures stand up and speak to The Little Mermaid in turn) Cranky Crab: Why did you turn your back on the ocean? Timid Turtle: How could you leave us? Daft Dolphin: Why go to the land Clown Fish: When you had all that sea to play in? Cod Father: Foolish girl! Angel Fish: You should have kept your tail Jiggly Jellyfish: Fancy giving it up Scary Shark: For what? A human being? Swishing Swordfish: A life on land? Old Octopus: Losing your family Saucy Stingray: Your friends Lazy Lobster: Your everything! Blue Whale: Why? Barmy Barnacle: What were you thinking? Weary Walrus: I don’t understand Perky Penguin: You gave up so much Deep Sea Fish 1 – Angler fish: And for what? Deep Sea Fish 2 – Hatchet fish: Yes, tell us! Deep Sea Fish 3 – Lantern fish: For what?
Be Inspired New Year Assembly or Class Play

Be Inspired New Year Assembly or Class Play

Be Inspired New Year Class Play or Assembly Cast Size 30 – but this number can easily be adapted up or down. Duration Around 20 minutes. The performance can be extended by the addition of more jokes and poetry. Do you feel the need for a large dose of inspiration in order to start 2020? Look no further, here’s the script for you! A whole month’s worth of quotations that will give your students plenty to aspire to! Sample Text: Music I – I’m So Excited – Pointer Sisters (Whole cast ‘dances’ in, seating themselves along two rows of fifteen seats, facing the audience) Narrator: (To cast) Are we all feeling inspired, that is the question? (Everyone cheers) Narrator: Now, that’s how I like to start an assembly! Lots of enthusiasm, zest, passion Child 1: Yes, yes, we get all that! But where are we going with all this good feeling? Narrator: Well, I’m kind of hoping it’s going to last (pauses) at least until the end of January! Child 2: (Shaking head) Ooh, I wouldn’t count on it. I mean, that’s thirty-one days you’re talking about! Narrator: I know it’s a lot to ask but, well, it’s good to have things to aspire to along the way! As to how we’re going to achieve such a long-term goal Child 3: (Interrupting) Oh, that’s simple. We just have to get inspired! Child 4: We’ve been doing some research and we’ve come up with some pretty inspirational stuff! Narrator: (Clapping hands) Excellent! Then, take it away! Child 5: So, it’s all about behaving in the right way. Narrator: (Aside to audience, incredulously) Every day through January? Seriously? That would have to be seen to be believed! Child 6: We have actually managed to find ‘inspiration’ for every day of the month, for each of the thirty-one days, starting with Child 7: January 1st. Here comes the first of the many inspirational quotations we found.
Dinosaur Guided Reading Scripts

Dinosaur Guided Reading Scripts

Dinosaurs Guided Reading Scripts 5 plays (6 speakers each) with quizzes Also available: Dinosaurs Rock Assembly or Class Play Sample Texts Play 1 ‘Favourites' Steg: Hmm. Not blindingly obvious! But then I'm not famous for my brains! T. Rex: No. That goes for a lot of you ‘tiny headed' plant eaters! Dippie: Nothing wrong with having a brain the size of a walnut! Brachie: Here! Here! But what was your other name, Steg? I don't think you got round to telling us. Steg: Er, um. T.Rex: Let me help! It's ‘covered lizard' or ‘roof lizzard'. Steg: Ah yes! That's it! And of course I have that name because .... Er... um.. Try: Oh come on, Steg! Try a little harder! Steg: All right, Mister Try, Try and Try-again-ceratops! Play 2 The Biggest! (Earth shaking) Cecil: Whoa! Sorry everyone! That happens every time I move! Chicken: Then please don't! It's really scary for one as small as me! Car: Chicken! You'd better toughen up if you're gonna stick around with us big boys! Mam: Yeah! Better be careful we don't trip over this one! Chicken: I might be small but I could win a running race against you lot - hands down! Cecil: Well, if it came to feet down, you'd be well and truly squashed under me! Thebiggest! Mam: And without wishing to stick my neck out .... Guess what I'm most famous for? Gig: Nothing to do with having the longest neck ever, I don't suppose? Play 3 The Deadliest Deinonychus: Certainly could! Size isn't everything, you know! I probably had the deadliest reputation out of all of you! Allosaurus: When you were hunting in packs you were unstoppable. Deinonychus: Indeed. I was the supreme pack hunter! I had no enemies. Not surprising with a name like ‘Terrible Claw'! My very own flick knife! Play 4 Head Bangers! 2-Ridge: So, I'm guessing we're not all heading for the nearest beauty pageant! Dome-head: I'm not ashamed of my ...(pauses) slightly unusual looks! Long-crest: Nor me! We should be proud of our crests and lumps and bumps! Helmet-head: Right on! We've got nothing to hide .. Trumpet-head: Not even under that helmet?! Helmet-head: Or what about up your trumpet? Play 5 Flyers and Swimmers Pteranodon: (Sniffing) There's something very fishy going on here. Pterodactylus: That's it! We're all - or nearly all - fish-eaters! Mosasaurus: Though I wasn't fussy! I'd eat anything! Elasmosaurus: You certainly had the jaws for it! I guess you just swam along with them wide open!
Second World War  Guided Reading Scripts

Second World War Guided Reading Scripts

Second World War Guided Reading Scripts (World War II Assembly also available plus collection of scripts on the First World War including one on Remembrance Sunday) 5 plays (6 speakers each) and 5 quizzes Play 1- Background Speakers: Winston Churchill, Neville Chamberlain, Hitler, British Child, German Child, Jewish Child Churchill: And who was the master mind behind it? Chamberlain: Why Hitler, of course! Hitler: But only because you sat back and let me. How feeble you were! Why did you think I started building up the German armed forces? I started my war preparations way back in 1933. You had plenty of time to stop me before we all went to war in 1939! British child: OK, so he misread the signs! German child: I'd say it was more a case of weakness! Not like our leader - he didn't need anyone's permission. He just got on with it. Jewish child: He did that all right! He didn't waste any time trying to wipe out a whole race! Play 2 The Course of War 1939-45 Speakers: Neville Chamberlain, Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Emperor Hirohito of Japan Roosevelt: Brave words. But you took a huge risk, you Brits, going it alone. Stalin: Yes, it wasn't long before France was defeated, joining the rest of Europe in Nazi occupation. Churchill: Well, Germany did only have 2 true friends - Italy and Japan, making up the Axis Powers. Play 3 Evacuation Speakers: Evacuee 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Evacuee 6: And then being lined up just like animals at an auction! Evacuee 1: Course, the smart rich city kids were the first to be chosen. Evacuee 2: And guess who was the last? Just because I wasn't catwalk material! Play 4 The Blitz - Air Raid Speakers: Air Raid Warden, Mother, Father, Grandad, Child 1 & 2 Air Raid Warden (sighing): I can tell tonight's going to be a very long one! You come with me, Grandad, and I'll take you to the best party in town! Grandad: Now that's more like it! Why didn't you say? Will there be anybody else there? Air Raid Warden: Just a few! Around 200,000 - is that enough for you? Grandad: You mean a rave! Ooh yes! With lots of dancing? Play 5 War-time Life Speakers: Mother, Father, Child, Sailor, Wren, Anne Frank Father: And fat was something you were very unlikely to be! But hey! We were all in the same boat! Sailor: Not with me, you weren't. You thought you had it tough. Huh! You should have tried being at sea. Wren: I did! In the Women's Royal Naval Service. Forget the seagulls! Us wrens were far more highly trained!
Black History Guided Reading Scripts

Black History Guided Reading Scripts

Black History Guided Reading Play Scripts This set of 5 Guided Reading Scripts (6 speakers each) and 5 quizzes, which can be used for guided reading (or Readers Theater), was written in celebration of Black History, identifying some of the heroes and heroines who made such an impact in the process of eliminating racial discrimination and segregation. 1. The Slave Trade - Discussion on Racism 2. Heroes of the Underground Railroad 3. Amazing Women of the Civil Rights Movement 4. Martin Luther King 5. Nelson Mandela Play 1: The Slave Trade - Discussion on Racism (incl. Martin Luther King) Link with PSHCE Living in a Diverse World : The Slave Trade and its consequences for African ancestors, including discussion around keywords: discrimination, segregation, prejudice, racism. Plus R.E. link to key figure in racial equality struggle- Martin Luther King Speakers: John Hawkins Slave Martin Luther King White American Child (Maisie) Black American Child (Joel) Teacher Play 2 Heroes of the Underground Railroad - an example of ‘Good Triumphing over Evil' and ‘ordinary' people leading ‘extraordinary' lives Speakers: Ex-Slaves: Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas and Josiah Henson White Abolitionists: Laura Haviland, Levi Coffin and Thomas Garret Play 3: Amazing Women in the American Civil Rights Movement Speakers: Interviewer Sojourner Truth Harriet Tubman Ida Wells Fannie Lou Townsend Hamer Rosa Parks Play 4 Martin Luther King Speakers: Interviewer Martin Luther King Coretta (King's wife) James Earl Ray (alleged assassin) President Lyndon Johnson Campaigner Play 5 Nelson Mandela Speakers: Nelson Mandela Winnie (second wife) Desmond Tutu P.W. Botha (Nationalist Party - hardliner) F.W. de Klerk (Nationalist Party - moderate) Nobel Peace Committee
Early Colonial Times Class Play or Guided Reading Scripts

Early Colonial Times Class Play or Guided Reading Scripts

Early Colonial Times Class Play or Guided Reading Scripts What could be worse than working all day on your play scripts - and then up all night getting an earful from your characters - telling you what you should have written? Those early colonists certainly weren't reluctant to share their views - especially if that entailed telling their creator his lines were rubbish! The only way to shut these good folk up was to let them have their say - however long it took - even if their idea of setting the record straight was strictly off the record! And so we have 5 sleepless nights -a mild form of torture for our poor playwright but great for us - learning all about: 1. Colonial homes 2. Weaving and spinning 3. Candle and soap making 4. Recreation 5. Religion (including education and punishment) This Reader's Theater Class Play can be read either as a class of 30 or 25, in groups of 6 speakers; or just by a group (of 6), keeping the same characters throughout. Sample Text 1.Colonial Homes Speakers: Playwright Mother Mrs. Smith Father Mr. Smith Son Adam (10 years old) Daughter Abigail (8 years old) Grandma Granny Mrs. Smith: (Sighing) Ah! It doesn't seem like yesterday that you were in those long petticoats! Adam: (Hissing) Mother, please! Granny: Oh let her be, Adam. Us mums always like reminiscing! Mr. Smith: Though you seem to conveniently forget all that howling that came with having babies around! Abigail: (Snorting) Just exercising our lungs! Adam: That's right! Us babies weren't meant to feel any pain! Granny: And so you got ignored! Quite right too! Adam: (Sarcastically) Oh Granny, you're all heart! Granny: Well, you had your ‘puddings'! Playwright: (Yawning) I thought we'd covered meal times! Mrs Smith: (Snorting) So much for thorough historical research! No, she means the padded caps babies wore to protect their heads. And they certainly needed protecting, the amount of falling over they did! Playwright: So why did you dress them up in those ridiculous long gowns? How were they ever meant to crawl about in those things?
Pirates Smugglers and Shipwrecks Guided Reading Scripts plus Quiz

Pirates Smugglers and Shipwrecks Guided Reading Scripts plus Quiz

Pirates Smugglers and Shipwrecks Guided Reading Scripts plus Quiz This is a special cut-price package including: 3 scripts, with 6 speakers each: • Pirates Ahoy! Script • Smugglers Alert! Script • Shipwrecks! Script Plus • Pirates Quiz Pirates Ahoy! This 'interview' draws out the main historical facts available on these characters. Additional background information is supplied at the end of the play – with a quiz (30 Q & A) to follow. Sample Text 1: Duration around 10 minutes Interviewer: Something tells me we’re not going to get a lot of sense out of Captain Morgan this morning! Mary Read: Oh! Don’t you worry! You wouldn’t believe what us pirates are capable of – even after a large number of rums! Interviewer: Hmm. So I’ve heard! But perhaps we’d better start with this Welshman Black Bart: Who? Me? Interviewer: No. I’ll come to you in a minute. I was going to have a few words with Captain Morgan here – whilst he’s still capable of speech! Blackbeard: (Hissing) You’d better get in there quick, then! And I’d make it a simple question, if I were you! Interviewer: OK. So, why are pirates, pirates? Cpt. Morgan: Because they Arrrrrrrrrrr! Smugglers Alert! Sample Text 2: Duration: around 5 - 10 mins Interviewer: Now, come along, gentlemen! Perhaps we are being a little heavy on Mr. Johnstone! Don’t you agree, Mr. Trenchard? Trenchard: Actually, I’m with them on this one! However much I might have disapproved of the violence I saw going on around me, nothing would have made me turn my old mates in! Interviewer: Well, of course not! Copinger: But that’s what this gentleman did! Rattenbury: Not only did he swap sides as in swapping what country he fought for but he also went from being the hunted to the hunter! Interviewer: You mean, he became a revenue man? Kingsmill: (Spitting) He did indeed! How much lower could he stoop? Shipwrecks - Sample Text 3 Duration: Around 5 minutes (SOSD stands for Salty Old Sea Dogs) S.O.S.D. 1: OK. So what about that Marie Celeste? S.O.S.D. 2: Indeed. What about that Marie Celeste? Nobody knows! S.O.S.D. 3: There may have been survivors – but there was no sign of them when the sailing ship was found drifting in the Atlantic Ocean, 1872. S.O.S.D. 4: Did they abandon ship? Were they attacked? Nobody will ever know what happened. It’s one of those Bermuda Triangle riddles that has no answer.
Hansel and Gretel Play cast of 6 alternative version

Hansel and Gretel Play cast of 6 alternative version

Hansel and Gretel Play cast of 6 alternative version of the original Brothers Grimm version This is one of a set of 'alternative' fairy tales based on those written by Brothers Grimm but re-written, just as they did! This alternative Hansel and Gretel play can be used for performance or as a guided reading text. Cast size and Duration Cast of 6, reading time approximately 10 minutes Purchase includes: Synopsis of original fairy tale, play script, teaching input, discussion and suggested follow up activities. Other cast of 6 alternative plays: Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella - Cinderella also available as assembly/class play cast size 30 (easily adaptable up or down) long with Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. Snow White also available as a pantomime - cast of 30 or 60. Sample Text Narrator: Well, you were planning on eating those two children, weren’t you? Old Lady: Those two children? Certainly not. Not at the same time, anyway! Narrator: Oh we all know about you fattening up young Hansel first. Old Lady: Well, I didn’t hear any complaints from him! (Enter Gretel) Gretel: Not when he was being fed prime joints every night – whilst I had nothing! Old Lady: Now now young lady. You know perfectly well that’s not true. Gretel: Well, you did save all the best stuff for him. Old Lady: Only so that I could fatten him up quicker. And it worked, didn’t it? Gretel: (Giggling) I suppose it did! (Enter Hansel) Hansel: What do you mean, it worked? Old Lady: Well, you were so convinced your wee bone trick would work on me Gretel: Pretending that was your finger! Old Lady: I mean. I know I’m short-sighted! But not that short-sighted! Hansel: So who ended up in the oven? We all know the trick you, Gretel, played. Old Lady: Aha! Maybe it’s you, Hansel, that should’ve gone to Spec Savers! Hansel: What do you mean? It was you Gretel that pushed her into the oven (pauses) wasn’t it? Gretel: What? Push a defenceless old lady into a red hot oven? Are you serious? Hansel: (Spluttering) But but … you saved me!
Cinderella Play Cast of 6 an alternative version

Cinderella Play Cast of 6 an alternative version

Cinderella Play - alternative version of the original Brothers Grimm version This is one of a set of 'alternative' fairy tales based on those written by Brothers Grimm but re-written, just as they did, by Sue Russell! This alternative Cinderella play can be used for performance or as a guided reading text. Cast size and Duration Cast of 6, reading time around 10 minutes Purchase includes: Synopsis of original fairy tale, play script, teaching input, discussion and suggested follow up activities. Other cast of 6 alternative plays: Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood and Hansel and Gretel - Cinderella also available as assembly/class play cast size 30 (easily adaptable up or down) long with Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. Snow White also available as a pantomime - cast of 30 or 60. Sample Text: Narrator: You may have a point! And maybe now, we can all take a slightly more laid back approach to life! Step Sister 1: Oh you’re talking about that exercise regime! Step Sister 2: Dragging Cinders along to the gym every day! Cinderella: Oh don’t you worry about that. Now I have my prince, I have a bit more of a reason to stay fit! Fairy Godmother: And stay away from those doughnuts Step Sister 1 & 2: (Together) Please! Cinderella: Oh no worries there. I guess that was just a case of comfort eating. I’m way happier now (pauses) and it’s not just because I have found my prince Prince: Oh really? Cinderella: Yeah. No offence but I want to stay fit for me – not for anyone else! I want to feel good – inside and out; and that means regular exercise and not binge-eating on doughnuts! I don’t need to anymore. I can see the bigger picture! Narrator: Wow! That’s amazing! (Pauses) Are you sure you haven’t been put up to this by Weight Watchers? Cinderella: (Laughing) No way! Or should I say, no weigh! Fairy Godmother: (Applauding) So good to see you haven’t lost your sense of humour, Cinders! But on a serious note, what you have just said is so important, I think we need to say it again. Right, girls? Step Sisters 1 & 2: Right, Fairy Godmother! Step Sister 1: Staying fit, staying healthy is great. Step Sister 2: But it’s not just about looking great on the outside. Cinderella: No, it’s just as important to feel good on the inside.
Snow White Play cast of 6 an alternative version

Snow White Play cast of 6 an alternative version

Snow White Play cast of 6 An alternative to Brothers Grimm version This is one of a set of 'alternative' fairy tales based on those written by Brothers Grimm but re-written, just as they did! This alternative Snow White play can be used for performance or as a guided reading text. Cast of 6, reading time around 15 - 20 minutes Purchase includes: Synopsis of original fairy tale, play script, teaching input, discussion and suggested follow up activities. Other cast of 6 alternative plays: Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty - Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and this one also available as assembly/class play cast size 30 (easily adaptable up or down). Snow White also available as a pantomime - cast of 30 or 60. Sample Script Narrator: Good morning and welcome to (Enter Snow White, followed by shrieking Queen) Queen: (Angrily) Snow White? What are you doing here? Snow White: Oh! I was just about to set off into the woods with the huntsman, as you ordered. Queen: (Sweetly) Ah! That’s all right then! I just wanted to wish you a wonderful day! Snow White: How kind! I am rather looking forward to going out! Everyone says how pale I look! Queen: Exactly! Most unattractive! I’m sure a day in the woods will do you and your complexion the world of good! (Exit Snow White, waving) Queen: Ugh! Horrid ugly child! (Mirror, who has been standing silently to one side, suddenly ‘comes to life’) Mirror: Well I wouldn’t .. Queen: (Interrupting) Oh do shut up! How many more times do I have to tell you? I am the fairest of them all! Mirror: But I always give you the truth! Queen: Which I do not need to hear around the clock, thank you very much. And anyway, you’ll soon be changing your tune! Mirror: What do you mean? I can’t sing! Queen: (Rolling eyes) No, what I meant was, you will give me a different answer next time I ask you that question Narrator: (Holding up script) Oh, I think I know what that one is! Queen: And who asked you? Narrator: (Indignantly) Well, really, madam! There’s no need to be quite so churlish! I am supposed to be directing this story, you know! Queen: (Dismissively) Huh! What’s to direct? (To Audience) We all know the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, right? Narrator: Well, you may think you do. But haven’t you heard? Fairy tales are being rewritten all the time and Queen: (Interrupting) Oh really? You mean, someone might see me in a more favourable light? Narrator: Who knows? If you play your cards right who knows what might happen? Queen: Ooh. Now you’ve got me interested! You’ve no idea how tedious it is being cast and re-cast as a baddie!
Aesop Fables Guided Reading Scripts

Aesop Fables Guided Reading Scripts

Aesop Fables Guided Reading Scripts SPECIAL HALF TERM OFFER: Set of 5 Guided Reading Scripts, from Aesop Fables - available individually @ £5.00 Special Offer - all 5 for £15 These scripts, 6 speakers each, can be used within the classroom, in English or PSHE, or for *performance. They each come with lesson plan, original story synopsis, discussion points and suggestions for further activities. *as separate plays (6 speakers), or one combined play(cast of 30) Five Aesop Fables: · The Lion and the Mouse · The Fox and the Stork · The Tortoise and the Hare · The Jay and the Peacocks · The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs The Five PSHE Themes are: · Friendship · Mutual Respect · Taking Time · Being Happy with Who and What we are · Being Satisfied with What We've Got Duration: Each script is between 5 and 10 minutes reading time. As each comes with additional activities, this resource is potentially five 20-30 minute lessons – so could be done over the course of a week or spread out over a longer period. Happy Customer: "I am so excited to use these! I was beginning to forget who I am as a teacher especially during guided reading because I was trying so hard to fit into my schools strict guided reading expectations and I think this will really help me discover me again. Thank you so much!" Rating: 4.0 So lovely to receive comments like this - within 24 hours of releasing these scripts! Thank you so much to this teacher - made my day! Currently working on a 5 scene/5 guided reading script adaptation of The Wind in the Willows. Hope it gets the same reception!
Wizard of Oz Guided Reading Scripts

Wizard of Oz Guided Reading Scripts

Wizard of Oz Guided Reading Scripts (10) - 6 speakers each This ‘play’ was written primarily as a set of guided reading scripts or Readers Theater – to be used by 5 groups of 6 speakers. The 10 scripts can be divided into Scene I & II for Group 1, Scene III & IV for Group 2 etc; or a run of consecutive readings, going round twice e.g. Scene I for Group 1, Scene II for Group 2 etc. Conversely, the 10 scripts could be used by one group at a time i.e. for 10 or however many sessions it takes; or just straight through in around 30 minutes. These scripts could be combined to produce a play for performance, with the addition of directions, music suggestions and extra cast members plus props. Number of Scenes and Duration: There are 10 Scenes. Each of these is around 3 minutes reading time. 30 minutes in total. Cast The same 5 principal roles (Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman and Cowardly Lion) are used in each scene. The additional 6th speaker is different each time with the exception of the last two scenes. In brackets after the cast list e.g. Scene I (‘Others - 3 Munchkins - BLUE – for class play) are the additional cast members that could be added for a performance play. These are not required for the guided reading scripts as they stand. Scene I Arrival in Land of Oz Cast · Dorothy · Toto · Scarecrow · Tin Woodman · Cowardly Lion Plus · Good Witch of the North (‘Others’ - 3 Munchkins - BLUE – for class play) Sample Text: Witch: (Interrupting) Oh, no mistake, my dear! Your house here took her out in one move. Can’t you see her feet sticking out from underneath? Toto: She’s right! Well, who would have thought it Scarecrow: (Sadly) Hmm. Thinking. Not my speciality! No brains to speak of, me! Dorothy: That’s what you think! Tin Woodman: But that’s just the point! He can’t – think, that is! Any more than I can feel! Dorothy: You are mistaken Cowardly Lion: Huh! You’ll be telling me I’m a brave creature, next! Dorothy: You are! Witch: (Impatiently) Well, much as I would like to stand around listening to you lot arguing all day – not! Let’s just say, it’s a blessing that cyclone brought you here all the way from Kansas
Fairy Tale Pantomime and/or Set of Guided Readers

Fairy Tale Pantomime and/or Set of Guided Readers

Fairy Tale Pantomime This script can either be used for performance purposes - as a pantomime, a Christmas play or an assembly - or as a set of guided reading scripts (Readers Theater) to be used within the classroom. 35 pages of fun – and extremely bad jokes! Cast of 30 (five groups of six) Play I SLEEPING BEAUTY Speaker 1 Narrator Speaker 2 Sleeping Beauty Speaker 3 Prince (girl) Speaker 4 Good Fairy (boy) Speaker 5 Bad Fairy (boy) Speaker 6 Sleeping Beauty’s Mother – the Dame Play II CINDERELLA Speaker 7: Cinderella Speaker 8: Bad Sister 1 Speaker 9: Bad Sister 2 Speaker 10: Fairy Godmother Speaker 11: Prince Speaker 12: Cinderella’s Step-Mum alias ‘Dame’ Play III SNOW WHITE Speaker 13: Mirror Speaker 14: Wicked Queen/Step-Mother Speaker 15: Snow White Speaker 16: Huntsman/Prince Speaker 17: Dwarf 1 Dopey/Dame Speaker 18: Dwarf 2 Jolly Play IV Little Red Riding Hood Speaker 19: Little Red Riding Hood Speaker 20: Little Red Riding Hood’s Mother Speaker 21 Big Bad Wolf Speaker 22: Grannie/Dame Speaker 23: Huntsman Speaker 24: Censor Play V RUMPELSTILTSKIN Narrator: Narrator Speaker 25: Rumpelstiltskin Speaker 26: Daughter Speaker 27: King Speaker 28: Miller Speaker 29: Queen/Dame Duration: Around 30 minutes not including music suggestions (around 5 minutes for each of 5 plays) Sample Text: Music 1 – A medley of Christmas songs (Children file in, seating themselves along 2 rows of 15, facing the audience; in 5 groups of 6) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our pantomime (Whole Cast stands) Whole Cast: (In disbelief) Our what? Narrator: You heard! I have decided that this year Child 1: (Interrupting) No way! Child 2: We’re always happy to come to your drama group, sir, but Child 3: Absolutely no way are we doing panto! Narrator: Oh yes you are! Whole Cast: Oh no we’re not! Narrator: There you are! I knew you wouldn’t take much persuading! Child 4: Er, I think you just misheard. We said Whole Cast: Oh no we’re not!