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Discrimination Assembly
This informative 28 slide assembly looks at discrimination. It looks at what discrimination is, discrimination throughout history and how students can stop discrimination.
it focuses on:
• Definition
• Different forms of discrimination
• Discrimination throughout history – videos from the Holocaust, slavery and apartheid.
• Famous people who have fought discrimination
• Discrimination in our world today
• Top tips to tackle discrimination
• Educational and inspirational videos to choose from
• Reflection
• Tutor Time activity
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Give Yourself the Advantage Assembly
This 20 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to students in their final years in education. With competition for courses/places/jobs so intense, students need to do everything they can now to give their applications a better chance of success later. The assembly provides tips to students to give their applications (further education or jobs) an advantage. I have delivered this to Y10, Y11, Y12 and Y13. A great way to motivate students into taking advantage of opportunities at school in order for them to think about their next steps.
The assembly covers the following:
An introduction to competition
Top Tips on how to ensure their application is as strong as it can be (including: work experience, skills, extra-curricular roles, responsibilities, social media, qualifications, etc.).
Informative video
Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
The Importance of Relaxation Assembly - with follow up task
This 22 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group to highlight the importance of looking after mental health with a focus on relaxation.
The assembly covers the following:
-What relaxation is.
-The benefits of relaxation on your health
-The negative impacts if you do not relax
-Top tips on how to relax
-Informative video’s
-Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Education Around the World Assembly
This 23 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group. It gets students to understand how students are educated around the world. This assembly with challenge students to reflect on how fortunate they are to be receiving the education that they are.
This assembly covers:
A brief look at education in different countries
Different Journeys to school (video)
School lunches around the World (video)
Issues facing education opportunities
Education in different countries (video)
Some key facts regarding education around the World.
Tutor Time follow up task
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Diet, Exercise and Exams Assembly
This informative 33 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to students with upcoming exams. It looks into the role diet and physical activity can play in supporting students not only through exams but in achieving the results they want.
The assembly covers the following:
Exam time and food
Top tips for your diet during exams (including: the importance of breakfast, staying calm, foods to eat to boost brain function, foods to avoid, etc)
Informative video
Benefits of Exercise on Exams
Tips on how to be more active during exam time
Personal reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly with worksheet
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Why is Homework Important? Assembly
This 18 slide assembly can be delivered to any year group to highlight the importance of homework and the evidence as to why is supports our learning.
This assembly covers:
Good or Bad argument
Most common excuses for not having your homework
Reasons why we need to complete homework
Informative video
Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
KS3 - Create your Own Olympic Sport PE Lesson
Worksheet for students to create, plan and then deliver their own Olympic Sport. Nice fun student led lesson
Self-Care Assembly
This informative and inspirational 27 slide assembly is the perfect way to support your students through their education and can be delivered to any/every year group remotely or in person (if possible). Providing students with the knowledge and tools to look after themselves during stressful periods is vital to achieve well-being and academic success.
The Assembly covers:
• What is self-care?
• Why is self-care important?
• Benefits of self-care
• Top tips to self-care
• Further Information and Tutor Time Task
• Reflection
• Video’s delivering key messages to support the assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Procrastination Assembly (with follow up activity)
This engaging 24 slide assembly looks at what procrastination is and how to overcome it. It focuses on what procrastination is, the impact of it, how we commonly procrastinate and gives tips on how to avoid it. Comes with a follow up tutor time reflective activity.
The assembly covers the following:
What is procrastination?
Why do we procrastinate?
Common forms of procrastination
Inspirational video
Top tips to avoid procrastinating
Personal Reflection questions
Tutor Time Task following on from Assembly with additional worksheet.
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Good Manners Assembly
This 26 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group. It gets students to understand what good manners are and why they are so important.
The assembly covers the following:
What are good manners?
Why are they so important?
What do manners say about you?
Manners in the UK
Manners around the World
Impact of good manners
Impact of bad manners
Informative video
Personal Reflection questions
Follow Up tutor time task
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Empathy: The Power of Understanding Others Assembly
This educational 30 slide assembly focuses on the importance of empathy in secondary school, exploring how to develop empathy skills and its impact within the school community. Students will discover the value of understanding others’ perspectives, fostering positive peer relationships, resolving conflicts with compassion, and cultivating a culture of kindness. Through reflection and actionable tasks, they will be empowered to embrace empathy, creating a supportive and inclusive environment for a successful academic year.
Included in this assembly
What is empathy?
Why is empathy important?
Active Listening
Perspective Talking
Empathy in action
Conflict Resolution
The Ripple Effect
Informative Video’s
Self Reflection
Follow Up Tutor Time Task
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
History of All Things Christmas Assembly
History of All Things Christmas Assembly
This 20 slide assembly is perfect to deliver to any year group and looks into the history of key traditions that take place during Christmas, including: Father Christmas, the Christmas tree, carols, crackers, pudding, mistletoe and more. A really fun assembly to deliver.
This assembly includes:
Why do we call it Christmas?
Informative video
Father Christmas
Christmas carols
Christmas crackers
Christmas trees
Christmas pudding and mince pies
Personal Reflection questions
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
New Year's Resolution Assembly
New Year’s Resolution Assembly
This inspiring 18 slide assembly can be delivered to any year group. The assembly into the tradition of setting a New Year’s Resolution and tips to help people set and achieve theirs.
This assembly covers:
What is a new year’s resolution?
How did the tradition start?
Why do it?
The Science behind it
Informative Video
Success rates
Top tips to keep your resolution
Personal Reflection questions
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Black History Month Assembly
Black History Month Assembly
This informative and inspirational 25 slide assembly is the perfect way to educate students about Black History month and can be delivered to any/every year group. It can be used during Black History month or at any point to raise awareness about black history.
The Assembly covers:
• What is Black History month?
• When is it?
• Why is it important?
• Black people in Britain
• Famous Black women you should know about
• Famous Black men you should know about?
• How can I celebrate black history month?
• Reflection
• Video’s delivering key messages to support the assembly
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
Choosing your Options Assembly
This is a great 20 slide assembly to deliver to students that are going through the options process. Selecting your GCSE subjects is a tough decision. This assembly helps guide students in making their decision with tops tips and advice. It also looks at Attainment 8 and explains it in a child friendly way as well as looking at the implications of their decisions on their future.
The assembly includes:
Attainment 8 explained
How will my choices impact my future?
Top Tips for selecting what subjects you choose (including: informative video, do what you enjoy, do not follow friends, talk to others, etc.)
Personal reflection question
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.
Travel and Tourism Btec L2 Unit 4 International Travel and Tourism Destinations - Complete Unit
Presentations and Activity worksheets to support the teaching of Btec L2 Unit 4 International Travel and Tourism Destinations for Travel and Tourism
Travel & Tourism BTEC - L2 - Unit 5 - P1, P2, P3, M1, M2, M3, D1
Travel and Tourism Btec Level 2 - Unit 5 Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism - Assignment 1 - P1, P2, P3, M1, M2, M3, D1.
All supporting content, suggested assignment and advice for students.
Travel & Tourism Btec L2 Complete Units 4&5
Unit 4 - International Travel &Tourism Destinations - Entire Unit
Unit 5 Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism - Entire Unit
All supporting content, suggested assignment and advice for students
Travel & Tourism BTEC - L2 - Unit 5 - P4, P5, P6, M4, M5, D2
Travel and Tourism Btec Level 2 - Unit 5 Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism - Assignment 2 - P4, P5, P6, M4, M5, D2
All supporting content, suggested assignment and advice for students
Bucket List Assembly
This thought-provoking 17 slide assembly focuses on what students would like to achieve (other than grades) in their life time. It will inspire students to create their own bucket list and get them thinking about experiences outside of the classroom.
This assembly covers:
History of the term ‘kicking the bucket’
What is a bucket list?
Why create one and what could be included?
Inspirational video
Bucket list idea’s
Second inspirational video
Personal Reflection questions
Follow up Tutor Time Task
Please also visit my TES Assembly Store where over 100 assemblies are available on a huge range of topics.
If you purchase this resource and leave a 5-star review, you receive any £3 assembly from my store FREE!!
Leave a review and email Lee_Sullivan@hotmail.co.uk with your review confirmation and choice of assembly.