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30 most common verbs French
Printable powerpoint exercise on 30 most common verbs in French (1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular)

Intouchables- translation exercise taken from 'Le second souffle'
Translation exercise for A level French students studying Intouchables!
Extract was taken from Philippe Pozzo di Borgo’s book ‘Le second souffle’

Intouchables- Filmmaking Techniques Activity
Activity consists of
-a match up of technical terms
-Space to analyse five scenes (time stamps are provided). Students can then unfold the sheet and compare their analysis with the model analysis provided.

Tarsia puzzle- Travel and Tourism GCSE French
2 page cut out to make one tarsia puzzle!
Great plenary for the end of the Travel and Tourism GCSE French module.

Le système scolaire en France (Poster sur l'éducation en France)
Poster to print for students to keep in their folders detailing French education system

French Christmas lesson song gap fill (Last Christmas in French)
Easy and difficult printable gap=fills to go along with this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHxgHMXf4Tc

Worksheet on les tétraplégiques (for film Intouchables)
Worksheet linked to two youtube videos on quadraplegics: How they overcame daily frustrations and their life philosophy!
Useful as a homework when doing ‘Intouchables’ at A level

Cheat Sheet/Knowledge Organiser- Perfect Past and Near Future in French
I give this to my year 8 class at the start of term to refer to when we’re doing tense work
I am sharing this for free, however if you are able to make a donation, here’s the link to buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/susierb

Freedom of expression homework
Comprehension questions for a subtitled youtube report on Charlie Hebdo
I am sharing this for free, however if you are able to make a donation, here’s the link to buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/susierb

French past tense song gapfill
Gapfill of the song ‘j’ai vu la vie’ by Christophe Maé. Can be adapted to make it easier or more difficult!
Once done you can
-Ask students to highlight all examples of the past tense in the song (regular and irregular)
-Ask students to look through the song and note down any useful new vocab that they can see
I am sharing this for free, however if you are able to make a donation, here’s the link to buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/susierb

30 most common verbs in German
Printable powerpoint worksheet of the 30 most common verbs in German in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular.

Proofreading guide for A level French
Information sheet to help A level French students learn how to proofread their work

let it go german gap fill ('ich lass los')
A fun song gap-fill which I normally use when it’s getting near christmas
I am sharing this for free, however if you are able to make a donation, here’s the link to buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/susierb

Templates powerpoint
Powerpoint with template slides that you can use when building an MFL lesson (French and German).

l'étranger gap fill and comprehension sheet
Gap fill and comprehension questions based on two scenes from l’étranger.
Use this file of camus reading l’étranger to check their gap-fill: https://vimeo.com/431124347

Sixth Form French Icebreaker- Je n'ai jamais
Cut out the cards and place in the middle. Students take it in turns to pick a card, translate and say if they’ve done it or not.
You can play a version where students hold up ten fingers and for each time they’ve done it, they must put a finger down. See which student has done the most things!