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GCSE Biology Unit 1 Glossaries
Glossaries for students to complete for GCSE Biology Unit 1
Cover the following topics: Cells, Photosynthesis, Food & energy, Digestion, Respiration, Animal Co-ordination, Plant sensitivity & Ecology
Can be used as home works or in class
GCSE Physics 6 mark questions and answers
20 pages of 6 mark questions and answers for GCSE Physics
GCSE Biology Unit 2 Glossaries
GCSE Biology glossaries for students to complete
Topics includes: Osmosis & plant transport, DNA, Cell division & Genetics, Reproduction & contraception, Variation & natural selection & Health & Diseasee
A2 Biology Glossaries
AS Biology Glossaries for the following topics:
Populations & Communities, Energetics & Nutrient Cycling, Homeostasis & Kidney, Immunity, Plant Hormones, Nerves, Eye & Muscle, Respiration, Photosynthesis, Protein Synthesis, Gene Technology, Inheritance, Population Genetics, Animal & Plant Kingdoms.
I get students to complete these before doing their end of topic test.
AS Biology Cells Revision Mat
AS Cells Revision mat
I get students to complete these for end of topic revision - usually print them out onto A3 paper
AS Biology Practicals Mind Map with answers
AS Biology Practicals mind map
I get students to complete this by adding text and diagrams to each of the practicals as revision for their practical exam. Includes completed version as well
A2 Biology Nerves & Synapses Revision Mat
A2 Nerves & Synapse mind map
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - usually print the out onto A3 paper
A2 Biology Eye & Muscle Revision Mat
A2 Eye & Muscle revision mat
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - usually print it out onto A3 paper
A2 Biology Plant Coordination Revision Mat
A2 Plant coordination revision mat - covering phytochrome, long-day and short-day plants
I get students to complete this for revision for an end of topic test - usually print them out onto A3 paper
KS3 Biology Circulation Choice Board
KS3 Circulatory System choice board
Students have to complete the 3 compulsory tasks and then choose which other tasks to complete to obtain full points - can be used for in class activities or homework
A2 Biology Respiration Mind Map/Revision Mat
A2 Respiration mind map/revision mat
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - usually print it out onto A3 paper
A2 Biology Patterns of Inheritance Mind Map/Revision Mat
A2 Patterns of Inheritance revision mat - including key term definitions, monohybrid inheritance, multiple alleles, sex linkage, dihybrid inheritance & gene interaction.
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - usually print it out onto A3 paper
A2 Biology Ecological Energetics & Nutrient Cycles Revision Mat
A2 Energetics & Nutrient Cycles revision mat - including food chains & webs, pyramids of number, biomass and energy, energy flow, Nitrogen and Carbon cycles
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - usually print them out onto A3 paper
A2 Biology Gene Technology Mind Map/Revision Mat
A2 Gene Technology revision mat - including PCR, DNA probes, genetic fingerprinting, gene transfer, GM organisms, gene therapy and the ethical issues.
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - usually print it out onto A3 paper
A2 Biology Animal & Plant Kingdom Mind Map/Revision Mat
A2 Animal & Plant Kingdom revision mat
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - usually print it out onto A3 paper
A2 Biology Population Genetics Mind Map/Revision Mat
A2 Population Genetics revision mat - including Hardy-Weinberg, Mutations, Selection and Speciation
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - usually print it out onto A3 paper
AS Biology Plant Transport Mind Map/Revision Mat
AS Plant Transport revision mat - covering root and stem structure, water movement, translocation, transpiration and xerophytes & hydrophytes
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - usually print it out onto A3 paper
AS Biology Human Impact Mind Map/Revision Mat
AS Human Impact revision mat - including farming methods, eutrophication and greenhouse effect
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - I usually print it out onto A3 paper
AS Biology Mammalian Transport Mind Map/Revision Mat
AS Mammalian Transport revision mat - including blood vessels, heart structure, cardiac cycle, blood, tissue fluid, oxygen transport and cardiovascular disease
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - I usually print it out onto A3 paper
AS Biology Adaptations Mind Map/Revision Mat
AS Adaptations revision mat - including climatic, edaphic and biotic factors, types of adaptations and sampling methods
I get students to complete this as revision for an end of topic test - I usually print it out onto A3 paper