Thank you for visiting! Here you will find a selection of printable, interactive worksheets for your classroom: Basic Geography worksheets with simple maps, ESL, Spanish, Bible, Reading Comprehension and more. I hope you find the resources useful! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated. Thank you so much.
Thank you for visiting! Here you will find a selection of printable, interactive worksheets for your classroom: Basic Geography worksheets with simple maps, ESL, Spanish, Bible, Reading Comprehension and more. I hope you find the resources useful! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated. Thank you so much.
Introduce your learners to the state of Arizona with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Arizona (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Phoenix’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, trace the dotted line of the Four Corners and the Colorado River, color the small map, state bird and state flower, and use the map and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the state of Arizona and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map, flag, state bird and state flower of Arizona and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: Arizona. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the US to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA (and beyond!).
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Included: Grand Canyon, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, California, Mexico, Colorado River, State bird and Flower, Cactus Wren, Saguaro.
Introduce your learners to the state of Colorado with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Colorado (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Denver’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, trace the dotted line of the Four Corners and the Colorado River, color the small map, state bird and state flower, and use the map and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the state of Colorado and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map, flag, state bird and state flower of Colorado and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: Colorado. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the US to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA (and beyond!).
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Included: Centennial, Rocky Mountains, Great Plains, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, 1876, Blue Columbine, Lark Bunting.
Introduce your learners to the state of Ohio in the USA with two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Ohio (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Columbus’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, state bird and state flower, and use the map and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the state of Ohio and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map, flag, state bird and state flower of Ohio and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: Ohio. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the US to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Included: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Lake Erie, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Cardinal, Scarlet Carnation, 17th state
Introduce your learners to the U.S. state of Pennsylvania with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Pennsylvania (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Harrisburg’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, trace the lines of the Delaware River and Susquehanna River, color the small map, state bird and state flower, and use the map and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the state of Pennsylvania and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map, flag, state bird and state flower of Pennsylvania and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: Pennsylvania. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the US to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated! :)
Included: Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, Lake Erie, New York, New Jersey, Appalachian Mountains, Ruffed Grouse, Mountain Laurel, state motto Virtue, Liberty and Independence, Philadelphia, Pittsburg.
Introduce your learners to the U.S. state of New Hampshire with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of New Hampshire (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Concord’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, state bird and state flower, and use the map and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the state of New Hampshire and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map, flag, state bird and state flower of New Hampshire and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: New Hampshire. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the US to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Included: Quebec, Canada, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Atlantic Ocean, Concord, Manchester, state motto live free or die, state bird and state flower Purple Finch and Purple lilac. 13 original colonies, 1623. 9th state 1788.
Introduce your learners to Florida with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Florida (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Tallahassee’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, state bird and state flower, and use the map and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the state of Florida and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map, flag, state bird and state flower of Florida and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: Florida. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the US to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated. :)
Included: Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Georgia, Alabama, Northern Mockingbird, Orange Blossom
Introduce your learners to the state of Wyoming in the USA with this printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief overview of Wyoming (location, capital, flag, state bird, state flower), write ‘Cheyenne’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the state of Wyoming and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag of Wyoming and paste into the notebook under the topic of United States/Sub-Topic: Wyoming. Under the map, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this state. Collect worksheets for other states of the United States to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other states of the USA (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Included: Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Western Meadowlark, Wyoming Indian Paintbrush, American Bison, State Motto, Equal Rights, State Seal, 4 major industries: Livestock, Grain, mines, oil. Yellowstone National Park.
Introduce your students to GUYANA in South America with this black & white printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Guyana (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Georgetown’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the map and flag, and use the map and compass to answer 7 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Guyana and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
This worksheet prints in black and white - (1) For easy printing, and (2) so students can be in charge of all the coloring! For more worksheets in black in white (and color) to introduce your learners to countries of South America (and around the world!) please browse this store.
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Introduce your students to Colombia in South America with this black & white printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Colombia (location, capital, flag, language), write Bogotá next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the map and flag, and use the map and compass to answer 7 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Colombia and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
This worksheet prints in black and white - (1) For easy printing, and (2) so students can be in charge of all the coloring!
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Introduce your students to Argentina in South America with this black & white printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Argentina (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Buenos Aires’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the map and flag, and use the map and compass to answer 7 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Argentina and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
Please note this worksheet prints in black and white… (1) For easy printing, and (2) so students can do all of the the coloring! For more worksheets in black in white (or color) to introduce your learners to countries of South America and around the world, please browse this store!
Thank you so much for using this worksheet in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your students to French Guiana in South America with this black & white printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to French Guiana (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Cayenne’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the map and flag, and use the map and compass to answer 6 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of French Guiana and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
Please note this worksheet prints in black and white… (1) For easy printing, and (2) so students can do all of the the coloring! For more worksheets in black in white (or color) to introduce your learners to countries of South America and around the world, please browse this store!
Thank you so much for using this worksheet in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your students to Ecuador in South America with this black & white printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Ecuador (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Quito’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the map and flag, and use the map and compass to answer 7 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Ecuador and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
This worksheet prints in black and white - (1) For easy printing, and (2) so students can be in charge of all the coloring! For more worksheets in black in white (and color) to introduce your learners to countries of South America (and around the world!) please browse this store.
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated!
Introduce your students to PERU in South America with this black & white printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Peru (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Lima’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the map and flag, and use the map and compass to answer 7 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Peru and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
Please note this worksheet prints in black and white… (1) For easy printing, and (2) so students can be in charge of the the coloring! For more worksheets in black in white (or color) to introduce your learners to countries of South America and around the world, please browse this store!
Thank you so much for using this worksheet in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your learners to French Polynesia (also referred to as Tahiti) with two worksheets (plus answer key).
Your students will read a brief introduction to French Polynesia (location, capital, flag, language, islands), locate and circle the location of French Polynesia on the map of Oceania (map 1), write ‘Papeete’ next to the star on the map of French Polynesia to show the location of the capital (map 2) and use the maps and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce French Polynesia and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the maps and flag and paste into the notebook underthe topic of (example) Oceania/Sub-Topic: French Polynesia. Under the maps and flag, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about French Polynesia. Collect worksheets for other countries of Oceania (and beyond!) to add to the notebook! All available in this storez
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your learners to the island of Fiji with two interactive worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Fiji (location, capital, flag, language, main islands), locate and circle Fiji on the map of Oceania, write ‘Suva’ next to the star on the map of Fiji to show the location of the capital, color the small map, and use the map and compass to answer 9 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce Fiji and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After your students complete the worksheets, they can cut out the map and flag and paste into the notebook under the topic of (example) Oceania/Sub-Topic: Fiji. Under the map and flag, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about Fiji. Collect worksheets for other countries of Oceania to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other countries of Oceania (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful and fun. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your students to Venezuela in South America with this black & white printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Venezuela (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Caracas’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the map and flag, and use the map and compass to answer 7 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Venezuela and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
Please note this worksheet prints in black and white. (1) For easy printing, and (2) so students can do all of the the coloring! For this worksheet with the flag in color, please click here. For more worksheets in black in white (or color) to introduce your learners to countries of South America and around the world, please browse this store!
Thank you so much for using this worksheet in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your students to the country of Paraguay in South America with this black & white printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Paraguay (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Asunción’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the map and flag, and use the map and compass to answer 6 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Paraguay and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
Please note this worksheet prints in black and white… (1) For easy printing, and (2) so students can be in charge of all the coloring! For more worksheets in black in white (and color) to introduce your learners to countries of South America (and around the world!) please browse this store.
Thank you so much for using this worksheet in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your students to Uruguay in South America with this black & white printable handout of two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Uruguay (location, capital, flag, language), write ‘Montevideo’ next to the star on the map to show the location of the capital, color the map and flag, and use the map and compass to answer 7 questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce the country of Uruguay and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
Please note this worksheet prints in black and white… (1) For easy printing, and (2) so students can do all of the the coloring! For more worksheets in black in white (or color) to introduce your learners to countries of South America and around the world, please browse this store!
Thank you so much for using this worksheet in your classroom! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your learners to the island country of Nauru with two interactive worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Nauru (location, capital, flag, language), locate and circle the island of Nauru on the map of Oceania, write Yaren next to the star on the map to show the location of the de facto capital, color the maps, and use the maps and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce Nauru and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag and paste into the notebook under Oceania/Sub-Topic: Nauru. Under the map and flag, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Oceania to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for worksheets for other countries of Oceania (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful! Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated.
Introduce your learners to the island country of Palau with two worksheets (plus answer key). Your students will read a brief introduction to Palau (location, capital, flag, language, islands), locate and circle the location of Palau on the map of Oceania, write Ngerulmud next to the star on the map of Palau to show the location of the capital, and use the maps and compass to answer 10 true/false questions on page 2. Colored pencils and a pen or pencil are needed for this activity. No other prep needed. Basic Geography worksheet with a simple map to introduce Palau and practice cardinal and ordinal directions.
For use with Interactive Notebooks: After the worksheets are completed, students can cut out the map and flag of Palau and paste into the notebook under Oceania/Sub-Topic: Palau. Under the map and flag, students can write a summary in their own words of what they now know about this country. Collect worksheets for other countries of Oceania to add to the notebook! Please browse this store for a selection of worksheets for other countries of Oceania (and beyond!).
Thank you so much for using my Geography worksheets in your classroom! I hope you find them useful. Reviews are welcome and very much appreciated. Happy Teaching!
Babeldaub, koror, Peleliu, Angaur, Pacific Ocean