All resources
adding social media icons to your web site
guide to adding social media to your web sites
making text spin in flash cs5 worksheet with examples
making text spin in flash cs5 worksheet with examples
cs5 flash guide -worksheet
cs5 flash guide -worksheet
this is a guide to using flash
flash for beginners
flash for beginners
fade in and fade out an image in flash cs5
fade in and fade out an image in flash cs5
how to use CSS (using notepad and Dreamweaver )
how to use CSS (using notepad and Dreamweaver )
how to centre a spry drop down in dreamweaver
how to center a spry drop down in Dreamweaver
how to use game maker pt 1
game maker resource for showing basic programming of characters using this game development program . Might be useful for students or staff doing AQA GCSE Computing
how to create a database in python using sql lite 3
how to make a python built database using sqllite3
thanks to mark tranter for code and sue sentance for original inspiration and help