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Common Sense Math Products

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(based on 33 reviews)

Materials found here will focus on a common sense approach to teaching the NCC Math Standards. I believe standards are valuable and should serve as a "teaching roadmap." Lessons should be based on measurable outcomes derived from grade level standards. Multiple intelligences should always be considered during lesson design. Cooperative learning, hands-on lessons and maximum use of available technology are keys to holding a students attention; key to passing on knowledge.




Materials found here will focus on a common sense approach to teaching the NCC Math Standards. I believe standards are valuable and should serve as a "teaching roadmap." Lessons should be based on measurable outcomes derived from grade level standards. Multiple intelligences should always be considered during lesson design. Cooperative learning, hands-on lessons and maximum use of available technology are keys to holding a students attention; key to passing on knowledge.
Add and Subtract Angles - 4.MD.7

Add and Subtract Angles - 4.MD.7

Add and subtract adjacent angles and answer extended response. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Know that adjacent angles are additive - Add adjacent angles - Subtract adjacent angles - Find unknown angles using subtraction - Solve word problems Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 4.MD.7 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net!
Finding Factors and Multiples

Finding Factors and Multiples

Identify prime and composite numbers then find all factors for numbers up to 100. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Identify all prime numbers to 100 - Identify all composite numbers to 100 - Recognize a whole numbers is a multiple of each of its factors - Identify all factors of selected numbers Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 4.OA.4 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net!
Introduction to Measuring Angles - 4.MD.5

Introduction to Measuring Angles - 4.MD.5

Introduction to angles and angle measurements. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Recognize angles as geometric shapes formed when two rays share a common endpoint - Understand angles are a fractional portion of a circle - Know angles are a measure of the distance between the two rays measured in degrees - Estimate angle measurements Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 4.MD.5 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net!
Real World Phrases to Algebraic Expressions - 6.EE.6

Real World Phrases to Algebraic Expressions - 6.EE.6

Create algebraic expressions from real-world situations. Use variables to represent numbers. Solve and explain. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Convert real-world situations to algebraic expressions - Use variables to represent unknown numbers - Explain process Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 6.EE.6 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net!
Generate Math Patterns - 4.OA.5

Generate Math Patterns - 4.OA.5

View input/output table. Complete the table and write the addition, subtraction, multiplication or division rule used. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Recognize number patterns - Complete input/output tables - Write the arithmetic rule for each table Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 4.oa.5 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net! Total Pages 6 Answer Key Included Teaching Duration 2 Days
Use Standard Algorithm to Fluently Add and Subtract - 4.NBT.4

Use Standard Algorithm to Fluently Add and Subtract - 4.NBT.4

Students add and subtract under a place value chart using the standard algorithms. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Understand place value chart - Add multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm - Subtract multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 4.NBT.4 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net! Total Pages 6 Answer Key Included Teaching Duration 2 Days
Convert Numbers Using Place Value - 5.NBT.1

Convert Numbers Using Place Value - 5.NBT.1

Use knowledge of place value and powers of 10 to identify digits and perform conversions.. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Recognize the place value of digits within numbers - Recognize the place value of digits within decimal numbers - Recognize the digit to the right is 10 times less - Recognize the digit to the left is 10 times more Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 5.NBT.1 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net! Total Pages 6 Answer Key Included Teaching Duration 2 Days
Decimals - Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide - 5.NBT.7

Decimals - Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide - 5.NBT.7

Use models, drawings and various strategies to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals to hundredths. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Recognize and develop arithmetic models for decimals - Use multiple strategies to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals to hundredths Includes 8 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 5.NBT.7
Solve Problems Involving Volume - 5.MD.5

Solve Problems Involving Volume - 5.MD.5

Solve real world and mathematical volume problems using volume formula, and the associative power of multiplication. Recognzie volume as additive by adding right rectangular prisms. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Relate volume to operations of multiplication and division - Use unit cubes to find volume of a right rectangular prism - Apply formulas V = L x W x H and V = B x H - Add volume of two right rectangular prisms Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 5.MD.5
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Decimals - 6.NS.3

Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Decimals - 6.NS.3

Estimate answers and perform all 4 operations using fluently using decimal numbers. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Use the standard algorithm to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals - Estimate answers of decimal problems Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 6.NS.3
Squares, Cubes and Irrational Numbers - 8.EE.2

Squares, Cubes and Irrational Numbers - 8.EE.2

Recognize perfect squares and cubes and understand that non-perfect squares and cubes are irrational. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Recognize perfect squares and cubes - Understand non-perfect squares and cubes are not rational numbers - Evaluate expressions and equations containing perfect and non-perfect squares and cubes - Demonstrate how positive and negative integers affect expressions Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 8.EE.2 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Slope and the Coordinate Plane - 8.EE.6

Slope and the Coordinate Plane - 8.EE.6

Explore slope through lines on the coordinate planes, formulas, and triangles. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Determine slope of non-verticle lines on the coordinate plane - Write equations for graphed lines using y = mx + b - Demonstrate with triangles why slope is the same between any two distinct points on a non-verticle line on the coordinate plane Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 8.EE.6 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Linear Expressions with Rational Coefficients - 7.EE.1

Linear Expressions with Rational Coefficients - 7.EE.1

Add, subtract factor and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients. Strategies should include using properties of operations. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable lesson. Objectives: - Write equivalent expressions by using properties of operations and combining like terms - Prove if expressions are equivalent - Create expressions to describe geometric objects - Write equations to solve mathematical problems Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.EE.1
Statistics and Sampling - 7.SP.1

Statistics and Sampling - 7.SP.1

Understand valid random sampling can provide information and generalizations regarding a select population. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Define terms related to statistics - Recognize methods of random sampling - Determine best sampling methods for real-world needs - Understand random sampling tends to produce representative samples Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.SP.1 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Use Data to Draw Inferences - 7.SP.2

Use Data to Draw Inferences - 7.SP.2

Collect and utilize multiple samples of data to make generalizations about a population. Attention should be paid to variations in the samples Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Make inferences based on of multiple random samples - Answer questions regarding populations and sampling - Determine total population based on samples - Make predictions regarding total populations - Describe a model for sampling dependent on population Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.SP.2 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Volume and Unit Cubes - 5.MD.4

Volume and Unit Cubes - 5.MD.4

Determine volume by determining the number of unit cubes that will fit in cube or rectangular prism, and by using the standard volume formula. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Recognize unit cubes - Determine volume by calculating or counting unit cubes - Solve volume for cubes and rectangular prisms by multiplying length, width and height decimals to hundredths Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 5.MD.4
Convert Phrases to Inequalities - 6.EE.8

Convert Phrases to Inequalities - 6.EE.8

Convert written phrases to inequalities using variables to represent numbers; x > c or x < c. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Convert written phrases to inequalities using variables - Understand such inequalities have an infinite number of answers - Plot inequalities on a number line Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 6.EE.8 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net!
Fractional Line Plots - 5.MD.2

Fractional Line Plots - 5.MD.2

Use line plots to show fractional relationships. Students develop fractional line plots using word problems and tables. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Arrange data in line plots - Develop line plots from word problems - Develop line plots from tables of fractional data Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 5.MD.2 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net!
Find Relations Between Quantities - 7.EE.2

Find Relations Between Quantities - 7.EE.2

Rewrite problems in terms of the contextual situation to determine the relations between quantities. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Rewrite problems to determine contextual relationships between quantities - Create different expressions to vary the grouping of quantities - Solve mathematical problems for unknowns - Solve real-world problems for unknowns Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.EE.2 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Data Landmark Analysis - 6.SP.3

Data Landmark Analysis - 6.SP.3

Identify and analyze landmarks within data sets. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Read graphs - Identify data landmarks - Analyze data sets using data landmarks - Create bar chart and analyze data Includes 6 problem pages and answer sheets. Aligned with NCCS Math - 6.SP.3 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net!