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WIlko's Little Shop of ORRORS

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Only Real Resources Or Real Solutions to the many challenges faced by teachers and students alike. Science teacher since 93, AST since 2004. Experience on SLT, working with ITT's whole school and Faculty, delivered numerous CPD sessions on wide range of topics. Participated in materials produced by National strategies.




Only Real Resources Or Real Solutions to the many challenges faced by teachers and students alike. Science teacher since 93, AST since 2004. Experience on SLT, working with ITT's whole school and Faculty, delivered numerous CPD sessions on wide range of topics. Participated in materials produced by National strategies.
GCSE Biology glossary - Arabic

GCSE Biology glossary - Arabic

This is the GSCE biology glossary resource translated into Arabic. (Primarily matched to the AQA course). It is best used in conjunction with the standard English version. All words and phrases are numbered and match across both languages. There are suggested methods to revise the words. The glossaries are also matched with quiz quiz trade cards and SOLO hexagons for possible classroom activities. Chemistry and Physics are also available as are other translated languages. As I don’t speak this language please excuse any mistakes in translation!
GCSE Science complete glossaries - Portuguese

GCSE Science complete glossaries - Portuguese

3 Resources
These are the complete set of GSCE glossaries including Biology, Chemistry and Physics. These are translated into Portuguese. They match the English versions and have the same numbers. As I don’t speak this language there may be mistakes in the translation. However, I hope that you still find these useful for your EAL students.
GCSE Physics glossary - Persian

GCSE Physics glossary - Persian

This is the GSCE physics glossary resource translated into Persian. (Primarily matched to the AQA course). It is best used in conjunction with the standard English version. All words and phrases are numbered and match across both languages. There are suggested methods to revise the words. The glossaries are also matched with quiz quiz trade cards and SOLO hexagons for possible classroom activities. Biology and Chemistry are also available as are other translated languages. As I don’t speak this language please excuse any mistakes in translation!
GCSE Biology glossary - Persian

GCSE Biology glossary - Persian

This is the GSCE biology glossary resource translated into Persian. (Primarily matched to the AQA course). It is best used in conjunction with the standard English version. All words and phrases are numbered and match across both languages. There are suggested methods to revise the words. The glossaries are also matched with quiz quiz trade cards and SOLO hexagons for possible classroom activities. Physics and Chemistry are also available as are other translated languages. As I don’t speak this language please excuse any mistakes in translation!
Exit pass - Ideas of science

Exit pass - Ideas of science

Best printed 4 per page of A4. Useful for student self assessment and also provide quick feedback for the teacher. Great for evidence for work scrutinies / lesson observations. Use these in conjunction with the ideas of science and ideas about science. I have found having a selection of various exit passes preprinted means I always have the right one at the right time!
Exit pass - SOLO outcomes

Exit pass - SOLO outcomes

Best printed 4 per page of A4. Useful for student self assessment and also provide quick feedback for the teacher. Great for evidence for work scrutinies / lesson observations. This is based on the SOLO taxonomy system and encourages students to consider the outcomes for their learning. Great for metacognition. I have found having a selection of various exit passes preprinted means I always have the right one at the right time!
Student response - scaffolding

Student response - scaffolding

I use these slides to encourage the students to self-evaluate their feedback. As a result students produce far better quality review of their assessed feedback. Can be combined with other slide resources.
Scaffolded notetaking resources

Scaffolded notetaking resources

WIKI - What I know Initially - encourages students to scaffold their prior learning before adding new knowledge either during or at the end of a lesson. Has been used successfully with Y7-Y13. WIKI - Teach - What I Know I teach - encourages students to scaffold information before they use it to teach another student or student - also includes space for peer assessment. Used very successfully with Y7-13 and staff!. Adapted Cornell note sheet. Uses the Cornell design but has been adapted to encourage deeper level of thinking - in particular the left hand column scaffolds metacognition. Again used with Y7-13.
Marking - key codes

Marking - key codes

These can be printed at A3 size and placed around the room. In addition I print 2 per A4 page and then students stick on the reverse of their exercise books. Using these codes has saved me around 70% of my marking time - better quality feedback but for far less time - win win!!
QED - and feedback

QED - and feedback

QED = Quality Efficiency Demonstrable (my own term!). This was a presentation I used to encourage staff to consider the 3 key issues when designing assessment strategies for students. Basically - all resources and strategies should always ensure quality feedback to the learners. All must ensure efficiency and whenever possible reduce current work load rather than add to it. Finally, as monitoring is always an aspect of our role as teachers, the resources and strategies should provide demonstrable evidence of quality feedback to a third party, be that Middle leaders, SLT or OFSTED. If you download and want further information then please contact me.
Mind mapping - FAIL and SAIL

Mind mapping - FAIL and SAIL

Best printed double sided on A3 paper. This resource contain 2 versions. These can be used to compare students' initial knowledge with their final understanding. Have been used with Y7-13.
SOLO HOT maps - for Biology

SOLO HOT maps - for Biology

Variety of SOLO style flow charts (sequencing, Compare and Contrast, Describe). Mainly based on Biology concepts but could easily be adapted for any other subject. Perfect for scaffolding students' learning and reaching those ever more challenging higher order thinking skills. Many of the resources are best printed back to back (and often A3). These have been used very successfully with Y7-13 and also staff training. Even if you are not familiar with SOLO taxonomy they are still very useful tools to encourage higher order thinking and consequently the holy grail of challenge!
Mind mapping, Growth mindset and Processing

Mind mapping, Growth mindset and Processing

Use these slides to scaffold students' use of mindmapping to consider level of learning. Growth mindset expandabubble (my own name!) is used to show the importance of effort etc to achieve success and what happens if complacency sets in. Processing image is used to encourage students to use various strategies to process (and consequently learn) information, i.e. reduction, expansion, transformation etc.
GCSE Physics AQA - Complete glossary

GCSE Physics AQA - Complete glossary

Contains all the key words and definitions for the whole AQA KS4 Physics course. Includes those particularly for separate science (identified). Best used in conjunction with Quick quiz sheets and definition sheets. Also supported by Quiz quiz trade cards. All words are numbered on both the Quiz quiz trade cards and the glossaries themselves. Glossary also contains suggested SOLO linked revision strategies. Quick quiz sheet also incudes marking system so students can analyse their results to a greater depth. Students have found this resource and the others suggested invaluable in supporting their long term retention of key information.
GCSE Chemistry AQA - Complete glossary

GCSE Chemistry AQA - Complete glossary

Contains all the key words and definitions for the whole AQA KS4 Chemistry course. Includes those particularly for separate science (identified). Best used in conjunction with Quick quiz sheets and definition sheets. Also supported by Quiz quiz trade cards. All words are numbered on both the Quiz quiz trade cards and the glossaries themselves. Glossary also contains suggested SOLO linked revision strategies. Quick quiz sheet also incudes marking system so students can analyse their results to a greater depth. Students have found this resource and the others suggested invaluable in supporting their long term retention of key information.
GCSE Physics AQA - Quiz quiz trade cards

GCSE Physics AQA - Quiz quiz trade cards

Contains all the key words and definitions for the whole AQA KS4 Physics course. Includes those particularly for separate science (identified). Best used in conjunction with GCSE Physics AQA - complete glossary. Also supported Quick quiz sheets and definition sheets. All words are numbered on both the Quiz quiz trade cards and the glossaries themselves. Glossary also contains suggested SOLO linked revision strategies. Quick quiz sheet also incudes marking system so students can analyse their results to a greater depth. Students have found this resource and the others suggested invaluable in supporting their long term retention of key information. Great use as a starter activity - simply provide each student with a card on entry to the class and then get them to pair up, quiz each other, swap cards and then move to another partner. Can also be used mid way through a lesson as a break activity. Alternatively students can use the cards to quiz each other in groups of four or place cards down on the table and only turn over if they can either recall the definition or the word corresponding to the information on the reverse.
GCSE Biology AQA - Quiz quiz trade cards

GCSE Biology AQA - Quiz quiz trade cards

Contains all the key words and definitions for the whole AQA KS4 Biology course. Includes those particularly for separate science (identified). Best used in conjunction with GCSE Biology AQA - complete glossary. Also supported Quick quiz sheets and definition sheets. All words are numbered on both the Quiz quiz trade cards and the glossaries themselves. Glossary also contains suggested SOLO linked revision strategies. Quick quiz sheet also incudes marking system so students can analyse their results to a greater depth. Students have found this resource and the others suggested invaluable in supporting their long term retention of key information. Great use as a starter activity - simply provide each student with a card on entry to the class and then get them to pair up, quiz each other, swap cards and then move to another partner. Can also be used mid way through a lesson as a break activity. Alternatively students can use the cards to quiz each other in groups of four or place cards down on the table and only turn over if they can either recall the definition or the word corresponding to the information on the reverse.
GCSE Physics AQA - Quick quiz template

GCSE Physics AQA - Quick quiz template

This is a scaffold for providing students with regular no-stakes testing of their Physics glossaries. As such it is best used in conjunction with the GCSE Physics AQA Glossaries. It is best printed A3 size; 2 per page and back to back. It also includes my own marking system codes to allow students to fully analyse their own performance. To reduce the stakes to zero then results should not be collected. This allows students to maximise their long term retention. I have use this type of resource with great effect at KS3, 4 and 5 with small adaptations to suit the relevant glossaries. Excellent method for developing long term retention.