I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
These are simple step by step notes on how to tell time in Spanish. Each section has practice examples for students to write time on the hour, half hour, quarter hours and random in between times. Page two has blank clock faces where students can practice writing times you read to them, and there is a partner practice where students can ask and answer times in Spanish speaking capital cities. Four pages total to practice telling time reading, writing, listening and speaking. This lesson is best suited for students that are just beginning telling time, or for those students in 2nd year re-visiting the topic for a day to brush up their skills.
This assignment works best for students in SPanish II who have reviewed usage of verbs like GUSTAR or for SPanish I students after the have already learned adjectives and basic regular verb conjugation. Students create an original poem about something they love and then present it to the class. Packet contains parameters of assignment, tips for students on composing their thoughts, revision/proofing code list for peer correction or teacher proofing and grading rubric. This lesson works well as a final assessment of GUSTAR or related verbs and students enjoy presenting their works out loud in a Poetry slam. Plan at least two days for creation and proofing, one day for final revision and 1-2 days to present depending on class size.
Step by step notes on the formation of Ud, Uds, and Nosotros commands with practice examples along the way for students to complete. Print these on card stock to use as a graphic organizer for note taking or for reference for students. Answer key to examples included. Notes are designed for Spanish II or higher students who are learning formal commands for the first time or as a quick review.
These notes and practice pages for the future tense take students through formation and usage step by step. 5 page download includes, notes, grid for conjugation of regular an irregular Future tense verbs, questions to answer in the future tense and 25 practice "si" clause sentences where students complete the sentence with either the future or present tense. There is a free write essay with prompt at the end for students to envision their future life. This works best for a Level III class or as a review for higher levels. You could use it to introduce the future tense and assign practice.
This powerpoint uses emoticons to introduce students to many of the emotions that are used with ESTAR. There are also slides of easy situations where students can express a reaction to how they would feel and a bunch of clip art and photo slides of different people they can describe with ESTAR and feelings vocabulary. 27 slides total.
These are clear printable notes for students on the usage of POR and PARA with examples for each case followed by 70 practice sentences to be used as either in class exercises or as homework. There never seems to be enough practice for this concept but it should be a good start.
There never seems to be enough practice included for verb conjugation. This packet contains 100 simple sentences for students to practice conjugation of regular AR, ER, and IR verbs. Originally created for practice in the present tense you could assign this in any tense for students to practice. Packet contains box charts for verb endings followed by sentences, 40 AR, 30 ER and 30 IR. More than enough to get the idea of verb conjugation. Great for exam review as well.
This worksheet has students tracking conflicts between characters in Episode 3. Students fill the chart as they watch. Netflix has recently cancelled this series, but the worksheet contains a link where students (and the class) can watch it from the internet without being charged, and no advertisements. (No te preocupes)
This powerpoint covers step by step negation and other indefinite words. Each slide introduces a different combination and in between there are lots of examples for practice that students can do either orally as a group or on paper. Presentation takes one full class period with time included for practice and checking Best suited for a level II class where students are being introduced to this tricky concept.
This multi phase project works well for level II students or level I students during the second semester who are learning vocabulary associated with the house. Students must create a classified ad to sell their home, field questions from a prospective buyer on the phone(you) and design a dream home to be built with their lottery winnings. They must also advertise for a maid to keep their dream house clean. Directions for this lesson and grading rubric are in English, with possible phone interview questions in Spanish and French. Lesson is easily adapted to either language as well as German. Project contains written, spoken, listening components as well as one creative component that could be designed as a power point or on paper.
Students studying identity or simply interested in recent current events will respond to this short 8 minute film on the topic of wearing the Hijab in school. Lesson includes link to video (there are a lot great free short films on this site) and questions for students to respond to as they view the short film. Writing prompt discusses the topic of mandatory dress codes in schools vs uniforms and provides opportunity to respond to a prompt in a persuasive paragraph. Lesson takes one class period to complete, but could easily be expanded to two. class periods for a discussion/debate after students have seen short and answered preliminary questions. Writing prompt can be completed in class or assigned as homework. This mini lesson is an excellent activity for a level V or Heritage Learner class preparing for the AP test.
This project works best for students who are completing French II or higher and have already had practice with partitive articles and passe compose verbs with AVOIR. Students prepare and demonstrate a recipe giving commands to a classmate to prepare their project step by step live in class. Hilarious project, especially when a student is randomly paired who has never cooked before. This project works best as a final assessment after a unit on food and incorporates their knowledge of past tense verbs, words of quantity, partitives, words of order and food vocabulary. Project takes several days to watch in class, you can see about 5 students per day in a regular class period, more if they are making sandwiches. Students will need time outside of class to write their presentations and you may wish to give them a day in class to proof their work and make corrections before they begin to memorize.
This 26 slide powerpoint walks students through proper usage of the verb GUSTAR and other verbs that work like it. It covers pronoun selection, matching GUSTAR to items and actions and use of clarifiers. At 28 slides with opportunities for students to practice, it takes one full class period to present with opportunities to work examples and check their answers.
This worksheet is designed to be follow up examples to my other lesson on Direct Object pronouns. Two pages of examples look at DOP usage in 1 and 2 verb sentences, answering questions using DOP's and managing DOP's with Tu commands in positive and negative. This works well for extra practice or as a warm up/review activity for level III or higher.
La Muñeca Menor by Rosario Ferré is a short story full of magical realism. This story is great to teach for a Heritage Learner class or a level IV or higher where students already have a fair vocabulary base in Spanish. Files also contain a supporting powerpoint that provides information about the author, some definitions of key vocabulary and some guiding instructions for students as they read, re-read and discuss the story. Story will take about 4 class periods to teach with thorough comprehension.
Download contains comprehension questions, essential questions and a graphic organizer for students to summarize the story and identify incidents of magical realism as well as a copy of the story. (Story is available on line for free as well, google the title + free PDF)
Ferre has a lot to say about the way women are treated in this story that finishes with a kind of spooky surprise ending.
This powerpoint tells the famous Aesop fable of the Lion and the Mouse. 25 blanks for students to decide preterite or imperfect alternate with slides that contain the answers and rationale for their choices. Students can practice a story together and discuss their choices prior to trying some of my other practice fables as worksheets for homework. Each slide contains 2-3 sentences and is immediately followed by the the answers. This powerpoint would work best early on in the preterite vs imperfect unit after students have been presented with the reasons/concepts for each verb tense. Provides an important step for "guided practice" to reduce frustrations and stimulate discussion before students practice on their own. Free preview file is the graphic organizer on blackline for students to track their answers and reasons.
You can teach your students all regular and irregular preterite verb conjugations through this rap song, and you will look hilarious. The lyrics accompany the old RAPPERS DELIGHT song by the Sugarhill Gang. Powerpoint will flash the lyrics on your smartboard so everyone can participate . You will need to download a karaoke version of this old school favourite at Amazon.com and rap out the lyrics as you teach them the verbs. Especially successful in the urban school I taught in as the students recognized the song their parents listened played at home. One of my students favourites!
I use this activity to start my foreign language classes but it would work really well for ESL students, Social Studies or even a psychology course. Students examine components of culture, both surface and deep and discuss what makes up a person's culture. Small group brainstorming sessions interspaced with large group share outs and individual reflections on culture, social circles and deep vs surface. Project and reflection questions at the end for students to complete at home. This lesson takes at least one-two class periods to complete and is a great introduction to get them thinking about cultural differences and how people assimilate.
Another round of "better than you", this game keeps the whole class moving, engaged and receiving instant feedback on the concept of Preterite vs Imperfect. Put desks in pairs, number each station of paired desks. Students write the first station number on their paper and game begins. Students decide preterite/imperfect and race their partner, slamming pencil on desk when finished. Reveal the answer and have ALL students rotate desks. Winning student goes one station lower 6-->5, losing student goes one station higher 6-->7. Settle all ties and disputes, dual wrong answers with a round of ROCK PAPER SCISSORS and continue the game. First student back to their seat WINNING wins the game. Game can be played for entire class to practice or as a warm up before the quiz. Product contains 35 practice sentences with alternating answers to play the game. This lesson works great with level II or higher students who have been practicing the Preterite vs Imperfect concept for some time.