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Teach and learn Spanish with pleasure! We are glad to offer you high-quality resources for various levels!




Teach and learn Spanish with pleasure! We are glad to offer you high-quality resources for various levels!
SER and ESTAR in Spanish Entire grammar unit lesson

SER and ESTAR in Spanish Entire grammar unit lesson

The resource “SER vs ESTAR Grammar lesson” /SER y ESTAR-lección de gramática” is a complete lecture that includes all your students need to know about these two, sometimes complicated, verbs. It contains thorough explanations and lots of examples. In the resource there are included all the possible cases of the usage of SER-ESTAR with practical illustrations. It is worth standing out the fact that this product offers comprehensible explanations about the similarities and differences between SER and ESTAR in a simple way and understandable language. In this resource, you can see in which cases SER and ESTAR are interpreted as different verbs and in which cases they could be mistaken. The product is a lesson plan that covers not only this topic, but also provides some ideas about other issues such as verbal periphrases and passive voice. It does not include activities since understanding the topic is the primary task. The resource is mainly for Spanish students whose level is intermediate and up. It will fill all possible knowledge gaps your students could have regarding the usage of SER and ESTAR. The resource is in pdf format. Entirely in Spanish! KEY FEATURES: → An ultimate lesson that explains every usage of SER / ESTAR; → Contains many examples; → Helps distinguish between the different roles of SER and ESTAR; → Presented in simple and understandable language; → Gives some additional grammar notes /passive voice/; → Covers the whole topic; → 14 pages +TOU. Este recurso es la lección completa sobre los SER y ESTAR que incluye todo lo que tus alumnos necesitan saber sobre estos, a veces, algo complicados verbos. Contiene explicaciones exhaustivas y muchísimos ejemplos. Todos los casos posibles en el uso de SER-ESTAR vienen ilustrados con ejemplos. Merece destacar que el producto ofrece explicaciones comprensivas sobre las semejanzas y diferencias entre estos dos verbos de una forma simple y con lenguaje inteligible y fácil. A lo largo del recurso se pueden ver y entender los casos en los que SER y ESTAR se pueden interpretar como verbos diferentes y otros en los que podrían llegar a confundirse. El ítem es una lección completa que cubre no solo este tema, sino que, también, ofrece algunas aclaraciones e ideas sobre otros puntos, tales como las perífrasis verbales o la voz pasiva en español. No se incluyen actividades puesto que antes de pasar a hacer ejercicios es primordial entender bien el uso de SER y ESTAR. El recurso es apropiado sobre todo para alumnos cuyo nivel sea intermedio o superior. Rellenará las posibles lagunas cognitivas de tus alumnos en cuanto al uso de estos dos verbos, tan esenciales en español. Se ofrece en formato pdf. ¡Íntegramente en español! Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Graphics from the Pond.
Ser and Estar in Spanish grammar activities for advanced learners no prep

Ser and Estar in Spanish grammar activities for advanced learners no prep

The resource “SER – ESTAR Grammar activities” is especially designed for Spanish students, high intermediate-advanced level. It is perfect to review and practice not only these two ambiguous verbs, but also different tenses in both Indicative and Subjunctive moods in its 7 different activities. In addition, students will learn and apply many vocabulary expressions. Recommendation: Please, take into account that this product is not for beginners. The best way to fulfil the activities is to do them during a couple of weeks giving the one regarding passive voice for homework. It is offered in pdf, so you will need to print the pages you want for your students. Includes answers to make your job easier. El recurso “SER – ESTAR Grammar activities” es especialmente creado para alumnos de español cuyo nivel sea intermedio alto – avanzado. Puesto que el producto incluye oraciones en las que los estudiantes tendrán que conjugar los verbos SER y ESTAR, resulta perfecto para repasar y practicar no solo estos dos verbos ambiguos, sino también tiempos verbales en ambos modos (Indicativo y Subjuntivo). Adicionalmente, el ítem ofrece la posibilidad de aprender y aplicar muchas expresiones enriqueciendo de esta forma su vocabulario. El producto ofrece más de 75 oraciones distribuidas en 7 actividades de diferente tipo. Es apropiado para alumnos de español (nativos, no-nativos y de herencia) en los grados 9-12, en las facultades/universidades, en cursos para adultos, etc. Los ejercicios incluyen los siguientes tipos de actividades: abrir paréntesis, corrección de errores, reacción apropiada en diferentes situaciones (gramática en contexto), test, voz pasiva, etc. KEY FEATURES: → Works great to practice SER-ESTAR with students high intermediate or advanced level; → Contains 7 different activities and tasks with more than 75 sentences; → Helps improving grammar skills and increases vocabulary bank; → Pdf (print and go); → Includes answers. For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles; Graphics from the Pond.
Spanish Present Tense practice All verbs activities part 1

Spanish Present Tense practice All verbs activities part 1

This product is especially created to help students deal with the formation and usage of both regular and irregular verbs in Present simple of Indicative in Spanish /verbos regulares e irregulares/. It is perfect for classrooms with students whose Spanish level is upper beginner to intermediate, aged 14 and up. The resource is not only about grammar skills, it helps students enrich their vocabulary with useful words and expressions. The product contains 5 different activities, such as forming sentences, correcting mistakes, reading, games, so it can be considered as a complete high-quality set of exercises. It also includes instructions in English and Spanish and the answers. “Present of indicative-All verbs – Activities- part 1” covers the four linguistic aspects: reading, writing, listening and speaking in Spanish and it is helpful to encourage the interaction between students. The product is part 1 of a series of Present of Indicative in Spanish. The resource is offered in pdf, so you will have to print in B&W the pages you need for your students. KEY FEATURES: Greatly improves basic grammar skills such as mastering the Present simple tense of Indicative in Spanish; Includes regular and irregular verbs; Increases students´ vocabulary bank; Can be used during 4-5 classes and the game can be applied during an entire school year as a kind of review; Can be applied in self-study; Useful for middle, high schools and for adults; Instructions in English and Spanish; -15 pages (activities, instructions and answers) + TOU. »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» El presente producto ha sido especialmente diseñado para ayudar a los alumnos de español a desenvolverse mejor en cuanto a la formación y el uso de los verbos regulares e irregulares en español en presente de indicativo. Resulta ser un recurso ideal para clases o grupos cuyo nivel de español sea inicial alto–intermedio, de edad 14 o más años. Este producto no trata solo de habilidades gramaticales, sino de enriquecer también el vocabulario con palabras y expresiones de gran utilidad. El ítem contiene** 5 ejercicios diferentes** (formar oraciones, corregir errores, lectura, juegos) convirtiéndose de esta manera en un lote de actividades de alta calidad. Asimismo, incluye instrucciones en inglés y español y respuestas. “Present of indicative-All verbs – Activities- part 1” cubre las cuatro destrezas lingüísticas: expresión escrita, expresión oral, comprensión lectora y comprensión auditiva en español y anima a los alumnos a interactuar. El recurso se ofrece en formato pdf, por lo que tienes que imprimir en blanco y negro las páginas que necesites para tus alumnos. Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles, Pixabay, Dooder / Freepik and A Perfect Blend.


Looking for some** no-prep Spanish grammar activities for your advanced students**? This item is especially focused on the use of Subjunctive in context as it offers some of its features in an attractive self-checking way. Students will have to choose the correct Spanish translation for 20 English sentences. There are three Spanish options for each English sentence. Giving the correct answer means Spanish learners will have to pay attention to two main factors: Do I need a subjunctive form in this sentence? And Among the subjunctive mood, which is the correct verb tense in the concrete phrase? All the sentences are practically phrases from our real life. The aim of the resource is to help students to improve natural, quick communicative skills, similar to native Spanish speakers. Stop conjugating tenses verb by verb and start getting the whole idea of the phrase! The resource offers instructions in English and Spanish. NOTE: Play it in presentation mode. You can share your screen with your students/use your smartboard. KEY FEATURES: → An excellent tool to practice genuine sentences with Modo Subjuntivo en español; → Contains 20 different sentences with 3 options for answer; → A no prep resource; → Suitable for Spanish advanced and proficiency levels; → Self-checking game; → Helps achieving native linguistic behavior; → Engaging activity that can be used several times; → Ideal for in-person classes or online/digital learning; → Can be used for self-study; → Appropriate for high schools, universities, adult learning; → Instructions. »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» ¿En busca de actividades de gramática española para tus alumnos de avanzado? El presente producto está especialmente enfocado al uso del Modo Subjuntivo en contexto puesto que ofrece algunas de sus principales características de una forma atractiva y auto correctiva. Tus alumnos tienen que elegir la traducción correcta al español de 20 oraciones dadas en inglés. Cada oración viene con tres opciones en español. Para que los estudiantes contesten correctamente tendrán primero que prestar atención a dos aspectos fundamentales: ¿necesito o no subjuntivo en esta frase? Y Entre todos los tiempos verbales de subjuntivo, ¿cuál es el que encaja mejor en la oración en concreto? Todas las frases son prácticamente un reflejo de nuestras vidas reales. El objetivo de la actividad es ayudar a los alumnos a mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas en español de forma natural y rápida, similar a los hablantes nativos. ¡Deja de conjugar paradigmas enteros verbo por verbo y empieza a captar la idea completa de la frase! NOTA: Juéguese en modo presentación. Puedes compartir pantalla con tus alumnos/ poner la actividad en tu smartboard. Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.
Spanish Spelling Practice: 48 Sentences to Correct. Encuentra y corrige las faltas

Spanish Spelling Practice: 48 Sentences to Correct. Encuentra y corrige las faltas

This item is especially created with the purpose of practicing Spanish orthography regarding some of the most common mistakes: written accent, la tilde diacrítica, use of H, C-S-Z, G-J, B-V, etc. The resource is appropriate for Spanish learners in middle, high schools and universities. In case your students are non-native Spanish speakers, it is recommendable to assign it if their level is upper intermediate and advanced. This product will help teachers cope with the practical aspects of different rules since it offers a big variety of examples. The task consists in detecting and correcting the spelling mistakes in 48 sentences taking into account the fact that 10 are correct. Students will have to spot the errors regarding Spanish spelling and write down the right word. Each sentence includes only one mistake. The resource is offered in pdf, you will need to print it. KEY FEATURES: → Offers 48 sentences with the most common orthographical issues in Spanish; → Helps improving spelling skills; → Spanish spelling in context; → Increases linguistic self-confidence; → Very appropriate for test/exam assignment; → Can be applied in self-study; → Useful for middle and high schools and for adults; → Instructions and keys included. There are 22 pages in total including TOU, credits. UPDATED! NOW WITH MORE SENTENCES! Please, download it again. »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» Este recurso está especialmente creado con el propósito de ofrecer actividades para practicar la ortografía española con relación a algunos de los errores más comunes: acento gráfico, la tilde diacrítica, uso de H, C-S-Z, G-J, B-V, etc. El producto es apropiado para estudiantes de la enseñanza secundaria, enseñanza superior, cursos para adultos, etc. cuyo nivel sea intermedio alto-avanzado. Este ítem te ayuda a manejar los aspectos prácticos de diferentes reglas ortográficas en español puesto que ofrece una gran variedad de ejemplos de estas reglas. Tus alumnos tendrán que detectar y corregir las faltas de ortografía en 48 oraciones teniendo en cuanta el hecho de que 10 están bien escritas. La palabra a corregir se deberá escribir en el renglón de abajo. Cada oración contiene solo un error. El producto inluye las claves en las páginas para el profesor. El recurso se ofrece en pdf , listo para imprimir. ¡Actualizado! Ahora con más oraciones. Por favor, vuelve a descargarlo. Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles
Complete Spanish Alphabet Unit: Pronunciation Guide, Audios, and Dictations

Complete Spanish Alphabet Unit: Pronunciation Guide, Audios, and Dictations

A captivating and useful way to learn or revise Spanish alphabet. It contains an interactive complete lesson + main diagrams + audio examples + words and sentences for dictation (with answers). With this digital resource in pptx format, your students will learn how to pronounce and read ALL Spanish letters IN EVERY CASE. It offers various examples of each letter, explanations about the specific cases and audios (with various Spanish accents) with the letter in different positions /initial, middle and final/. The resource also gives an overview (charts) regarding the problematical letters and their phonemes. In addition, the item contains 2 types of dictation: series of words and complete short sentences. This is a no prep resource, the only thing your students will need for the dictation is their notebooks. The resource is divided in four parts: – Part 1 with the alphabet: 3 letters per slide; once you finish the slide, just click on “Página siguiente”; – Part 2: a simplified diagram with the most complicated letters and phonemes; – Part 3: 5 self-checking slides with audio and 3-word series for dictation; – Part 4: 6 self-checking slides with audio and short sentences for dictation. The product is appropriate for primary and secondary schools, for non-native and native students. To be played in Presentation mode; you can share your screen with your students. KEY FEATURES: → Engaging and interesting interactive resource to teach, learn and practice Spanish alphabet and phonemes; → A no prep item; → Can be used in person or for distance learning (just share your screen with your students); → Detailed explanations about each letter and its pronunciation; → Contains more than 80 audios of single words and short phrases; → All the dictations are self-checking; → Can be applied in self-study. »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» Una manera interesante y muy útil para aprender o revisar el alfabeto español. Contiene la lección completa e interactiva + cuatro esquemas principales de las letras problemáticas + audio ejemplos + palabras y oraciones cortas para practicar mediante dictado (con respuestas). Este producto digital( en formato pptx) ayudará a tus alumnos a saber cómo pronunciar y leer TODAS las letras en español en CADA CASO. Viene con varios ejemplos para cada letra, explicaciones en cuanto a los casos específicos y audios (con varios acentos de hispanoparlantes) con la letra en diferentes posiciones dentro de la palabra. Asimismo, el recurso ofrece un resumen-esquema de las letras problemáticas y sus fonemas. Adicionalmente, el producto contiene dos tipos de dictado: series de palabras sueltas y oraciones cortas y completas. El producto no requiere previa preparación, lo único que los alumnos van a necesitar son sus cuadernos o blocks de notas para escribir los dictados. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles


This editable class project is the ideal tool for practicing speaking skills in Spanish. It offers the possibility to develop various issues: searching for and gathering information, analyzing it, preparing the presentation, working in teams and finally presenting the oral comparison between 2 countries in front of the rest of the class. The resource is appropriate for all students getting ready for any oral part in Spanish exams. The item includes 5 pairs of countries (9 Spanish-speaking and USA) to be compared according to 20 criteria. The issues cover a wide range of topics: general information, geography, demographic issues, cultural and sport points, etc. In the first pair of countries, the information about one of the countries is already given as an example. You can divide the class into teams/groups and give each team one pair of countries. The whole project process takes about a month-a month and a half: two-three weeks for gathering and analyzing the information, one-two weeks for presentation preparation so each team will have time to practice speaking and during the last week, each team does the oral presentation-comparison in front of the class. The resource is editable and it is offered in pptx. With instructions and examples. KEY FEATURES: → Highly recommended for practicing Spanish speaking skills; → 5 different pairs of countries to be compared according to 20 criteria; → Encourages students to work in a team, interact, communicate and analyze information; → 104 slides + instructions+ TOU; → Enriches culture and general knowledge; → Instructions and examples included; → A no-prep item; → Suitable for self-study. Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.
Spanish Gustar Bundle: lesson + charts+activities+test+game

Spanish Gustar Bundle: lesson + charts+activities+test+game

3 Resources
This BUNDLE includes absolutely everything needed for teaching, learning, understanding and practicing the unit lesson about Spanish “Gustar”, the similar verbs and the required pronouns. The lessons explains the forms of “Gustar” and the simple rule about how to use it in different sentences. It gives you explanations, charts and many examples. In addition, the several activities and the ready to assign test are perfect for your students to practice this a little complicated verb in Spanish. The verb Gustar (and similar ones) is quite particular. This Bundle will help you and your students to understand where the problem with GUSTAR lies and how to avoid the typical mistakes. Once pupils understand the explanation, they will have no more troubles with it. This no prep resource is appropriate for Spanish learners, levels: intermediate or low advanced (Spanish 2, Spanish 3 and Spanish 4/ B2-C1) and it is helpful for all kind of students (non-native, native and heritage). Entirely in Spanish! What is included: – GUSTAR NO PREP UNIT LESSON CHARTS ACTIVITIES SIMILAR VERBS TODO SOBRE GUSTAR – a complete and understandable lesson with clear explanations, charts plus 3 activities with keys (pdf); – NO PREP GAME FOR PRACTICING “GUSTAR” AND SIMILAR VERBS IN SPANISH IN 3 LEVELS – a Power PointTM digital activity with roulettes. It´s divided in 3 levels of difficulty and the variations are numberless; – SPANISH GUSTAR UNIT TEST 40 QUESTIONS NO PREP MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ – ready test for assessment with 40 questions . This Bundle is perfect for Spanish learners in high schools, colleges, adult curses, etc. With this Bundle you get definitely all you need for “Gustar”. No more mistakes with “Me gusta, te gusta, le gustan, etc.”! ** KEY FEATURES:** → Includes 3 highly recommended resources for teaching and practicing the Spanish verb GUSTAR; → Offers several tasks with different levels of difficulty; → Contains the complete and clear lesson about “Gustar”; → Entirely in Spanish; → A no-prep item; → Print or digital option; → Suitable for self-study. Este lote de productos incluye absolutamente todo lo necesario para enseñar, aprender, comprender y practicar el verbo “Gustar”, otros verbos de comportamiento similar y los pronombres requeridos. La lección explica las formas de “Gustar” y la regla muy simple de cómo aplicarlas en distintas oraciones. Te ofrece explicaciones, tablas y muchos ejemplos. Adicionalmente, con la ayuda de los varios ejercicios y el test, tus alumnos tendrán muchas actividades para practicar este, algo complicado, verbo español. El verbo GUSTAR ( y sus semejantes) es bastante peculiar. El objetivo de este lote es ayudarte tanto a ti como a tus alumnos a entender dónde reside la dificultad y cómo evitar los errores típicos con GUSTAR. Una vez que tus estudiantes comprendan las notas explicativas, nunca más tendrán problemas con este verbo. La totalidad de los recursos no necesita previa preparación y es apropiado para alumnos de español de niveles intermedio – avanzado bajo. Se presenta íntegramente en español. Es ideal para alumnos de español en las escuelas secundarias, institutos, cursos para adultos, etc. Con este lote tú obtienes absolutamente todo lo necesario sobre “Gustar”. ¡No más errores y problemas con “Me gusta, te gusta, le gustan, etc.”! Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.


This no-prep resource is the perfect tool for practicing all the possible forms of Spanish verbs like “Gustar”. It is appropriate for students in middle and high schools or for those whose Spanish level is intermediate or advanced. It is divided in 3 levels of difficulty so you can choose which one to start with. In each level your students will have to roll the roulettes and, depending on what they get, make full sentences in positive or negative form. There are some examples for each level. The possibilities are numberless, that´s why this resource is highly recommended for various grades and Spanish dominion levels. You can use it year after year with no need of previous preparation. “GUSTAR” is a verb whose correct use could be confusing sometimes. It is quite particular and very common at the same time. If your students need to revise and refresh their knowledge about “GUSTAR” and similar verbs, please take a look at this lesson: GUSTAR NO PREP UNIT LESSON PLUS CHARTS AND ACTIVITIES SIMILAR VERBS TODO SOBRE GUSTAR. There you will find absolutely everything you need to teach that topic. The game is in Power PointTM, so to play it, you will need the presentation mode. You can share your screen with your students. Entirely in Spanish! KEY FEATURES: → 3 levels of difficulty for practicing “GUSTAR” and similar verbs in Spanish; → Appropriate for big range of school grades; → No prep item; → Tons of possibilities; → Contains some examples; → Useful for all kind of Spanish learners (non-native and native); → Can be used in person or distance learning; → Can be applied in self-study. Este listo para usar recurso es la herramienta perfecta para practicar todas las formas posibles del verbo español “GUSTAR” y otros de comportamiento semejante. Es muy apropiado para alumnos de la Enseñanza Secundaria o para aquellos que su nivel sea intermedio-alto. Está dividido en 3 niveles de dificultad para que puedas elegir cuál practicar dependiendo del nivel de tus alumnos. En cada nivel tus alumnos tendrán que hacer girar las ruletas e inventar oraciones, positivas o negativas, acorde lo que les toque. También hay unos cuantos ejemplos para cada nivel. Las posibles variantes que pueden resultar son numerosas; es por eso que el producto es altamente recomendable para ser usado con varios grados (clases) y con alumnos de distinto nivel de dominio del español. Otro de los puntos positivos es el hecho de poder usar este recurso año tras año sin necesidad de previa preparación. El juego viene en Power PointTM y, por consiguiente, para poder jugarlo hace falta hacerlo en modo presentación. Puedes compartir tu pantalla con tus alumnos. ¡Íntegramente en español! Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.
Spanish Gustar and pronouns Test No prep Multiple choice

Spanish Gustar and pronouns Test No prep Multiple choice

Looking for a complete test for Spanish “GUSTAR” to assess your students? You have just found it! The resource contains 40 questions with keys about “GUSTAR” and the correct pronouns used with it. It is offered in TWO versions: pdf (to be printed) and Power PointTM (digital self-checking activity). If you want to use the paper version, just print pages from 2 to 6. If you prefer the pptx option, simply display the resource on your smartboard or classroom screen. The test/quiz includes 40 questions (with answers) in which your students will have to decide whether to use “Gusta” or “Gustan”. The test has also tasks regarding the correct pronouns used with “GUSTAR” (me, te, etc.). All the questions are with multiple choice (3 options for answers). It is an absolutely ready to use resource that can be applied in your regular classroom or in an exam. The item is appropriate for Spanish learners whose level is intermediate-advanced. The used verb tense in the whole resource is present simple of indicative since the point in this case is to practice and master Spanish “GUSTAR” without mixing that issue with verb tense agreement. KEY FEATURES: → A no prep test about the Spanish verb GUSTAR and the corresponding pronouns; → 40 multiple-choice questions; → Covers a huge variety of everyday situations; → Offered in two versions: paper(with answers) and digital option (self-checking); → Entirely in Spanish; → Appropriate for unit test / quiz; → Suitable for self-study. ¿Estás buscando un test completo con el verbo “GUSTAR” para evaluar a tus alumnos? ¡Acabas de encontrarlo! Este recurso contiene 40 preguntas (con claves) en lo referente a “GUSTAR” y los pronombres necesarios. El ítem viene en DOS formatos: pdf (para imprimir) y Power PointTM (juego digital auto correctivo). Si quieres usar la variante en papel, tendrás que imprimir las hojas desde la página 2 hasta la 6. Si prefieres la variante digital, pon el recurso en tu smartboard o pantalla digital. Este test incluye 40 preguntas (con respuestas) en las cuales los alumnos tienen que decidir si usar “Gusta” o “Gustan”. El test contiene también preguntas referentes a los pronombres correctos usados con “GUSTAR” (me, te, etc.). Todos los enunciados son preguntas con respuestas de tipo múltiple (3 posibles respuestas por pregunta). Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Graphics from the Pond
No-prep Spanish test resource with 6 quizzes for High school Español avanzado

No-prep Spanish test resource with 6 quizzes for High school Español avanzado

This no-prep resource is appropriate for one last revision before any Spanish tests your students will take. It is very useful for Spanish learners in high schools whose level is upper intermediate-advanced. The resource offers you 6 different self-checking tests and 166 questions in pptx format (Power PointTM) plus worksheets for the answers (in case you prefer students to answer on paper). How to use the resource? In 2 ways: if you want it for practicing, simply display the resource (whole or part) on your smartboard or classroom screen. Start the tests in presentation mode and click on the answers. It´s self-checking. if you want to assign some or all of the tests in an exam: print the times you need the corresponding worksheet with empty boxes and give them to your students. Print once the page(s) for teachers (with answers). Start displaying the test or tests in presentation mode, but don´t click on the correct answer, just on “Siguiente”. Once your students answer all the tasks, they give their sheets to you (with name and class) and you can correct them at the moment or later if you want. The resource includes 6 tests: TEST 1 (60 questions) is a general one with various verb tenses, Modo Indicativo and Modo Subjuntivo, I and II conditional sentences /If clauses/, vocabulary, pronombres en función de CD y CI (me, se, le, lo, etc.), possessive pronouns; TEST 2 (30 questions) with the tricky preposition “A”. TEST 3 (30 questions) with “POR – PARA”; TEST 4 (30 questions) with mixed prepositions: a, hacia, con, encima, por, de, contra, en, por encima de, para, etc. TEST 5 (6 questions) with comprehension of short notes- reading comprehension; TEST 6 (10 questions) in which students will have 10 seconds to react to concrete communicative phrases. You can download the FREE SAMPLE of this resource [HERE]https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12758676. For the pptx option: do it in presentation mode. Simply display the resource on your smartboard or classroom screen. Students can answer orally or write on the respective worksheets. For better assimilation and maximum results, you should assign each test in different days or weeks. Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles.


This is a free no-prep sample of the resource “5 Spanish tests ready for end of term or year Spanish exam” in pdf format. The sample includes 4 test questions in different areas: grammar, vocabulary and spelling. It also contains answers. It is appropriate for Spanish learners whose level is upper beginner-low intermediate. Print it and use it. If you want the whole resource, check it here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12757617 KEY FEATURES: → Includes 4 sample tasks of different tests; → Includes variety of questions: general grammar and vocabulary, numbers and spelling. → Answers included; → Appropriate for end of the school year or term assessment; → Useful for Spanish learners in middle, high schools and for adults; → Can be applied in self-study. Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.
Present of Indicative in Spanish Irregular verbs Flashcards Presente  verbos irregulares

Present of Indicative in Spanish Irregular verbs Flashcards Presente verbos irregulares

This product “Flashcards” – Spanish Present of Indicative /Presente de Indicativo" contains 42 irregular verbs with 84 forms. They are the most common irregular verbs, which students usually struggle with. It is a no prep item, you can use it by sharing your screen with your students or by printing it (color or B&W) and cutting the cards and distribute them. The aim of this activity is to help your students master conjugating the irregular verb forms in your classroom. The product is mainly for upper-beginners /different ages and grades/, although it can be used for intermediate level for mastering the irregular verbs in Spanish. Students should say the two asked forms of the given verb as quickly as they can. In a normal communicative process, they will have to do the same - say quickly the form they need in a specific situation without spending a lot of time conjugating the whole paradigm until they get the necessary one. KEY FEATURES: → 42 most common irregular verbs in Spanish; → Greatly valuable for practicing the forms of irregular verbs in Present of Indicative which is considered the most difficult verb tense in Spanish; → Effective training for real communication; → Cards can be printed and laminated; → Can be used for a couple of classes and for lifelong revision; → Can be applied for self study or homeschooling; → Useful for primary, middle and high schools and for adults; → Instructions in English and Spanish; → Answers included. El producto “Flashcards” – Present of Indicative /Presente de Indicativo” contiene 42 verbos irregulares en español con 84 formas. Se trata de los verbos irregulares más frecuentes con los que los alumnos suelen tener dificultades. El objetivo de esta actividad es ayudar a los estudiantes a perfeccionar la conjugación de los verbos irregulares en presente de indicativo. Los alumnos tendrán que decir las dos formas que se les piden del verbo dado lo más rápido posible. En una situación comunicativa normal, tendrán que hacer lo mismo – decir rápido la forma verbal que necesiten sin perder tiempo conjugando el paradigma entero del verbo hasta dar con la apropiada. Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles.


If your students still struggle with the verb GUSTAR in Spanish, then you need a high quality lesson to explain it to them once and for all. It is really frustrating when pupils whose Spanish level is intermediate or even up make mistakes with GUSTAR or similar verbs, isn´t it? The solution of your troubles is this resource that offers you very clear and understandable explanation, several charts, a list with similar verbs, a lot of examples, three different activities and key. All in one! The product contains five parts and the part with the exercises is appropriate to be assigned in class, for homework or in an exam. The verb Gustar (and similar) is quite particular. This resource will help you and your students to understand where the problem with GUSTAR lies and how to avoid the typical mistakes. Once pupils understand the explanation, they will have no more troubles with it. The resource is appropriate for Spanish learners with levels intermediate or low advanced (B2) and it is helpful for all kind of students (non-native, native and heritage). Entirely in Spanish! KEY FEATURES: → Highly recommended for understanding and practicing the peculiarities of the Spanish verb GUSTAR; → Offers thorough and clear explanations with multiple examples (Spanish grammar in context); → 5 parts: explanation, charts with examples, list of 22 similar verbs, 3 exercises and keys; → Best for Spanish intermediate learners; → A no-prep item; → B&W print; → 17 pages (activities+answers) plus TOU → Suitable for self-study. Si tus alumnos de la etapa Secundaria siguen teniendo problemas a la hora de usar el verbo GUSTAR, esto significa que vas a necesitar una lección de calidad para explicarles de una vez por todas este tema. Resulta realmente desalentador que estudiantes cuyo nivel de español sea intermedio e incluso avanzado bajo continúen cometiendo faltas con GUSTAR y verbos análogos, ¿a que sí? La solución a tus problemas viene a ser este recurso que ofrece una explicación a la vez clara y comprensible, varias tablas, una lista de verbos de comportamiento similar, ejercicios y claves. ¡Todo en uno! El presente ítem contiene 5 partes siendo la parte con las actividades apropiada para ser asignada como práctica en la clase/aula, como tarea o incluso en un examen. El verbo GUSTAR ( y sus semejantes) es bastante peculiar. El objetivo de este recurso es ayudarte tanto a ti como a tus alumnos a entender dónde reside la dificultad y cómo evitar los errores típicos con GUSTAR. Una vez que tus estudiantes comprendan las notas explicativas, nunca más tendrán problemas con este verbo. El recurso es apropiado para estudiantes de español cuyo nivel sea intermedio-avanzado bajo. Se presenta íntegramente en español. Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Graphics from the Pond.
Noprep Spanish Midterm & Final exams 5 tests with keys Nivel inicial alto-intermedio

Noprep Spanish Midterm & Final exams 5 tests with keys Nivel inicial alto-intermedio

Looking for some assessments for the end of the term or school year? This resource offers 100 questions, with answers included, divided into 5 tests suitable for high beginner to low intermediate students (A2-B1) in middle and high schools. Covering grammar, vocabulary, and spelling areas, these tests focus on essential topics such as present simple, reflexive verbs, Ser-Estar, and basic spelling issues. Ideal for time-saving exam preparation, the resource ensures a thorough evaluation of your students’ language proficiency. How to use it? – Print the test worksheets the times you need for your students. The answers are for the teacher; if you want, you can print them too for you. The resource includes 5 tests: Each of the test has 20 questions; TEST 1 and TEST 2 are general tests that cover basic vocabulary and grammar topics / presente simple, presente continuo, verbos reflexivos, los verbos: gustar, encantar, apetecer + complementos, Ser-Estar, vocabulario referente a la familia, la casa, la escuela, decir la hora, etc./. They also include some basic spelling issues. TEST 1 VOCABULARY and TEST 2 VOCABULARY are focused on the essential word bank needed to get to speak and understand Spanish. There are 5 questions per each of the following categories: las emociones, los números / hasta 1000/, el cuerpo humano, las profesiones, los alimentos, vocabulario general /verbos comunes, ropa, muebles/, los animales y descripción física. SPANISH SPELLING FOR BEGINNERS TEST includes some of the most common orthography issues, such as: LL-Y, C/S/Z, acentuación básica, H, etc. The resource is highly recommended for tests or exams because it contains not only crucial notions in Spanish, but also it is designed to be given to the same class divided in 2 groups in order to avoid cheating during the exam. Save time and efforts with this easy to use Test set. You can download a free sample of this resource HERE. KEY FEATURES: → Includes 5 different tests: 2 general, 2 vocabulary and 1 about spelling; → Each test has 20 questions, 100 tasks in total; → Answers included; → Appropriate for end of term or school year assessment; → Useful for Spanish learners in middle, high schools and for adults; → Print and go resource; → Can be applied in self-study. ¿Buscando algún tipo de evaluación para el final del curso o del trimestre? El producto “SPANISH END OF THE YEAR OR TERM TESTS 5 TESTS FIN DE CURSO NO PREP” te será muy útil porque te proporciona 100 preguntas (con claves) dividido en 5 tests diferentes (en PDF). Es un recurso que no necesita previa preparación, solo tienes que imprimir las páginas para tus alumnos las veces que necesites. Recurso muy útil Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.
SER and ESTAR in Spanish GRAMMAR QUIZ 40 questions SER y ESTAR test

SER and ESTAR in Spanish GRAMMAR QUIZ 40 questions SER y ESTAR test

The no-prep resource “SER vs ESTAR Grammar quiz” /Ser y Estar en español/ is a set of 40 questions with 2 possible answers and it is perfect for unit test and practice of Spanish Ser vs Estar. It includes keys to make your job easier. The issue SER-ESTAR in Spanish is considered to be one of the most complicated topics for Spanish learners because both of them are translated as “To be” in English or as similar one verb in other languages. However, there is a big and significant difference in their meaning that could change the whole idea of a sentence or communicative situation. To avoid all kind of misinterpretations, it is crucial to learn and understand their usage and to do a lot of activities. The sentences involve the most common cases in which SER and ESTAR could be confused. The resource is a perfect tool for practicing these two verbs in Spanish for students whose level is upper elementary - pre-intermediate. Recommendation: your students will do it better if first they learn well the lesson about the differentiation between SER-ESTAR. KEY FEATURES: 40 quiz questions; Pdf – just print it; Can be assigned for test, exam; Perfect for Spanish grammar practice; Useful and quick tool for practicing SER and ESTAR; Does not require preparation; Includes keys. El recurso “SER vs ESTAR Grammar quiz” es un lote de 40 preguntas con dos opciones como respuesta y va genial para testear los verbos Ser y Estar. También incluye las respuestas para facilitar tu trabajo. El problema de SER-ESTAR en español es considerado como uno de los más complicados para todos aquellos que estudien este idioma porque los dos se traducen como “TO BE” en inglés o con una sola palabra en otros idiomas. Por lo tanto, resulta imprescindible poder distinguirlos y usarlos correctamente ya que se trata de dos verbos absolutamente básicos en español. Existe una diferencia muy grande y característica entre sus significados que podría cambiar la idea entera de una frase o malinterpretar una situación comunicativa. Para evitar todo tipo de malentendidos resulta primordial aprender, comprender y distinguir el empleo de estos dos verbos haciendo muchos ejercicios. Las oraciones en el test cubren los casos más típicos y comunes en los que SER y ESTAR se pueden llegar a confundir. El recurso es una herramienta ideal para practicar estos dos verbos en español y es apropiado para alumnos/estudiantes de nivel principiante alto o intermedio bajo. Recomendaciones: Tus alumnos harán el test de forma mucho más satisfactoria si primero aprenden y entienden la lección de SER-ESTAR. Credits. Graphics: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Graphics from the Pond.