Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship

Develop your next generation of teachers

Combat teacher shortages by building your own qualified teacher workforce with our Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship.

Teacher receiving their award

What is the Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship?

Our Level 6 Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship is a nationally recognised, work-based route into teaching. It enables staff employed in your school to gain qualified teacher status (QTS) through on and off the job training – for little or no extra cost to your school*.

Attract and develop talented staff

Our Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship will help your staff to:

  • Gain qualified teacher status (QTS) through on and off the job training.

  • Develop deep knowledge and understanding of their chosen phase and subject.

  • Develop practical teaching skills, ideas and activities to use in the classroom.

  • Gain knowledge of schools through working as a member of your school team.

  • Develop the ability to reflect critically and think on their feet.

  • Get structured training at no cost to them and little or no extra cost to your school.*

Train staff online and in-school

  • Apprentices will receive a 12-month structured programme using on-line and in school training that is specific to their subject and covers the DfE ITE Core Content Framework. On successful completion apprentices will gain QTS.

  • This will be followed by a three-month End Point Assessment (EPA) period where an external assessment will be carried out and on successful completion their Level 6 apprenticeship can be awarded.

  • They’ll be assigned a personal pathway tutor who will provide them with regular feedback on their progress and coach them on subject knowledge and teaching skill development.

  • Apprentices will also be required to dedicate 20% of their week to online subject specific and professional studies training.

TA apprenticeship Postgrad apprenticeship

Pay little or no programme fees

  • Our postgraduate apprenticeship programme cost £9,000 but apprenticeship levy paying schools won't have to pay any course fees*.

  • If you’re not a levy paying school, you’ll need to contribute 5% of the fees, which is £450 per apprentice.

  • From September 2024, schools that are part of a School Direct partnership may be able to receive grant funding of up to £18,000 per trainee for some specialist subjects including chemistry, computing, mathematics and physics**.

Schools glass jar of money

To join our programme your staff must:

  • Be employed/have an offer of employment in your school.

  • Be assigned an in-school mentor who will support them throughout their apprenticeship.

  • Have achieved a standard equivalent to grade 4 in GCSE English language and maths (and science if they’re training to teach at primary level). If apprentices have taken a GCSE equivalency test in maths or English, we'll support them to take functional skills level 2 during their apprenticeship.

  • Hold a first degree from a UK higher education institution or equivalent qualification at 2:2 or above.

Lady holding a requirements checklist
  • As a route into teaching, my Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship has been incredibly worthwhile and fulfilling. It’s allowed me to develop as a teacher, gain required qualifications and progress my teaching career without fees, gaining valuable classroom experience straight away.

    Ben Crane, trainee maths teacher and postgraduate teaching apprentice
    Millbay Academy, Plymouth

Interested in doing this apprenticeship yourself?

End Point Assessment

Looking for a reliable End Point Assessment provider?

Book your Level 6 postgraduate teaching apprentices' End Point Assessment with Tes Institute - an established provider of EPA since 2019.

End Point Assessment hero classroom

*More details on apprenticeship funding can be found on the DfE website.

** More details on grant funding can be found in the DfE's postgraduate teaching apprenticeship funding manual.

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