City of London School for Girls
London, City of, United Kingdom
About City of London School for Girls
Academic yet unstuffy, modern yet acutely aware of its history, diverse yet with a strong sense of identity, our location in the heart of the City is definitive to the energy of our school.
City of London School for Girls is an independent day school for pupils aged 11-18 situated in the heart of the Barbican. Opened in 1894, the school provides an outstanding education for able students from all backgrounds, cultures and faiths. We capitalise on our location to attract students from all over Greater London and beyond, and give them access to every learning opportunity our capital has to offer. This is best demonstrated by our unique geography, nestled between the brutalist Barbican and looming Roman walls. Ours is an intellectually edgy, unassuming and unpretentious environment, unshackled by tradition, and imbued with a relaxed excellence. This is a refreshing and modern place in which to learn.
Our school is one of brave academic enquiry, of intellectual wonder and of fiercely independent thinkers. It’s hard to convey the excitement of the learning at City, where ideas in these rooms become almost become bigger than the people in them, where the structures of learning can become an escape from the self and identity. City is a school which never places any artificial division on our formal academic and co-curricular provision, but celebrates the wild adventure and the fun of learning wherever it is found.
Immersed in a culture that fosters independent thinking from a very early age, pupils are not frightened to try and fail. This is due in no small way to the school’s leadership who promote and support an ethos of erudite thinking and intellectual challenge.
- Independent Schools InspectoratePupils' attitudes to learning are outstanding. Pupils of all ages display a thirst for knowledge, are intellectually curious and possess a natural desire to deepen their understanding at every opportunity, seen in their eagerness to question and debate.
- Independent Schools Inspectorate