Holy Cross College
Bury, United Kingdom
About Holy Cross College
Mission Statement:
Holy Cross, founded by the Daughters of the Cross, is a Catholic Sixth Form College, which exists to provide a high quality education within a community based on Gospel principles.
The college is committed to providing high quality classroom facilities for students and staff to use and significant building works and refurbishments have taken place to bring this about.
Aim to provide a safe and secure environment for students to continue their studies.
The Chaplaincy plays a key role in fostering the mission and ethos at Holy Cross and strives to provide students and staff with opportunities to develop spiritually, morally, and intellectually.
We are proud of our Catholic tradition whilst also welcoming students and staff of all faiths.
Holy Cross College has a strong commitment to value each person as an individual and to enable all our students to maximise their potential during their time with us.
Holy Cross College has established links with Heidelberg University in Tiffin, Ohio.