Longdon Park School

Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Location: Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Type: Special Needs
Funding status: Independent
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 7 - 18 years

About Longdon Park School

Longdon Park School provides an all-round outstanding learning experience for vulnerable children, enabling them to overcome previous setbacks through a disrupted education.

The school enables each pupil to find success through a personal and individual approach with high expectations and realistic targets.

The ethos of Longdon Park, opened in 2015, replicates the model of its hugely successful, award-winning sister school: Longdon Hall.

The nurturing, therapeutic ethos extends beyond the classroom into the home environment, through supportive family therapy.

Longdon Park School caters for children and young people aged 7-18 who have a range of complex behavioural, communication and social difficulties associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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Address: Park Hill, Hilton Road, Egginton, Derbyshire, DE65 6GU, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1283 733 195
What people say about us

I believe Dominic has had more educational hours in this term than he has ever had and i am so grateful to all the staff for their dedication and hard work. Thank you so much for all you do.

- Parent

He has made so much progress, more than i ever expected at this early stage and i feel this is a credit to you and the staff who actually 'get him.' I forgot what it was like to not have my phone constantly ringing and Harry making a full week of education - it's unheard of!

- Parent

Since Samir has started at the school he has regained his confidence and is understanding a lot more about his ASD. His behaviour at home has changed and we believe the school has helped him to achieve this as he is a different child to twelve months ago.

- Parent

We are so impressed with the way that Dylan has settled into school. Longdon Park have gone above and beyond to meet his needs and it's wonderful to see him so happy - thank you!

- Parent

Daniel has settled in so well and the teachers and staff are wonderful. The school is absolutely fantastic and Daniel and our family are lucky to have found it.

- Parent
Positions available at Longdon Park School