St Mary's Catholic School
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
About St Mary's Catholic School
St. Mary’s has a strong tradition of providing an authentic education which aims to deliver excellence for every member of our Catholic community. It is our mission to build on that tradition as we develop the school still further over the years ahead.
Our school is built upon an ambitious mission for each and every young person: to fulfil academic potential; to be fully developed in the personal, social and spiritual areas of life; to achieve excellence in every area of life; and to be underpinned by Gospel Values, enabling each person to value individuals and contribute positively to society. We work in partnership with parents and the wider community to ensure that this mission is accomplished in the lives of all our young people, and in so doing, enable those young people to live life to the full.
The aims of the school are:
• the formation of our young people according to Gospel values;
• the fulfilment of the potential of our pupils in all aspects of the curriculum;
• the personal, social and spiritual development of our pupils into responsible, generous and caring members of society;
• the achievement of all these within a culture of respect and appreciation for the worth and contribution of each member of our school and its wider community.
In 1896, five Sisters from the Belgian congregation of St Mary of Namur came to Bishop's Stortford and established a school with just 9 students. These pioneering Sisters were the first to provide Catholic education for the district, and the school rapidly became a success. Their legacy is St Mary’s Catholic School, and as we look to the future with high expectations for continued success, their vision continues to inspire us. This is expressed in our aspiration towards academic excellence founded on Gospel values. In practical terms this also means the best possible pastoral care and guidance and the challenge and support of a broad range of spiritual opportunities which permeate through all aspects of school life.