St Paul's Catholic School
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
About St Paul's Catholic School
St Paul’s Catholic School is a mainstream, voluntary-aided, co-educational, Christian-faith, secondary school for children aged 11-18 years. It is situated in Leadenhall in Milton Keynes and has 1800 pupils.
The school became a specialist Science College in 2003 and language College in 2008.
Mrs Jo-Anne Hoarty
Values and vision
The school endeavours to be a community in which the love of God and one another can be seen in practise. The students are encouraged to be selfless and to serve one another. The pupils are expected to do the best in everything they do.
At the heart of all it does is the school’s shared belief that each individual is a unique person, created by God.
Leaders are effective because they have taken the right steps to improve the school. They show clear leadership and are well supported by staff. Governors have made significant changes to the way they work. As a result, they are very knowledgeable about the school so they successfully challenge leaders and hold them to account well. Teaching is good across all key stages because staff are committed to continually improving their practice.