Tame Valley Academy

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 3 - 11 years

About Tame Valley Academy

Tame Valley is a happy and successful one form entry Academy (with Nursery Class) situated in the heart of the Bromford area of Birmingham.  The Academy currently serves a population of predominantly council housing and is well regarded in the local community.  Our Free School Meal (FSM) EAL and SEN figures are above national average.  We have a diverse multi-cultural community which is a key strength of our school as can be seen through the clear community cohesion of our pupils and the relationships they have with each other and staff.

Our Local Advisory Board (LAB) is very supportive of the school. Members of the LAB are involved in all aspects of school life.

We are aiming to be an “outstanding” Academy and as such have a high expectation of our staff to deliver the curriculum to our pupils in ways that will inspire them to learn and achieve their best.

We offer an attractive well organised and stimulating learning environment in which we promote high standards of teaching and learning.

We aim to develop the whole child: morally, socially, physically, academically, spiritually and in accordance with their needs.   We are proud of the calm and purposeful learning atmosphere at Tame Valley which is often commented on by visitors. We celebrate the successes of our children at Achievement assembly each Friday morning to which parents are warmly welcome.

We strongly believe in partnership with parents. They provide support to the school through events, helping in class and on trips.

The curriculum we offer is broad, balanced and creative to ensure opportunities for experimental and active learning. This is continually developing and is essential to the development of the whole child and ultimately improving standards of attainment. Our SAT results over the years have shown an overall upward trend and this will continue.


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Address: Chillinghome Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B36 8QJ, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 121 464 4497