The Godolphin and Latymer School
Hammersmith and Fulham, United Kingdom
About The Godolphin and Latymer School
About the School
Conveniently situated a short walk from Hammersmith Broadway in west London, Godolphin and Latymer is one of the UK’s leading independent secondary schools. It is an academically selective, girls’ day school with about 800 pupils aged 11-18. Currently 10% of students are in receipt of a means-tested bursary, and widening access to the school is an important objective for us.
The school was founded in 1905, using the buildings of a former boys’ boarding school which had closed a few years earlier. Historic buildings – including a converted church – sit side-by-side with modern facilities interconnected by glass atriums, tranquil gardens and courtyards. The school’s association with the Godolphin family means that our alumnae are called Old Dolphins and the school motto in Cornish, ‘Francha Leale Toge’: free and loyal art thou.
Excellent, research-informed teaching supports our students to achieve outstanding exam results which consistently place the school amongst the best nationally. In the Sixth Form our students have the choice of studying A Levels or the International Baccalaureate diploma. We create a learning environment that promotes analytical skills, collaboration, adaptability, creative thinking and problem-solving; all mindsets that our students will need in abundance in their future careers.
Pastoral care provides personalised support for each individual girl and there is an overarching philosophy of building resilience, self-confidence and selfagency in our students. It is our aim that girls are happy within themselves and well prepared for the promise that their futures hold.
Pupils learn about the importance of equality, sustainability, diversity and inclusion and we encourage pupils to make a difference in the wider community through a range of volunteering opportunities and social impact projects. Our Bridge outreach programme is run by staff, and supported by Sixth Formers, and provides academic enrichment for boys and girls from families who wouldn’t normally consider sending their children to independent schools.
The school enjoys individual and team sporting success with a full fixtures list throughout the year and opportunities for all ages and abilities. Our astro-pitches, courts and fabulous Sports Centre are all on-site and our pupils row on the Thames, a short walk away. We have an excellent reputation for the creative and performing arts with regular performances, concerts and exhibitions.
Our co-curricular programme is full and varied and students develop their individual interests and passions at over 90 weekly clubs and societies.
Every year we have an extensive programme of trips in the UK and overseas and many of our pupils take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. The extracurricular programme is enthusiastically supported by both teaching and non-teaching staff. We also encourage students to develop their leadership skills through student-led committees and to take on positions of responsibility, particularly in the Sixth Form.
For all of our latest news and more information about the school, please go to our website: www.godolphinandlatymer.com and follow us on our social media platforms @gandlschool.
Why work at Godolphin and Latymer?
The staff are thoroughly professional, highly qualified and knowledgeable, enthusiastic and passionate about their own subjects, as well as understanding the importance of the breadth of the educational experience that we provide. The school is characterised by a warm and welcoming atmosphere and a mutually supportive approach.
Employing exceptional individuals is the key to providing an exceptional education for our students, and we aim to recruit members of staff who are leading practitioners in their fields or who show outstanding potential. As well as appointing experienced staff from top independent and maintained schools, we also train those new to the profession recruited directly from university or those who have been successful in another career and seek a new challenge.
Professional development is at the heart of our approach and time and resources are available to our staff whatever the stage of their career. Further academic study is possible and both teaching and non-teaching colleagues have been supported to complete vocational qualifications and higher degrees, including Ph.Ds. Many of our staff publish pedagogical research and present at academic conferences, represent sports at national and international level, are governors at other schools and influence national educational policy. Middle leaders are provided with specific management training including the Independent Schools’ Qualification in Academic Management and the Pastoral Leadership Qualification. We provide workshops to shine a light on the many aspects of running a busy school and host and speak at a number of training conferences run by external organisations such as the GSA and HMC.
Teachers collaborate in learning communities focusing on specific aspects of learning and teaching such as assessment, cognitive processes and pastoral support. We share research and good practice and support each other by co-planning, observing lessons and sharing ideas through our Teaching and Learning blog.
We are also a fun and sociable community who organise social and cultural events including: staff vs student netball, football and basketball matches; regular and free yoga, acupressure massage and social tennis sessions; staff choir and concerts.
The School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment and responsibility. Applicants will be required to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.
The Charity called The Godolphin and Latymer School (charity registration number 312699) is administered by The Godolphin and Latymer School Foundation, a charitable company limited by guarantee (Company number 3598439).
‘The buzz that the students create on a daily basis is the unique wonderful thing about Godolphin. And there’s an amazing roast lunch on Thursdays!’
- JOHN CARROLL (Assistant Head)‘The girls are very curious to learn and to be the best that they can be. There’s a great sense of community and a culture of kindness that values different individual personalities and perspectives.’
- ELLEN ELFICK (Director of Sport)‘There is such a collaborative, trusting environment that, whilst giving everyone their autonomy, ensures a shared vision where everyone is able to play their role. You feel valued; your contributions and efforts are recognised and celebrated.’
- HANNAH GRAHAM (Deputy Head of Middle School and Teacher of Biology)‘It’s an absolute pleasure working here. The Premises Team are all very proud of what we do to help everything tick over and keep the school site a welcoming, attractive, safe and secure environment for everyone.’
- Premises Team‘Godolphin is a place where the maxim “every day is a school day” is true for teaching staff as well as students, and learning is happening all the time’
- AMANDA TRICCAS (Teacher of History)