The Grey Coat Hospital
Westminster, United Kingdom
About The Grey Coat Hospital
We are a heavily oversubscribed Church of England multi-ethnic comprehensive academy for girls offering a rich educational experience for girls from 11 to 16, and for girls and boys in the Sixth Form. The school is situated in the heart of central London close to excellent transport links.
We believe in the value of education for its own sake, as well as a means through which students can gain access to further opportunity in the future. Through a strong pastoral structure which ensures that every student is known as a person, each individual is set on the path to realising his or her potential within the context of a caring Christian community. We have strong values which enable students to learn their responsibilities towards each other and the community.
The Grey Coat Hospital has been consistently recognised by the Department for Education and SSAT for being in the top 5% of non-selective state-funded schools nationally for excellent attainment and achievement at Key Stage 4 and attainment and achievement of disadvantaged students