Whetley Academy
Bradford, United Kingdom
About Whetley Academy
Whetley Academy is a dynamic and forward thinking three form entry school where staff and children are supported and encouraged to reach their full potential. We serve a vibrant, diverse community with families from different ethnic backgrounds. Most of our children have English as an additional language or are new to English. Mobility is higher than average which means we regularly have children who join us later in school having no prior school experience and little or no English. Staff work extremely hard to provide a tailored curriculum meeting the needs of all children. Children are taught a wide and language rich curriculum enabling them to learn and apply new skills and knowledge in order to achieve highly.
The ethos in school is one of positivity and openness and staff discuss and support each other in order to raise standards and improve outcomes for all pupils. This dialogue and CPD provides opportunities to accelerate pupil’s learning and to develop staff.
Stakeholders work hard to support school in our drive to achieve and we pride ourselves on working alongside families and the community so that children feel supported in all areas of their lives, making for happy and contented children who are ready to learn and succeed.
There are opportunities to work with colleagues in other Delta schools and you will have access to high quality CPD in order to further your career in teaching. We work closely with the local community and invite local community leaders to work alongside us to continue these important links.