Wilmslow Preparatory School
Cheshire East, United Kingdom
About Wilmslow Preparatory School
Wilmslow Prep is a small independent preparatory school with a big reputation. The School is located in the heart of Wilmslow in Cheshire.
Wilmslow Prep first opened its doors in 1909, when the school was located on Grove Street in Wilmslow where it remained until its move to Grove Avenue in 1912. At this time the school was mixed, becoming an all-girls school in 1961.
The school remained all-girls until April 2013 when we introduced boys once again. Boys were initially invited into Kindergarten, Reception and Form 1. These boys will now progress up through the school until all year groups are co-educational.
We are a small, inclusive school where each pupil is nurtured as an individual, and encouraged and inspired to achieve their very best, inside and outside the classroom.
In this special learning environment, based on small class sizes and the needs of the individual, pupils do exceptionally well, achieving attainments significantly beyond national expectations.
We also pride ourselves on our programme of sport, music, arts and extracurricular activities, and the traditional values of courtesy and good manners that we instil in our pupils.
At Wilmslow Prep your child will be stimulated and developed and their social skills will be enhanced, ensuring that when they leave WPS they will be fully prepared for the next and vital stage of their education.
For more information, visit: https://www.wilmslowprep.co.uk