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Music Teacher (0.6)

Music Teacher (0.6)

Dinas Bran School


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  • Expired
NQT/Main Scale/UPS
Job type:
Part Time, Permanent
Start date:
January 2025
Apply by:
24 September 2024

Job overview

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a passionate, inspiring and well-qualified music teacher to join our Music Department.

 The successful candidate will be an enthusiastic and capable musician, able to deliver music across the school, both within the curriculum and within a broad extra-curricular setting and contribute fully to the life of our busy Technical and Creative Arts Faculty.

 You will be required to deliver curricular music to KS3/4 and demonstrate a strong commitment to leading exciting extra –curricular activities across the school.   The opportunity to teach KS5 will be available for the right candidate

 The school has an excellent reputation for music with strong links to community music.  The school has instrumental groups and choirs including a staff choir. Our track record of exam success of GCSE and A Level is outstanding.

 The post is for three days a week (0.6) and both newly qualified and experienced applicants are welcome to apply. For further information about the post please contact the Head of Music, Miss Shepherd on 01978 860669.  

 Ysgol Dinas Brân has as a commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.  All successful applicants will be required to undertake an Enhanced Disclosure via the DBS. 


Closing date: 24th September 2024

Interview date: 27th September 2024


Attached documents

About Dinas Bran School

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+44 1978 860669

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Ysgol Dinas Brân is a very successful mixed bilingual community school currently catering for just over 1,000 11 – 18 year olds, including a sixth form of around 150 students. We are proud of our academic achievement at all levels. Results are impressive and well above national average.

Our school enjoys an enviable reputation within its locality. It is extremely popular. We attract students from many primary schools within Denbighshire, Wrexham and Shropshire.

Our school is based in the beautiful historic town of Llangollen, home to the International Eisteddfod. The majority of students (around 75%) are transported to the school by bus from nearby villages in Denbighshire or from areas in Wrexham including Acrefair, Plas Madoc, Ceiriog Valley and Chirk which has historic links with the town and school. Students even travel from Shropshire, over the English Border, such is the popularity of the school.


Under our maxim “Success Through Effort” (Llwyddiant Trwy Ymdrech") our mission is to develop the potential of each student and to ensure their full preparation for life beyond school. We pride ourselves not only on the high academic standards our students achieve but also on the richness of extra curricular life – sporting, dramatic, musical  - offered at the school. We also place great value on creating a fulfilling and inclusive environment. Our students are happy, healthy and safe as well as successful. Our success has been endorsed, amongst a range of other things, by the award of Healthy Schools status and the International Schools Award.


Teaching and learning are our highest priorities and our philosophy is founded on the monitoring and developing of practices that nurture the best learning in students. We are very proud of the broad curriculum we offer at the school.  At Key Stage 4 our students can select from a wide range of courses from traditional GCSE Courses through BTECs to a range of “bespoke” options including a Princes Trust Course for identified students and additional English/ Maths for those who would benefit from it. Vocational courses are delivered from the school although a number of students access provision off site through the Wrexham Enrichment programme.

At Key Stage 5 our broad range of A Levels are supplemented by Level 3 BTEC in Sport. Many students build post A Level skills through the Skills Challenge.


The school is organized on a horizontal basis, with a Learning Manager (LMs) responsible for each year group supported by a non-teaching Assistant Learning Manager (ALMs). Learning Managers have responsibilities which incorporate oversight of the academic progress, welfare and discipline of those in their charge. They play a key role in creating a supportive and caring environment for our students and in monitoring standards of achievement.  All students are placed in a mixed ability tutor group.

The school has clear rewards and discipline procedures which we expect all staff to follow consistently.

All members of staff contribute to the life of the school, both through participation in and encouragement of year group activities, and through their pastoral responsibilities as form tutors.


As a school, we aim to cater inclusively for the needs of all students.  Our inclusion team lead by our Assistant Headteacher supports students with a range of learning challenges. The inclusion team includes Teaching Assistants, Learning Coaches, and dyslexia and other specialist provision. Our Pupil Support Centre provides one to one support and personalised programmes for students as required. Provision is enhanced by services from Denbighshire LEA including the Counseling Service, Youth Services, EAL tuition for students who have English as a second language.

We are proud of our dedicated and hard-working team of teachers. Each Head of Department has overall responsibility for teaching and learning in their subject areas and each is line managed by a member of SMT. Head of Departments meet fortnightly with their line manager in order to review exam results, monitor progress towards current targets or to plan for future improvements in learning and teaching.


The teaching staff comprises of around 64 teachers and support staff of 55. We are strongly committed to the development of our staff. We use external courses to support colleagues but also believe firmly in the benefits of internal expertise – sharing through coaching and “in –house” good practice sessions.

Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher – Mr Mark Hatch

Deputy Headteacher - Chris Cheffings

DeputyHead - Chris Matthews

Assistant Headteacher, Gethin Williams

Assistant Headteacher, Claire Snaith

Business Manager - Jamie Roberts.

The team meet weekly and other colleagues are sometimes invited as, ‘ wider SLT’ members,  to meetings to ensure there is a healthy debate on policy matters.

Welsh Medium Education and Bilingualism

In year 7 parents can opt to have their child educated either through English or Welsh. Currently around 10% of our students are educated through Welsh. Around 85% of the students’ curriculum at Key Stage 3 is delivered through Welsh; at Key Stage 4 some option subjects are also delivered through Welsh. As a fully bilingual school, in English Medium education lessons are complemented with incidental Welsh; We are also fully committed to the delivery of curriculum cymreig and to the celebration of Welsh cultural traditions through the Eisteddfod and other events. We anticipate the number of students who learn through the medium of Welsh to develop in coming years as this is an increasingly popular option in our feeder schools.

Extra Curricular Activities

These are an essential part of life at Ysgol Dinas Brân and forge links across the school and out into the community and the business world. Staff give willingly of their own time to encourage students in a wide range of cultural and sporting activities.

Throughout the year there are numerous visits to theatres, art galleries and concerts. As well as residential visits for year 7, social events are offered for all year groups.

The Physical Education Department provides a wide variety of sports activities on both a friendly and competitive basis. Students gain representative honours locally, regionally and nationally each year. A 5 x 60 offer promotes a range of sporting extra-curricular events.

A key strength of the school is music and drama. The last production was the wonderful “Back to the 80’s” (February 2019).

The Music Department provides choral and instrumental opportunities for all students and the school band and choir have an excellent reputation and have achieved outstanding success in local and national competitions in recent years.

The school is proud of its links across the globe and has been awarded the International Schools Award on five  occasions in acknowledgment of this.  We also hold the Platinum Eco-Schools Award.

All year 10 students complete community services as part their Welsh Bac and during a busy end to the summer term all students are involved in a week long community and international links programme (ICE week).

There is a well established Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and large numbers of students successfully complete the Bronze and Silver Awards.


Mae Ysgol Dinas Brân yn ysgol gymunedol ddwyieithog gymysg lwyddiannus iawn sydd ar hyn o bryd yn darparu ar gyfer tua 1,000 o blant 11 - 18 oed , gan gynnwys chweched dosbarth o tua 150 o fyfyrwyr . Rydym yn falch o'n llwyddiant academaidd ar bob lefel. Mae'r canlyniadau yn wefreiddiol ac yn llawer uwch na'r cyfartaledd cenedlaethol .

Mae ein hysgol yn mwynhau enw da o fewn ei ardal. Mae'n hynod boblogaidd. Rydym yn denu myfyrwyr o nifer o ysgolion cynradd yn Sir Ddinbych , Wrecsam a Swydd Amwythig.

Mae ein hysgol wedi ei leoli yn nhref hanesyddol hardd Llangollen, cartref yr Eisteddfod Ryngwladol. Mae mwyafrif y myfyrwyr (tua 75 %) yn cael eu cludo i'r ysgol ar fws o bentrefi cyfagos yn Sir Ddinbych neu o ardaloedd yn Wrecsam gan gynnwys Acrefair , Plas Madoc, Dyffryn Ceiriog a'r Waun sydd â chysylltiadau hanesyddol â'r dref a'r ysgol. Mae myfyrwyr yn hyd yn oed yn teithio o Swydd Amwythig, dros y ffin yn Lloegr, sy’n dangos poblogrwydd yr ysgol.


O dan ein gwireb "Llwyddiant Trwy Ymdrech" ein gorchwyl yw datblygu potensial pob myfyriwr ac i sicrhau eu paratoad llawn ar gyfer bywyd tu hwnt i'r ysgol. Rydym yn ymfalchïo, nid yn unig y safonau academaidd uchel mae ein myfyrwyr yn cyflawni ond hefyd yn y cyfoeth o fywyd allgyrsiol - chwaraeon, dramatig, cerddorol - a gynigir yn yr Ysgol. Rydym hefyd yn rhoi gwerth mawr ar greu amgylchedd boddhaus a chynhwysol. Mae ein myfyrwyr yn hapus, yn iach ac yn ddiogel yn ogystal â llwyddiannus. Mae ein llwyddiant wedi cael ei gymeradwyo, ymhlith amrywiaeth o bethau eraill, gan y dyfarniad o statws Ysgolion Iach Cenedlaethol.


Addysgu a dysgu yw ein blaenoriaethau uchaf ac mae ein hathroniaeth yn seiliedig ar fonitro a datblygu arferion sy'n meithrin y dysgu gorau ymhlith myfyrwyr. Rydym yn falch iawn o'r cwricwlwm eang rydym yn ei gynnig yn yr ysgol. Yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 4 gall ein myfyrwyr ddewis o ystod eang o gyrsiau, o gyrsiau TGAU traddodiadol a BTEC i ystod o opsiynau "pwrpasol" gan gynnwys cwrs Ymddiriedolaeth y Tywysog ar gyfer myfyrwyr a nodwyd, a Saesneg / Mathemateg ychwanegol ar gyfer y rhai a fyddai'n elwa ohono. Mae cyrsiau galwedigaethol yn cael eu darparu gan yr Ysgol er bod nifer o fyfyrwyr yn cael mynediad i ddarpariaethau oddi ar y safle drwy raglen Cyfoethogi Wrecsam.

Yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 5 mae ein hystod drawiadol eang o Lefelau A yn cael eu hategu gan Lefel 3 BTEC mewn Chwaraeon. Mae llawer o fyfyrwyr yn adeiladu ar Sgiliau ôl Lefel A drwy’r Her Sgiliau.


Mae'r ysgol yn cael ei drefnu ar sail lorweddol, gyda Rheolwr Dysgu (RhD) yn gyfrifol am bob grŵp blwyddyn a gefnogir gan Reolwr Dysgu Cynorthwyol nad ydynt yn addysgu (RhDC). Mae gan Reolwyr Dysgu gyfrifoldebau sy'n cynnwys goruchwylio cynnydd academaidd, lles a disgyblaeth y rhai yn eu gofal. Maent yn chwarae rôl allweddol wrth greu amgylchedd cefnogol a gofalgar ar gyfer ein myfyrwyr ac wrth fonitro safonau cyflawniad. Mae pob myfyriwr yn cael ei roi mewn grŵp tiwtor o allu cymysg.

Mae gan yr ysgol drefn gwobrwyo a disgyblu clir ac mae disgwyl i’r holl staff ei ddilyn yn gyson.

Mae pob aelod o staff yn cyfrannu at fywyd yr ysgol, trwy gymryd rhan mewn ac annog gweithgareddau grŵp blwyddyn, a thrwy eu cyfrifoldebau bugeiliol fel tiwtoriaid dosbarth.


Fel ysgol, rydym yn anelu i ddarparu ar gyfer anghenion pob myfyriwr yn gynhwysol. Mae ein tîm cynhwysiad a arweinid gan ein Dirprwy Brifathro yn cefnogi myfyrwyr ag ystod o heriau dysgu. Mae'r tîm cynhwysiad yn cynnwys Cynorthwywyr Dysgu, Anogwyr Dysgu , a dyslecsia a darpariaeth arbenigol eraill. Mae ein Canolfan Cymorth Dysgu yn darparu cymorth un i un a rhaglenni wedi eu personoli ar gyfer myfyrwyr sydd ei angen. Cyfoethogir y ddarpariaeth drwy wasanaethau gan AALl Sir Ddinbych gan gynnwys y Gwasanaeth Cwnsela, Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid a hyfforddiant SIY ar gyfer myfyrwyr sydd â Saesneg fel ail iaith.

Rydym yn falch o'n tîm o athrawon ymroddedig a gweithgar. Mae gan bob Pennaeth Adran gyfrifoldeb cyffredinol ar gyfer addysgu a dysgu yn eu meysydd pwnc ac mae pob un yn cael ei reoli gan aelod o'r UDRh. Mae Penaethiaid Adrannau yn cyfarfod bob pythefnos gyda'u rheolwr llinell er mwyn adolygu canlyniadau arholiad, monitro cynnydd tuag at dargedau presennol neu i gynllunio ar gyfer gwelliannau mewn dysgu ac addysgu yn y dyfodol.


Mae'r staff addysgu yn cynnwys oddeutu 64 o athrawon a 55 o staff cymorth. Rydym wedi ymrwymo'n gryf i ddatblygu ein staff. Rydym yn defnyddio cyrsiau allanol i gefnogi cydweithwyr, ond hefyd yn credu'n gryf ym manteision arbenigedd mewnol - rhannu drwy hyfforddi a sesiynau ymarfer "mewnol" da.

Uwch Dîm Rheoli

Pennaeth Dros Dro – Mr Mark Hatch

Dirprwy Bennaeth - Chris Cheffings, Dirprwy Bennaeth - Chris Matthews

Pennaeth Cynorthwyol - Gethin Williams

Pemmaeth Cynorthwyol - Claire Snaith

Rheolwr Busnes - Jamie Roberts.

Mae'r tîm yn cyfarfod yn wythnosol a gwahoddir cydweithwyr eraill weithiau, fel aelodau ‘UDRh ehangach’, i gyfarfodydd er mwyn sicrhau bod dadl iach ar faterion polisi.


Ym mlwyddyn 7 gall rhieni ddewis i'w plentyn gael eu haddysgu naill ai drwy gyfrwng y Saesneg neu Gymraeg. Ar hyn o bryd mae tua 10% o'n myfyrwyr yn cael eu haddysgu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Mae tua 85% o gwricwlwm y myfyrwyr yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 3 yn cael ei gyflwyno drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg; yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 4 mae rhai pynciau dewisol yn cael eu darparu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Fel ysgol gwbl ddwyieithog, mae gwersi addysg Cyfrwng Saesneg yn cael eu hategu gyda Chymraeg achlysurol; Rydym hefyd yn gwbl ymrwymedig i gyflwyno Cwricwlwm Cymreig ac i ddathlu traddodiadau diwylliannol Cymru drwy'r Eisteddfod a digwyddiadau eraill. Rydym yn rhagweld y bydd y nifer o fyfyrwyr sy'n dysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn datblygu yn y blynyddoedd sydd i ddod gan fod hyn yn ddewis cynyddol boblogaidd yn yr ysgolion sy'n ein bwydo.


Mae'r rhain yn rhan hanfodol o fywyd yn Ysgol Dinas Brân ac yn meithrin cysylltiadau ar draws yr ysgol ac allan yn y gymuned a byd busnes. Mae staff yn barod i roi o'u hamser eu hunain i annog myfyrwyr mewn ystod eang o weithgareddau diwylliannol a chwaraeon.

Trwy gydol y flwyddyn mae ymweliadau niferus â theatrau, orielau celf a chyngherddau. Yn ogystal ag ymweliadau preswyl ar gyfer blwyddyn 7, cynigir digwyddiadau cymdeithasol yn ar gyfer yr holl grwpiau blwyddyn.

Mae'r Adran Addysg Gorfforol yn darparu amrywiaeth eang o weithgareddau chwaraeon ar sail gyfeillgar a chystadleuol. Mae myfyrwyr yn ennill anrhydeddau cynrychioliadol yn lleol, yn rhanbarthol ac yn genedlaethol bob blwyddyn. Mae cynnig 5 x 60 yn hyrwyddo ystod o ddigwyddiadau allgyrsiol chwaraeon.

Un o gryfderau allweddol yr ysgol yw cerddoriaeth a drama. Y cynhyrchiad diwethaf oedd “Back to the 80s” (Chwefror 2019).

Mae'r Adran Gerddoriaeth yn darparu cyfleoedd corawl ac offerynnol i bob disgybl ac mae Band a Chôr yr Ysgol yn cael enw rhagorol dda ac wedi cael llwyddiant eithriadol mewn cystadlaethau lleol a chenedlaethol yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf.

Mae'r Ysgol yn falch o'i chysylltiadau ar draws y byd ac wedi ennill Gwobr Ysgol Ryngwladol ar bum achlysur i gydnabod hyn. Rydym hefyd yn meddu ar Wobr Eco-Ysgolion Platinwm.

Mae pob myfyriwr blwyddyn 10 yn cwblhau gwasanaethau cymunedol yn rhan o Fagloriaeth Cymru ac yn ystod diwedd prysur i dymor yr haf mae pob myfyriwr yn cymryd rhan mewn rhaglen cysylltiadau rhyngwladol a chymunedol (Wythnos ICE).

Mae Cynllun Gwobr Dug Caeredin wedi ei sefydlu ac mae nifer fawr o fyfyrwyr yn cwblhau Gwobrau Efydd ac Arian yn llwyddiannus.

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