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Teacher of Maths

Teacher of Maths

The Sydney Russell School

Barking and Dagenham

  • Quick apply
  • Expired
inner London
Job type:
Full Time, Permanent
Start date:
Apply by:
30 January 2025

Job overview



Closing Date: 30th January 2025

Start date: 1st September 2025

Main purpose

The teacher will:

  • Fulfil the professional responsibilities of a teacher, as set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document
  • Meet the expectations set out in the Teachers’ Standards

During the course of the academic year, it is expected that you will take on the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Planning
  2. Teaching & Classroom Management
  3. Agreed Whole School Procedures



As a class teacher, you will be expected to plan your teaching with regard to the school’s policies and programmes of study. You will be expected to achieve progression in student’s learning by:

  • Identifying clear learning and teaching objectives and content and specifying how these will be taught.
  • Setting tasks for class, group and individual work, which challenge students and ensure high levels of student interest. This includes teaching through “challenges” where children’s learning is not capped and they have greater ownership of the work they undertake.
  • Planning, setting and responding to homework, in line with the agreed policy for each year group.
  • Setting high expectations for students’ learning, motivation and presentation of work.
  • Setting clear targets for students’ learning, building on prior attainment and ensuring that students understand what is required of them for any given task.
  • Identifying students with Special Educational Needs and knowing where to seek advice to give positive and targeted support.
  • Planning, in the short, medium- and longer-term, lessons which provide pace, motivation and challenge for students.
  • Using assessment of students’ attainment to plan future lessons.
  • Planning for students’ personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Teaching and Classroom Management

As a class teacher, you will be expected to:

  • Ensure that teaching and learning objectives are met through effective teaching, high expectations, sound learning and discipline and a purposeful working atmosphere in the classroom.
  • Establish and maintain good discipline, by following the school policy for behaviour management.
  • Establish a safe learning environment in which students feel safe, secure and confident.
  • Use a variety of teaching methods which will foster and stimulate enthusiasm for learning, and maintain motivation.
  • Differentiate appropriately for all abilities in the class, setting high expectations for all but not cap student learning.
  • Give clear instructions, presentations and question students effectively to ensure participation.
  • Respond to all students’ work effectively, in line with the school’s marking policy so that students are clear about how they have achieved and their next steps.
  • Keep effective records of children’s progress.
  • Use opportunities to develop students’ personal, spiritual, social, moral and cultural development.
  • Establish positive working relationships with all support staff who may work in your classroom and ensure they are informed of lesson planning and your expectations.


Agreed Whole School Procedures

As a class teacher and member of staff, you will be expected to:

  • Ensure all children are treated equally, regardless of gender, social or cultural backgrounds.
  • Safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people, and follow school policies and the staff code of conduct.
  • Contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of the school’s policies, practices and procedures, so as to support the school’s values and vision
  • Make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school e.g. through being a form tutor, contributing to the enrichment curriculum
  • Take part in the school’s appraisal procedures
  • Work with others on curriculum and pupil development to secure coordinated outcomes
  • Participate in meetings at the school which relate to the curriculum for the school or the administration or organisation of the school, including pastoral arrangements.
  • Attend all directed-time activities including the agreed Parents’ Evening sessions.
  • Keep parents informed of their child’s progress during the year, through positive links with parents and reporting to them.
  • Ensure that student welfare duties are carried out, including break-time duty and forward any student concerns to the relevant person.
  • Look to improve performance through evaluating your own teaching critically and use this to improve your effectiveness and engage with continued professional development including feedback to/from other members of staff.
  • Uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school
  • Have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school, and maintain high standards of attendance and punctuality

You should be familiar with the Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs and you are expected to implement and keep records on Individual Education Plans (IEPs). You should also seek the advice of the schools Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) if you have concerns on a student’s progress.

Please note that this is illustrative of the general nature and level of responsibility of the role. It is not a comprehensive list of all tasks that the teacher will carry out. The post-holder may be required to do other duties appropriate to the level of the role, as directed by the Principal or line manager.

Attached documents

About The Sydney Russell School

An ‘Outstanding’ School

Leaders’ focus on improving teaching is relentless. Staff are managed so that they are constantly supported, encouraged and challenged to be better teachers – Ofsted 2013

As part of Sydney Russell’s continued growth we are seeking new ambitious teachers to join our team both on our Primary & Secondary School sites.

Sydney Russell School has benefitted from substantial capital investment since the school’s formation. It has excellent accommodation: In the Secondary school teaching rooms are arranged as departmental suites. There is a very large, beautifully-appointed Library/Resource Centre; all of the rooms in our newest two blocks are air-conditioned; a superb Leisure Centre has been built for the school to use during the day and the community in the evenings and at weekends. The Primary School is currently expanding with renovation work underway. The school is a 3 form entry Primary and will continue to grow over the next few years.


The ethos at Sydney Russell in one of traditional values. We take a very firm line on discipline, uniform and good manners. We have moved decisively away from any mixed-ability teaching groups: all classes are in three broad ability bands, with some departments, such as Science and Maths using additional finer setting. On discipline, we have a centrally-organised reward and relocation scheme and school detention to take the strain off individual members of staff as well as behaviour modification groups in to take any particularly challenging students out of mainstream classes. Generous additional funding, through Excellence in Cities and other specific grants, has enabled us to provide further extensive targeted support in the form of Learning Mentors, a Learning Support Unit and additional support assistants.

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Applications closed