GCSE Maths multi-step problem solvingQuick View

GCSE Maths multi-step problem solving

<p>This is a set of 20 multi step GCSE questions, the type that many students struggle with in exams. They cover a range of topics, with many ratio and number questions, but also interleaving of other topics as well. They are the type of questions that are worth between 3 and 5 marks on an exam and require the student to identify the maths and the steps needed themselves.</p> <p>These questions are aimed at around a grade 4 to 5, although some of the earlier ones are a little easier. The are good revision for both Foundation and Higher Tier students – the questions at the end are particularly suited for Higher students.</p>
AQA Core Maths - Tax, NI and Student LoansQuick View

AQA Core Maths - Tax, NI and Student Loans

<p>AQA Certificate Level 3 Mathematical Studies (Core Maths)</p> <p>A set of example AQA style questions on Income Tax and National Insurance (7 questions), and a second set of questions on Student Loans (6 questions). These questions have been written based on the Preliminary Material for November 2021, which can be found on the AQA website.</p> <p>For each set, the first question is the same as the question from the 2021 paper, just with a couple of numbers changed. This is so students can use the official mark scheme to help. The other questions are in a variety of different styles and difficulties.</p> <p>They are good practice for student who find these type of questions tricky. Worked answers are included.</p>
Algebraic Area, perimeter and Volume questionsQuick View

Algebraic Area, perimeter and Volume questions

<p>These questions are similar to exam style questions, where students are required to calculate area, perimeter, volume and surface area from shapes, with some or all dimensions given algebraically. The first two questions are open ended, intended to allow students to explore the topic without having to answer a set question (Goal Free Problems). The questions get fairly challenging and would be useful revision questions for those working at Higher Tier - they also test knowledge of solving quadratic equations, expanding triple brackets and calculator skills.</p>
Quadratic Equations Worksheet PackQuick View

Quadratic Equations Worksheet Pack

This pack was designed for one-to-one work but translates well to whole class work as well. I have found it useful to complete the work with a computer graphing package alongside - students can immediately see the solutions to their equations on the graph.<br /> <br /> Worksheets cover: Expansion of two and three binomials; Factorisation of quadratics (simple and harder - coefficient of x^2 higher than 1); solving by factorisation (simple and harder - coefficient of x^2 higher than 1); identifying whether a factorisation involves one or two brackets; Quadratic Formula; Completing the Square; Simplifying Algebraic Fractions and Quadratic Inequalities. <br /> <br /> An answer pdf is included, with my handwritten solutions to the questions. I have worked through all of the questions but if you see a mistake, please let me know.<br /> <br /> Questions range in difficulty and I have tried to include some tricky numbers towards the end of each exercise, to help students develop strategies to deal with harder numbers - particularly useful for the non-calculator papers.<br /> <br /> All the pages have an indication as to whether the topic is applicable to Foundation and Higher, or Higher only.
Foundation Algebra revision Escape RoomQuick View

Foundation Algebra revision Escape Room

<p>This task is designed to help students revise for the different types of ‘short’ algebra questions that come up in exams. I find that students can complete the work as single lessons, but when the topics are mixed up and they have to identify the method from the keywords, they struggle more. The tasks increase in difficulty, and can be adapted to the level of your class. They cover simplifying expressions, factorising (linear and quadratic), and solving equations from basic linear up to basic quadratic.</p>
GCSE quick tests Grade 7Quick View

GCSE quick tests Grade 7

<p>A set of four ten-question tests, focused on topics that students aiming for a grade 7 should aim to master. I have written these to use with my year 11 students coming up for their assessments, and they enable us to complete a whole paper in a lesson whilst looking at the harder questions that they want to master. Sometimes, trying to complete an actual exam paper in a lesson means that some of the later questions are missed - this goes straight to those middle of the paper type questions.</p> <p>There are three calculator tests and one non-calculator.</p>
Treasure Hunt - PercentagesQuick View

Treasure Hunt - Percentages

<p>This is a useful end of term, or end of topic treasure hunt activity. Students complete questions on basic percentages, and follow compass directions to find the spot where the treasure is buried.<br /> This would be good for a foundation GCSE group, or a year 7 or 8 class. Topics covered include:</p> <p>• percentage of an amount<br /> • one number as a percentage of another<br /> • converting percentages to fractions, and fractions to percentages<br /> • converting percentages to decimals<br /> • decimal multipliers<br /> • Increase and decrease by a percentage<br /> • percentage change.</p> <p>Students will also practice following compass directions accurately.<br /> The activity is quite quick with a calculator, depending on the class, and will take a little longer without one. All questions can be attempted with or without a calculator.</p>
Higher Tier Solving Mixed Quadratic Equations.Quick View

Higher Tier Solving Mixed Quadratic Equations.

<p>A mixture of quadratic equations to solve - some will need factorising into double brackets, some will need single brackets, others can be solved by the Quadratic Formula or completing the square. There is a mixture of orders as well, so some will have the squared term at the start, others at the end. Not all are initially equal to zero. A good workout for solving quadratics leading up to the GCSE exam.</p>
Higher Quadratics revision sheetsQuick View

Higher Quadratics revision sheets

A set of three sheets with answers, covering different quadratic questions. The sheets follow the same form, with a different type of final question on each, covering questions where a quadratic might turn up.
Mixed Binomial Expansion A levelQuick View

Mixed Binomial Expansion A level

<p>Mixed questions for binomial expansion, covering a variety of question styles, and mixing up positive integer, and fractional and negative indices. Previously, these types of questions would be assessed separately under the old module system, but with the new A level, they will be mixed up, and students will need to select the correct method of expansion. Although the general form works for all, there are some questions for which this is not the most appropriate method.</p>
Qualitative and Quantitative Data sort cardsQuick View

Qualitative and Quantitative Data sort cards

<p>AQA Level 3 Certificate Mathematical Studies (Core Maths)</p> <p>A set of sort cards for Qualitative and Quantitative data, including separating quantitative data into discrete and continuous.</p>
Ratio - dividing when one side givenQuick View

Ratio - dividing when one side given

<p>A basic worksheet with questions on ratio, where one amount is given and students either have to find the total, or the other amount(s). There is also a 5 question homework activity at the end. Worksheet has been edited to change errors in some of the last questions.</p>
Factorising - one bracket or two?Quick View

Factorising - one bracket or two?

<p>A card sort activity in which students decide whether to factorise each expression into one or two brackets. I often find that students forget that factorising is not always into two brackets (or vice versa) and so this activity gets them to recognise the features particular to each type. A good GCSE revision exercise or lesson starter.</p>