AS /A level Italian teaching resource - The Internet and TechnologyQuick View

AS /A level Italian teaching resource - The Internet and Technology

This is a series of activities that tackle the issue of the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. Pupils have an initial resource to read. They then have a guided vocab list - with definitions in Italian to help them work out the meanings of the key vocab. This page also includes headings to add to each of the paragraphs of the original article, to familiarise pupils with the text. There are a series of exercises for them to work through based on the text, including an extended essay that they could possibly write for homework. <br /> There is a further article on web dependency. This could be read along with the statements for / against the internet, as the starting point for a class discussion. The additional resources are a valuable source of vocabulary
Italian A Level / Post 16. La meglio gioventu - domande e esercizi.Quick View

Italian A Level / Post 16. La meglio gioventu - domande e esercizi.

This is a review of the Italian RAI TV series La Meglio Gioventu, which was released into cinemas as two three hour films. Pupils should read the review. There are a series of questions for them to answer. They then have to complete a series of grammar exercises on prepositions, to which you can draw pupils' attention while they read the article. There is then a translation for pupils to complete, based on the language in the text, and finally they can reflect on and write about a film of their choosing. There are guidelines re. the areas they should consider, and again the language they have seen this lesson will help them!
Latin GCSE. Practise comparative and superlative adverbs. Quick View

Latin GCSE. Practise comparative and superlative adverbs.

Pupils have a series of adjectives and need to identify the equivalent adverb for each of them. <br /> There is a series of sentences to translate, each of which contains an adverb. <br /> Pupils then need to work out the comparative and superlative adverb for each of the adverbs they worked out. <br /> There is a second series of sentences to translate, each of which contains a comparative or superlative adverb.
AS A2 Italian - ImperativeQuick View

AS A2 Italian - Imperative

1. Look at how to form the imperative and the negative imperative. <br /> 2. Exercise to check pupils' understanding - they categorise a list of imperatives.<br /> 3. Dalla nonna - pupils have to transform infinitives into the appropriate imperative to complete a story about a bossy grandma.<br /> 4. Pupils have to come up with formal and informal imperatives for a range of scenarios.
AS A2 Italian - The past conditional and uses of the conditionalQuick View

AS A2 Italian - The past conditional and uses of the conditional

1. Explanation of the past conditional and its uses. <br /> 2. Hypothetical clauses to practise the conditional<br /> 3. Future in the past - new year's resolutions to transform, using the past conditional. <br /> 4. Allegedly - examples of scandalous headlines, to demonstrate this use of the conditional in Italian. Pupils can then write some examples of their own.
Italian AS A2 Gerund and continuous tensesQuick View

Italian AS A2 Gerund and continuous tenses

1. Elicit the meaning of the present continuous via sentences about the environment. <br /> 2. Review stare in the present and imperfect tenses. Discuss how to form the gerund. Draw pupils' attention to irregular gerunds. <br /> 3. Practise using the present continuous to invent excuses. <br /> 4. Transform infinitives into the past continuous to tell a story of betrayal!<br /> 5. Explore the use of the gerund by itself<br /> 6. Look at how the gerund can be used to replace a clause in Italian.
Italian A Level. Writing an essay on the cinema. Quick View

Italian A Level. Writing an essay on the cinema.

This is a resource to use to help pupils think about how to write an effective essay. They can think about how to structure the essay, and they then have a series of statements to look at: they can decide how they would use them in their essay.
Starter activity - what is Art? Italian A levelQuick View

Starter activity - what is Art? Italian A level

There is a worksheet with a few prompts to help pupils think about what makes a work of art. There are then some pictures of famous works of art on the notebook file. Pupils should look at each of them, and discuss together whether or not they think each is a work of art. This will lead to further topic - related vocab.
Italian A Level / Post 16. Il cinema italiano, e le tue preferenze.Quick View

Italian A Level / Post 16. Il cinema italiano, e le tue preferenze.

There are a series of clips from YouTube for pupils to watch. They are either films that relate to Italy or Italian films. Pupils need to watch the clips, and try and think about the key issues that are listed on the handout e.g. the style of the film, the cinematography, the period that each represents. This lesson could start with a discussion about different aspects of cinema, and a key vocab list. Pupils should watch the clips with the aim of deciding whether they can discern any key differences between Italian and non-Italian films. <br /> Pupils then have a series of questions about their own tastes in cinema. They can answer these and this could lead to further discussion.
Latin GCSE - Verbs of fearingQuick View

Latin GCSE - Verbs of fearing

A resource that introduces verbs of fearing, the key verbs which introduce subjunctive subclauses, and includes a set of sentences to translate.
Latin GCSE. Comparative adjectivesQuick View

Latin GCSE. Comparative adjectives

Notebook file to introduce comparatives. <br /> 1st/2nd declension adjectives, and 3rd declension adjectives. <br /> Irregular comparatives. <br /> Use of comparatives with quam. <br /> Word document with some simple translations, and some sentences about members of the class that can be adapted.
Latin GCSE. Comparative adverbs.Quick View

Latin GCSE. Comparative adverbs.

Worksheet that gives an overview of how to form comparative and superlative adverbs. <br /> Comparison with comparative and superlative adjectives. <br /> Pupils have a set of adjectives from which they need to form the adverb, and then its comparative and superlative forms.
Italian literature study pack - Se una notte d'inverno - Italo CalvinoQuick View

Italian literature study pack - Se una notte d'inverno - Italo Calvino

1. Vocab sheets for pupils <br /> 2. Vocab sheets for teacher <br /> 3. Questions on literature for discussion <br /> 4. Biography of Italo Calvino to read<br /> 5. Se una notte d’inverno: Reading comprehension based on an adapted version of the opening of the novel. Pupils have to answer some comprehension questions, but also look at the use of the gerundio and the imperative. <br /> 6. Homework task: gap fill reading exercise based on a review of the novel.
Italian A level. La reazione della stampa mondiale alle dimissioni di Berlusconi. Quick View

Italian A level. La reazione della stampa mondiale alle dimissioni di Berlusconi.

This is a summary of the way in which different newspapers reacted when Berlusconi resigned. The pupils have to work out the meaning of key vocab by using the context to help them. They then have to pull out key details from the text. Finally, there are some key essay phrases. The teacher should check that pupils understand these and they then use them to discuss the issues emerging from the text.