Weather and Climate worksheetsQuick View

Weather and Climate worksheets

Fully differentiated worksheet for a Weather and Climate topic (GCSE) . The sheets should be printed on A3 paper but were created for mixed ability groups (target grade from 2-9). For each lesson the work sheets are differentiated - usually with 3 worksheet. Worksheet 1- Global circulations (Easy and harder) Worksheet 2- Tropical Rainforests climate (easy and harder) Worksheet 3- Semi arid landscape climate (easy, medium and harder) Worksheet 4- UK climate features (easy, medium, harder) Worksheet 5- The influence of air pressure (easy, medium and harder) Worksheet 6- UK changeable weather (easy, medium and harder) I will be adding my worksheets to the lesson once I have completed them.
Sustainable Management of Tropical RainforestQuick View

Sustainable Management of Tropical Rainforest

Title- How can the tropical rainforest be managed sustainably? Learning Objectives - Bronze- To be able to recall key facts about the biomes Silver- To describe how people can manage the TRF Gold- To identify and explain how people can manage the TRF Work is differentiated through exam style questions structure (Higher fishbone and worksheet and Foundation fishbone and worksheet) Video clips and Worksheets are also embedded within the PowerPoint. - Also answers are available on the PowerPoint.
What is Development?Quick View

What is Development?

This is based on a KS3 Development lesson for mixed ability students. The activities are differentiated and have a challenge section to stretch the most able students. All lessons start with a silent starter to engage the students from the start of the lesson. Learning Objectives- Bronze- To understand what development means Silver-To be able to categorise features of a highly and poorly developed country Gold - To be able to evaluate the importance of the different features which make a country a highly developed country
Development Assessment LessonQuick View

Development Assessment Lesson

This Assessment should be completed after a series of lessons based on Development. The students are asked to explain which country is more developed based on a series of development indicators and a brief history about country A and country B. The mark scheme/ marking grid is designed for the students to use during their assessment. There are also a PowerPoint which helps the students to break down the question and a writing frame for lower ability students.
What are Asia’s physical features?Quick View

What are Asia’s physical features?

This lesson is based on a mixed ability KS3 class. The lesson is differentiated so all students are able to access the information and activities, while challenging others. It has elements of map skills in the lesson as well as focusing on the different features. Learning objectives Bronze- To be able understand what a physical feature is. Silver- To be able to identify different physical features in Asia Gold- to be able to describe the difference between physical features found in Asia.
Causes of Deforestation in Tropical RainforestQuick View

Causes of Deforestation in Tropical Rainforest

Title- What causes deforestation within Tropical Rainforest? Learning Objectives Bronze- To be able to recall key facts about the biomes Silver- To describe what caused the deforestation within the TRF Gold- To identify and explain what causes deforestation within the TRF The students have got very structured activity built into the PowerPoint,
What are the causes and effects of floods in Bangladesh?Quick View

What are the causes and effects of floods in Bangladesh?

Flooding lesson based on KS3 mixed ability year 8 class. The lesson and activities are fully integrated into the PowerPoint. The lesson starts with a silent starter which allows the students to engage in the lesson of flooding. The students will have a range of activities to complete, Information sort (causes of the flood), Highlight text (effects) and a differentiated question. There are extension activities and possible homework activities included. Learning Objectives. Bronze - Identify the human and physical cause of floods Silver - Describe the effects of the floods Gold - Classify the effects of floods
How did the development gap grow?Quick View

How did the development gap grow?

The lesson focuses on why there is a development gap and how the development gap grew. The lesson is differentiated and homework is included in the lesson. Silent starter (differentiated) starts the lesson with activities and progress checks throughout. Learning Objectives Bronze- Understand what the term development gap means Silver- To explain why the development gap grew Gold- To be able to evaluate the reasons for poverty.
How do you measure development?Quick View

How do you measure development?

This is based on a KS3 Development lesson for mixed ability students. The activities are differentiated and have a challenge section to stretch the most able students. All lessons start with a silent starter to engage the students from the start of the lesson. Learning Objectives- Bronze- To be able to recall key information about different development indicators Silver- To be able to describe different indicators. Gold- to be able to compare and contrast the key indicators and analyse which indicator is most effective
What are the causes and effects of floods in York?Quick View

What are the causes and effects of floods in York?

Flooding lesson based on KS3 mixed ability year 8 class. The lesson and activities are fully integrated into the PowerPoint. The lesson starts with a silent starter which allows the students to engage in the lesson of flooding. The students will have a range of activities to complete, Information sort (causes of the flood), Highlight text (effects) and a differentiated question. The students will also have to compare the Bangladesh flood and York flood to be able to understand which flood is the most sever. Peer assessment or self assessment tasks are also embedded within the PowerPoint. There are extension activities and possible homework activities included. Learning Objectives. Bronze - Identify the human and physical cause of floods Silver - Describe the effects of the floods Gold - Classify the effects of floods and be able to explain which flood was the most server.
How do you escape poverty? - based on Migration/ RefugeesQuick View

How do you escape poverty? - based on Migration/ Refugees

The lesson is based on a mixed ability year 9 lesson. The lesson starts with an optional silent starter (Literacy based). The students will also have to complete a serious of activities to be able to answer the question. As it is based on a mixed ability lesson the work is differentiated and there are extension activities embedded into the PowerPoint. Learning Objectives- Bronze- Understand what the key terms associated with development Silver- To describe why people are forced to leave an area Gold- To be able to explain the effects on a person who has to leave an area
How is development mapped?Quick View

How is development mapped?

This is based on a KS3 Development lesson for mixed ability students. The activities are differentiated and have a challenge section to stretch the most able students. All lessons start with a silent starter to engage the students from the start of the lesson. Learning Objectives- Bronze- To be able to recall key information about development Silver- To be able to describe different patterns created through development. Gold- To be able to compare and contrast the different way in which development can be mapped
Is the One Child Policy successful?Quick View

Is the One Child Policy successful?

This is part of the development topic, which focuses on China and how it has developed into a super power. The students will look at the rise of China and how the One Child Policy was needed to stop rapid population growth. This lesson encourages independent learning and can be taught as a stand alone lesson or part of the China SOW. Bronze- Be able to understand key facts about the one child policy Silver-Be able to understand why the one child policy was implements Gold-Be able evaluate the one child policy.
Development BundleQuick View

Development Bundle

6 Resources
Development Lesson Bundles 1. What is Development? 2. How do you measure development? 3. How is development mapped? 4. How did the development gap grow? 5. How do you escape poverty? - based on Migration/ Refugees 6. Assessment lesson
How do you measure height on a map?Quick View

How do you measure height on a map?

The lesson starts with a silent starter (literacy based). The lesson was created for a mixed ability class so the worksheets are differentiated due to ability. Worksheet 1 has been differentiated due to ability (starred lower ability). The students have also got progress checks throughout the lesson to check understanding. Learning Objectives Bronze-To know how to measure height on a map. Silver- To be able to measure different heights on map. Gold- To be able to identify different types of relief on a map.
Where is China and how has it changed?Quick View

Where is China and how has it changed?

The lesson is based on a year 9 mixed ability SoW. The students will be able to understand where China is and how it has changed (the rise of China). The lesson starts with a silent started and the students will be able to describe the location of China as well as being able to explain the population distribution of China. The students will also be able to explain and evaluate how China has changed. All the activities are differentiated with extension activities in the Presentation and a possible homework included. Learning objectives- Bronze- To be able to describe the location of China Silver-To be able to explain how China has developed and changed Gold-To be able to evaluate the success and problems in China’s rapids development
What are the worlds largest cities?- Longitude and Latitude lessonQuick View

What are the worlds largest cities?- Longitude and Latitude lesson

This is a Longitude and Latitude skills based lesson where students learn to locate cities through Longitude and Latitude. The lesson is differentiated with 3 different work sheets (embedded into the PowerPoint) and silent starters and progress checks throughout. Learning Objectives Bronze- Rank order information Silver- Identify Countries and Continents on physical and political maps Gold- Locate cities using longitude and latitude
GCSE Geography Exam Question BookletQuick View

GCSE Geography Exam Question Booklet

57 pages of past exam questions for **all exam boards. ** This booklet includes- • PLCs- A checklists for what you should know for each topic • Past Paper Questions • Skills based questions.