Target Market and Market SegmentationQuick View

Target Market and Market Segmentation

Marketing - Target Market and Market Segmentation lesson plan, Activity Case Studies, PPT Session 1- • The student will define a target market. • The student will identify the four methods used to segment a market from the given real life cases. Session 2 - • Explain the variables used in demographics, Geo-graphics, psycho-graphics, and behavioral segmentation trends. • Understand the importance of market segmentation • Apply the principles of market segmentation to example scenarios
Marketing Mix_PRODUCT MIX_Types of productsQuick View

Marketing Mix_PRODUCT MIX_Types of products

Activity base lesson plan on types of products. • State the various classifications of product and give example under each category • Differentiate between the marketing mix of consumer goods and services from the given example.
Marketing Project  - PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTQuick View


Introduction - Creating a Product Prototype and Marketing it successfully. This project is a hands-on project where you can practice innovation and creativity, creating a prototype can also be one of the most fun and rewarding steps you'll practice. What it’s a about – No it’s not going to be cake walk. New Product Development is just not having a great idea, it’s about practicing all you learnt, know and can apply about Market and Marketing. You will practice all the steps of product development from Idea Generation & Idea Screening, SWOT, Segmentation, Concept Development & Testing, Selecting and marketing of product - Price, Promotion, Place, Product Development - Designing of product, label, tagline and finally LAUNCH OF PRODUCT.
Evolution of Print Media / NewspapersQuick View

Evolution of Print Media / Newspapers

Media Studies - Evolution of Print Media / Newspapers Session 1 - Activity base lesson • Compare the development of print media in different countries of the world. • Evaluate the role of internet in replacing newspapers. Session 2 - • Explain the evolution of newspaper in India • Analyze the role of newspaper in present society in context with changing journalistic morals.
DET -Unit 1_L.O 5_ Developing Teaching Learning and Assessment in Education and TrainingQuick View

DET -Unit 1_L.O 5_ Developing Teaching Learning and Assessment in Education and Training

Learning and Assessment in Education OBJECTIVES COVERED 5 . Be able to apply theories, models and principles of assessment to assessing learning in education and training 5.1 Design assessments that meet the individual needs of learners 5.2 Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in using types and methods of assessment to meet individual learning needs and assessment requirements 5.3 Demonstrate the use of assessment data in:  monitoring learners’ achievement, attainment and progress  setting learners’ targets  planning subsequent sessions  recording the outcomes of assessment
Lesson plan_Business_Methods of productionQuick View

Lesson plan_Business_Methods of production

This session is an introductory session to the students to get them started to think on ways and methods of production in different businesses. The student discuss about businesses that have different problems due to limited resources with which they are always looking for ways to do more with what they have and reduce wastage. In this lesson, they will learn and discuss method of production and lean manufacturing.