<p>This is a sheet of sixty multiplication questions, with answers on a separate sheet, with the idea that the students try to beat their score from one session to the next.</p>
Activity to learn the parts of the body and to say that they hurt.<br />
At the end you can pretend you are ill and say 'docteur, j'ai mal....' and the class has to point to their corresponding body part. Or they can perform a little doctor / patient role play in pairs.<br />
Did this for an interview and got the job.
Treasure Hunt to send a Spanish class of any age out and about in school with a partner and a dictionary while you sit in the sun with a cuppa - hee hee!<br />
<br />
This is an ideal activity for the end of term or an ice breaker at the start of a new school year. It is delightful in summer.<br />
<br />
I have used it with all age groups, from year 4 to year 13, and it takes a full lesson.
This is an ideal activity for the end of term or an ice breaker at the start of a new school year. It is delightful in summer.<br />
<br />
I have used it with all age groups, from year 4 to year 13, and it takes a full lesson.<br />
<br />
All you need are dictionaries and permission to get out and about in and around school. Easy peasy. Earn big brownie points for getting out of the classroom!
18 French phrases for students to put into the negative using constructions such as hardly, never, not, no longer, nobody etc.<br />
<br />
Perfect for a wild lesson of fun fun fun, haha<br />
No actually, it's pretty interesting for AS / A-Level students. They will be able to refer back to it for future essays and it is a good, comprehensive guide to negatives in French.<br />
<br />
INCLUDES ANSWERS so no sweat, yippee!
14 double sided speech bubbles to print and hang around the classroom, nouns and negatives colour coded.<br />
Including<br />
Can I borrow a rubber?<br />
Can I go to the toilet?<br />
Sorry I'm late<br />
The dog ate my homework<br />
My pen doesn't work<br />
I don't have a pencil<br />
I don't understand<br />
Can you write it down?<br />
I need help<br />
<br />
Each slide is shown twice. Set your printer to print double sided to achieve cards that you can hang with string from the ceiling.
Spanish I'm thirsty / I'm hungry - I would like plus a number foods and drinks. Ideal to get a class going with a food topic.<br />
<br />
I made this for an interview a few years ago and got the job.
Simple presentation introducing the following linking words and explains how they are used in a sentence (i.e. how they affect word order)<br />
<br />
aber – but<br />
denn – because<br />
oder – or<br />
sondern – but<br />
und - and<br />
als – when, as (talking about the past)<br />
bevor – before<br />
bis – until<br />
dass – that<br />
weil – because<br />
wenn – when, whenever (not questions!)<br />
wie – how<br />
wo – where
Simple starter activity to reinforce phrases in a shopping environment such as <br />
<br />
je veux / je voudrais / j'aimerais<br />
je suis / j'ai<br />
est-ce que je peux avoir?<br />
est-ce qu'il y a ?<br />
c'est ouvert / c'est fermé <br />
c'est combien?<br />
<br />
Two per A4 sheet
This is a 35 minute lesson that I made for an interview.<br />
<br />
It is a powerpoint that outlines six of the verbs that take etre in the perfect tense - aller, rester, sortir, rentrer, partir, arriver.<br />
<br />
I used it with year 8.
PDF with hand drawn pics showing passé composé phrases<br />
J'ai fait du vélo<br />
J'ai nagé<br />
J'ai mangé de la pizza<br />
J'ai fait mes devoirs<br />
J'ai joué de la musique<br />
J'ai regardé la télé<br />
J'ai fait du sport<br />
J'ai écouté de la musique<br />
Je suis allé(e) au cinéma
What do you have for breakfast?<br />
<br />
Presentation teaching various breakfast foods - eggs, cereals, toast, pancakes, orange juice, etc and how often you have them - sometimes, always, rarely, when I have guests, etc.
<p>Household chores words and phrases learnt through song - the 12 days of Christmas. Hilarious fun, opportunity to get loud.</p>
<p>Garder mon petit frère<br />
Laver la voiture<br />
Faire la lessive<br />
Faire la vaisselle<br />
Passer l’aspirateur<br />
Faire mes devoirs de français<br />
Faire la cuisine<br />
Sortir la poubelle<br />
Étendre le linge<br />
Mettre la table<br />
Ranger ma chambre<br />
Faire le ménage</p>