This is a single point perspective tutorial which can be introduced as a new topic. It is very clear and straight forward tutorial and it worked well when using this in my class, all the students got it! I have a short task, where the students draw a box using single point perspective, then they move onto design an interior room using single point perspective. Thinking about angles and furniture within a room.
<p>A Fun and educational Art resource for Black History Month.</p>
<p>A one of lesson to teach students about important Black Artists.</p>
<p>This resource includes differentiated art activities, with suggest materials required.</p>
This resource is smart, clean and importantly presents to the students what good design should look like! The resource includes a print ready booklet including assessment levels, along with a scheme of work for 6-7 weeks (13 Lesson) including extension work. This is a fun year 8 project which requires little planning and resources. All you really need it lots of paper, glue and scissors! This project really gets students thinking about product design, and how creating a unique selling point for a product is so important. It also gets them to think resourcefully and creatively within design and exploring the idea of promoting/selling a product. This project can also be adapted to suit older years, and there is plenty of opportunities for assessment for learning and self and peer assessment. Included also in this bundle of resources is a template for the tangrams which can be mounted on foam board and cut out with ease.
This resource is smart, clean and importantly presents to the students what good design should look like! The resource includes a print ready booklet including assessment levels, along with a scheme of work for 6-7 weeks. This is a great start of year 7 project in between rotations which requires little planning and resources. All you really need it lots of paper, glue and scissors! This project really get students thinking about mechanisms, and how they function, it also gets them to think resourcefully and creatively within groups and individually. This project can also be adapted to suit older years, and there is plenty of opportunities for assessment for learning and self and peer assessment.
I aim to provide modern, visually appealing resources for all to use! You wont find any comic sans or clip art here! This is a striking poster I designed for my classroom to allow my students to understand the value of Design & Technology out in the 'real world'. I would often be asked by my students what type of jobs they could gain through their path of DT in schools, and this was an example! This poster only applies to Graphics, and can be blown up to any size! Enjoy and please review/credit.
I aim to provide modern, visually appealing resources for all to use! You wont find any comic sans or clip art here! This is a striking poster I designed for my classroom to allow my students to understand the value of Design & Technology out in the 'real world'. It is a nice example of showcasing individuals like Steve Jobs and Jamie Oliver successes, and for the students to relate to and aspire to. This poster only applies to all areas of DT and can be blown up to A3! Enjoy and please review/credit.
A collection of 6 modern posters covering the topics, 'Remembering', 'Applying', 'Creating', 'Analysing', 'Evaluating' and 'Understanding'. These are for you to display in your classroom to provoke questioning during lessons time and also as a supporting resource for students when completing written work. These 6 areas cover all areas of Design & Technology, and are a constant reminder to the students of how important written work and oral feedback is in DT! I designed these resources initially for myself as a new teacher to read off when doing starters and plenaries, but found when handing out to students they also helped as writing frames. Suitable for all age groups.
This powerpoint is an introduction to graphics/logo design - it gets pupils thinking about the importance of graphics and how they can impact the decisions we make in our lives. My aim was to get the pupils visualising words. It also shows them how much they already know (with guessing the company through logos without names). This powerpoint was very successful, and my pupils produced some brilliant new logo designs! The last few slides are about homework/etc so change an adjust as you please
A fun, quick worksheet about typography! This worksheet aims to develop students creativity and drawing skills. All they need to do it follow the worksheets steps in order to create a 'words as images' masterpiece! Suitable for all ages in developing graphical skills.
<p>Design technology specific resource, printed at the beginning of the school year. A workshop skills passport each student has, and then is ticket off to each time a student has demonstrated using this tool safely and correctly.</p>
<p>A variety of scissor skills worksheets to improve students fine motor skills and cutting skills.</p>
<p>From easy straight lines, to harder zig zag lines.</p>
<p>This resource include symboled text suitable for SEN students and EYFS.</p>