Area and Perimeter Year 5 differentiated
<p>Adapted from a free resource on here. 1 sheet of challenges to work out area and perimeter, including of triangles.<br />
LA sheet with lots of hints and easier numbers.</p>
Maths Partitioning Year 2 Autumn
Simple differentiated worksheets for partitioning in different ways.<br />
eg. 55 = 5 tens and 5 ones = 50 + 5 and also...<br />
drawing dienes bars and units for the picture column.<br />
<br />
Could also be an extension sheet.
Ancient Greece democracy v modern day
<p>I created this from various resources available including one on TES (originator pantobabe from 2013) that was a bit wordy.<br />
Thought I’d share it as it ended up a couple of hours work and would like to save someone else the time!<br />
I used in my Year 5 class today and they were very excited about writing their own speeches - we will vote next week.</p>
Maths ice cream investigation (working systematically)
An ice cream investigation, aimed at Year 4 but can be used in other year groups.<br />
Chn to work systematically to find all solutions.<br />
Can be adapted for more flavours etc.
Guided Reading Carousel plan (5 groups)
Guided Reading plan with groups named after book characters.<br />
Different activity every day. Used for Year 2.<br />
Ready to adapt for your class.
General Election Manifesto persuasive leaflet writing
I just did this lesson today as a trial lesson for a job (Year 5)- I got the job so I think it works well. The children were really engaged. It is a combination of other free stuff on TES. The lesson plan and blank templates are from scratch.<br />
I have included the lesson plan, powerpoint, leaflet examples and blank templates. I put together some questions to help them get ideas.<br />
Amazing how clever some of the chn's ideas were.<br />
I collected up some election leaflets that had been posted to me to show them.
Woodland animal facts (for research)
Used in Year 2, woodland animals facts in language they should understand. For children to pull out bullet point facts when researching for writing reports.
Calendar teaching Year 3 (time date)
<p>You will need to print off a 2018 and 2019 calendar for MA and HA. I got mine from Abacus.<br />
There are 3 differentiated worksheets to find dates etc.</p>
<p>I found my Year 3 class struggled with worded problems so it was good practice for them to read the question very carefully to give the answer required and the full date not just some of it!</p>
Finding and using coordinates Geography or Maths (Year 2)
Children to give co-ordinates on a grid for various shapes placed on grid/map. Children to then add their own items to the grid/map and give co-ordinates.
Make a Trojan Horse (D&T and the legend)
<p>I created this for my Year 5 class so that we can create a Trojan Horse. I attach my planning sheet too but you may be able to create a better one.</p>
3D shape properties prism and pyramid
<p>Table for finding properties of prisms and pyramids. Used in Year 5.</p>
Story map simple templates
2 versions of a simple story map template that I have used many times in Year 2:<br />
One with 9 linked boxes - to add bullet points<br />
One with beginning, middle, end boxes and some prompts to be adapted for your subject
Iron Man adjectives and similes
<p>Created for use with chapter 1. Creating similes and improving a boring piece of text.<br />
Also attached vocab sheet for chapter 2 in case useful.</p>
Assembly on Resourcefulness
<p>I used this today in a KS2 assembly. I think it went OK - sadly on our school computers the youtube links didn’t work.<br />
It’s made up from various sources but as I spent some time putting it together for a 15 min assembly I thought I’d share on!<br />
Could of course be used in class too.<br />
It’s part of a series of assemblies on the 5 Rs but we are all doing our own so can’t share the others!<br />
(I’ve included a Word doc - I printed these out double sided and got kids up to hold one each symbol side facing out, and chose children to say what skill they represented - they can then flip them round to see if correct)</p>
Times tables challenge questions Year 5
<p>I have changed the way I do my times table tests by using words and different ways of thinking - but all need times table knowledge. Useful if usual x tables tests need spicing up!</p>
Volume, perimeter, area word problems (written by Year 5!)
<p>Told my class to write some word problems (on perimeter, area and volume) and said I’d gather them all into a worksheet.<br />
I said I’d keep them updated on how many downloads they get!</p>
Greek Theatre lesson Year 5
<p>I put this together from other free resources. The masks worked really well.<br />
I got chn to label the amphitheatre (in WALT doc) and write what they’d learnt in a paragraph underneath and then we made masks.</p>
Year 3 Reasoning Problems
<p>I created this by using Year 3 Pixl reasoning problems (from the test papers) and changing the numbers/words to create revision problems for the children.<br />
Differentiated x 3.</p>
Volume problem solving - missing numbers Year 5
<p>We’d been doing volume of cuboids and then I made up this sheet to see if they could calculate missing measurements. For LA mainly stuck to them calculating total volume to secure. MA/HA varied which measurement was missing.<br />
(1st sheet is answer sheet)</p>