<p>Translation race activity on the theme of charity and voluntary work for year 11 French. I get them to work in groups, cut the sentences up, each group gets number 1 to start and they work on them together to win the race and get to the last one before other groups. They come to my desk with the sentences, I mark them in green if correct and give the next one or mark in pink and send them back to their group to discuss errors. Great for challenge!</p>
<p>PowerPoint Presentation for year 11 on Theme 2 National, International and Global areas of interest on theme of charity and voluntary work including homework task.</p>
<p>A whole half term’s worth of powerpoint slides for Italian charity and voluntary work, inlcuding topic of homelessness and different Italian charities.</p>
<p>A whole half term’s worth of powerpoint slides on the topic of healthy and unhealthy lifestyle. Also includes some grammar explanations and exercises. Some resources from <a href="http://Thisislanguage.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Thisislanguage.com</a></p>