c'est injuste (school rules)Quick View

c'est injuste (school rules)

<p>a set of two lessons on school rules. Includes a Sentence Builder, listening tasks (slalom, gap fill, partial dictation), reading tasks and speaking tasks (unning dictation, find your match) and grammar points on modal verbs + impersonal phrases.<br /> Corrections included.</p> <p>Made to be used alongside the new AQA Pearson Higher textbook (module 3) but can be used independently.</p>
Quelle est ta matière préféréeQuick View

Quelle est ta matière préférée

<p>a set of three lessons on school subjects and school life. Includes a Sentence Builder, reading and listening tasks, a mosaic and a standard translation task and grammar point on the comparative. Designed to accompany the new AQA Pearson Higher textbook, module 3 but can be used independently.</p>
Amour, famille, gateauQuick View

Amour, famille, gateau

<p>a set of two lessons on the topic of celebrations, using three tenses. Includes, a sentence builder, listening tasks, gapped parallel translation, identify parts of text task, sentence stealer etc. Made to follow Module 2 Unit 5 in the new AQA Pearson Higher textbook but can be used independently.</p>
KS4 Scheme of Work - NEW AQA GCSE 2024-2026Quick View

KS4 Scheme of Work - NEW AQA GCSE 2024-2026

<p>I’ve created this Scheme of Work for the new AQA GCSE French(2024-2026) based loosely on the OUP textbook and the published SOW by AQA. This is ab initio, so the first 5 weeks cover the basics, and it accounts for 34 teaching weeks in total. (Year 10 only)<br /> I hope this helps.<br /> The links direct to the AQA Vocabulary list by Unit and Tier</p>
NEW GCSE - Reading Assessment (Media/Technology & Sports/hobbies)Quick View

NEW GCSE - Reading Assessment (Media/Technology & Sports/hobbies)

<p>This is a Higher Reading paper for the new GCSE (AQA but can easily be adapted to Edexcel). I used the published sample paper on the exam board website and stuck to it as closely as possible. Topics covered are media/technology and hobbies/sports. It is aimed at Y10 students as a first reading assessment (we follow the new Pearson textbook).<br /> Markscheme Included<br /> Fully editable</p> <p>Hope this helps!</p>
un weekend en familleQuick View

un weekend en famille

<p>two full lessons on the topic of routine/family. Designed to accompany the new AQA GCSE French Pearson’s textbook (Module 2 Unit 1) but can be used independently. Includes a sentence builder, reflexive verbs grammar point + tasks, translation task, no snake no ladder task, micro listening skills tasks on the silent e vs. é</p>
Qu'est-ce que tu regardes?Quick View

Qu'est-ce que tu regardes?

<p>A full lesson on films/tv shows. Follows the new Pearson AQA GCSE French textbook but can be used independently. Includes a sentence builder, one pen one dice activity, a speaking task and an intro to questions words.</p>
Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?Quick View

Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?

<p>Two full lessons on arranging to go out/making plans and responding to invitations. Follows the new Pearson AQA GCSE French textbook but cna be used independently. Includes a sentence builder, a retrieval task ( with a song accompanying) , two speaking tasks (structured oral drill and sentence stealers) and grammar point + tasks on the near future tense.</p>
Ma vie en ligneQuick View

Ma vie en ligne

<p>2 full lessons on online activities and dangers of the internet. Orginally made to be used with the new AQA GCSE Pearson’s textbook but could be used independently. Includes two sentence builders, listening and reading tasks (sentence puzzle, mosaic , gapped translations, etc), grammar point on the present tense. Could potentially be good for top set year 9s.</p>
Tu as une vie active?Quick View

Tu as une vie active?

<p>two full lessons on the topic of active hobbies. Roughly follows the new AQA GCSE Pearson texbook (Module 1 Unit 2) but can be used independently. Includes a sentence builder, narrow reading and listening activities, games (dice &amp; telapthy) and grammar points (irregular present tense verbs &amp; negation).</p>
Chomage: Pole Emploi et TikTok s'associentQuick View

Chomage: Pole Emploi et TikTok s'associent

<p>a listening and reading task on how Pole Emploi and TikTok are joining forces in giving advice to young people on how to find jobs.<br /> Click the title of the article to get the link to the audio.<br /> Correction included.</p>
French Learning JourneyQuick View

French Learning Journey

<p>I was inspired by the learning journeys that have recently been posted and made my own (WJEC). It is fully editable. I hope it helps.</p>
l'infinitif passé (the perfect infinitive)Quick View

l'infinitif passé (the perfect infinitive)

<p>A PowerPoint to explain the perfect infinitive in French and how to use it (includes word order in negative sentences and with DOPs&amp;IOPs) Short task at the end + youtube video to recap.</p>
1945-1950 FranceQuick View

1945-1950 France

<p>a series of tasks exploring France after WW2 (covers the themes of liberation, instabilite politique, plan marshall, decolonisation, reconstruction, modernisation, etc)</p>
genders in FrenchQuick View

genders in French

<p>a PowerPoint explaining French genders (nouns, articles and adjectives) + tasks and visual aids.</p>
A2 revision timetable & aidQuick View

A2 revision timetable & aid

<p>I created this resource to help my A2 students plan their revision time from Easter onwards. It gives them a breakdown of the units and key skills as well as a timetable with suggestions of tasks to complete.<br /> There are also memory cards with important quotes for Unit 5 (we study Un Secret)<br /> Although this follows the WJEC spec, it can esaily be adpated to all exam boards.</p>
Translation practiceQuick View

Translation practice

<p>A translation (English to French) lesson on a variety of topics with opportunities for AfL throughout. The idea is that the difficulty of each task increases as pupils discuss translation skills.</p>
livreflix (french books recommendation)Quick View

livreflix (french books recommendation)

<p>This PPT links to a genially i created. There are 5 pages with recommendations (classics, oxbridge recs, poetry, philosophy and BDs). Each book cover is linked to a summary / an e-book / a profile of the author / an audio recording of a selected poem.</p>
AfL for Speaking and WritingQuick View

AfL for Speaking and Writing

<p>This is a link to a genially I created to help IGCSE students with the speaking and writing exams. There are several AfL tasks to complete - just follow the instructions.</p>