Sex Education FOUR LESSONSQuick View

Sex Education FOUR LESSONS

This resources contains content for four lessons on sex education, suitable for 10-15 year olds.<br /> It covers reproductive organs, puberty, the menstrual cycle, the menopause, fertilisation, becoming pregnant, giving birth and caring for offspring.<br /> <br /> Within the presentation are a range of interactive activities, and there are also additional worksheets and activities.
Anaerobic Respiration - Making Bread!Quick View

Anaerobic Respiration - Making Bread!

An introduction to the theory of anaerobic respiration and instructions on how to make your own bread in the classroom!<br /> *Note: This practical takes a long time, so it is best to set this up at the beginning of the lesson, and check your results after completing the theory work.
BlockbustersQuick View


An easy game that can be used as a starter, plenary, extension task or as a reward!<br /> <br /> Suitable for any age and subject, as you can make up your own questions!
Forces AssessmentQuick View

Forces Assessment

Assessment ideal for the end of a forces topic. There are two worksheets for easy differentiation.
Response to Exercise FULL LESSONQuick View

Response to Exercise FULL LESSON

A lesson introducing the different equations required for aerobic and anaerobic respiration. It then goes on to teach pupils how oxygen debt is repaid, before pupils have an opportunity to test this themselves and identify the symptoms after exercise.
Nervous System and Reflexes FULL LESSONQuick View

Nervous System and Reflexes FULL LESSON

Starter: Draw a nerve cell.<br /> <br /> Main: Teacher-lead explanation of the nervous system and reflexes with some interactive group activities.<br /> <br /> Plenary: Compare and contrast reflex responses and conscious decisions.
Wave Speed Investigation FULL LESSONQuick View

Wave Speed Investigation FULL LESSON

This bundle contains a presentation and resources to introduce the topic of waves. The presentation contains videos, and instructions for an easy practical. This can be followed up with the worksheets provided.<br /> <br /> It will cover approximately 90 minutes of content - but could be condensed into one lesson if necessary.
Rounding NumbersQuick View

Rounding Numbers

A presentation to show pupils how to round numbers, using a wide range of examples including decimal places.<br /> <br /> Also includes a starter activity - wingdings!
Exercise FULL LESSONQuick View


A presentation describing the effects of exercise. This then includes a practical task so pupils can identify these effects in themselves!
Investigating TouchQuick View

Investigating Touch

A fun practical students can try, to understand the sensitivity of different parts of their body. Students must try to work out if they have been touched with one or two prongs.
Metals AssessmentQuick View

Metals Assessment

A final assessment task for the metals topic. Test contains simple short answer questions so is quick to mark. It is also marked out of ten so pupils can easily calculate a percentage score.
Pressure InvestigationQuick View

Pressure Investigation

A simple introduction lesson to pressure. Pupils will understand when we try to increase and decrease pressure, and calculate their own body pressure.
Photosynthesis TWO LESSONSQuick View

Photosynthesis TWO LESSONS

Two full lessons on photosynthesis.<br /> <br /> Starter: Introduction to plant cells and photosynthesis equation<br /> Main: Pondweed experiment<br /> Plenary: Analyse and compare results<br /> <br /> Starter: Role of leaves<br /> Main: Leaf adaptations<br /> Plenary: Real life examples
Power and Resistance QuestionsQuick View

Power and Resistance Questions

A presentation with slides to explain the equation needed to calculate power and resistance, and the units of each measurement.<br /> Attached is also a worksheet with a wide range of power output calculations - differentiated as the questions become more difficult as pupils progress through the worksheet.<br /> Within the presentation are also instructions for a resistance practical.
Period Groups and Atomic Mass Calculations FULL LESSONQuick View

Period Groups and Atomic Mass Calculations FULL LESSON

Starter: Wingdings.<br /> Presentation also contains a slide to highlight the different groups, and pupils could colour in their own periodic table to match this.<br /> <br /> Main: A presentation that can be used to explain protons, electrons and neutrons, and the history behind how they were discovered. <br /> Who am I? For elements.<br /> <br /> Plenary: Pupils should complete the worksheet and try to calculate the missing values.