Food ChainQuick View

Food Chain

A full lesson for Primary from reception class until year 3!<br /> 17 slides that contains pictures, videos and quizzes!<br /> If you are unsure of purchasing this resource check out my free lesson on 'Living vs Non-living and the Plant' .
Healthy Diet and the TeethQuick View

Healthy Diet and the Teeth

A full lesson for Primary from reception class until year 3!<br /> 12 slides that contain pictures, videos and quizzes!<br /> If you are unsure of purchasing this resource check out my free lesson on 'Living vs Non-living and the Plant' .
Science lessons for primaryQuick View

Science lessons for primary

5 lessons with 59 slides including lots of pictures, videos and quizzes.<br /> Great Science lessons for primary, from reception until year 6!<br /> Lessons (all lessons contain understable information, colourful images, funny videos and finishes with quizzes to check the childrens learning):<br /> <br /> 1. Is it a living thing? / The plant (free, check it out it has 16 slides which serves as an example of how my other lessons look like!)<br /> 2. Food chain (£3.30)<br /> 3. The Human Body (£3.30)<br /> 4. Staying healthy and the teeth (£3.30)<br /> 5. Recap with quizzes (£2)<br /> <br /> Real time and money saver!<br /> (The lessons can be buyed separately (search for resources on my profile)!
A level History Comperative Tables on James I's and Charles I's (Stuart Britain 1603-1625)Quick View

A level History Comperative Tables on James I's and Charles I's (Stuart Britain 1603-1625)

<p>10 page word document with 4532 words<br /> (all typed up by myself, amazing revision resource, saves a lot of time)</p> <p>Typed up comparative tables on James I’s &amp; Charles I’s (1603-1625)</p> <ol> <li>Basic information of James I’s / Basic information of Charles I’s</li> <li>The characterisitcs of James I’s / The characteristics of Charles I’s</li> <li>Court of James I’s / Court of Charles I’s</li> <li>The favourites of James I’s / The favourites of Charles I’s</li> <li>Financial Weakness of James I’s Crown / Financial Weakness of Charles I’s Crown</li> <li>Parliament and James I’s / Parliament and Charles I’s</li> <li>Religion and religious divisions and James I’s / Religion and religious divisions and Charles I’s</li> </ol> <p>+every section includes sources/interpreations from historians/individuals from their reign/from the King</p>
The Human BodyQuick View

The Human Body

A full lesson for Primary from reception class until year 5!<br /> 14 slides that contains pictures, videos and quizzes!<br /> If you are unsure of purchasing this resource check out my free lesson on 'Living vs Non-living and the Plant' .
Primary Science Reccaping QuizzesQuick View

Primary Science Reccaping Quizzes

10 slides full of quizzes on the following topics:<br /> <br /> Plants<br /> Food Chains<br /> Human Body<br /> Diet and Tooth<br /> <br /> If you are unsure of purchasing this resource check out my free lesson on 'Living vs Non-living and the Plant'.
Living vs Non-living and the PlantQuick View

Living vs Non-living and the Plant

A full lesson for Primary from reception class until year 3!<br /> Contains pictures, videos and quizzes!<br /> <br /> This resource is free because it's and example of what my other 4 science lessons look like. <br /> You can search it on my profile where you can find all 4 lessons + a lesson full of quizzes (59 slides) for just £10 or you can purchase the lessons separately one for £3 or £3.30 and the quizzes for £2!