Trench warfare conditionsQuick View

Trench warfare conditions

Lesson covering trench warfare and positive and negative aspects for the soldiers of WWI. Designed for AQA GCSE though could be used with lower school as well (may need simplifying). <br /> Information slides to be printed and posted around classroom for students to collect information.
Covers Henry VII and his relationship with English nobilityQuick View

Covers Henry VII and his relationship with English nobility

Presentation exploring how Henry controlled the nobility to consolidate his power and some of the resentments this created. Also includes Hot seat activity and resources to give students the chance to role play key nobles to develop idea that some benefitted and some lost.
The Boer WarsQuick View

The Boer Wars

<p>Lesson covers background of British in South Africa and moves on to focus on Boer War. Starts with visual source to make comparisons on British and Boer forces, then uses video clip (link on slide) to investigate further. Ends with reading task to highlight key consequences and then short written answer and visual recap on causes. Designed for GCSE Britain: Migration ans EMpire course.</p>
China 1900 problemsQuick View

China 1900 problems

Lesson with activities that establishes the problems of China in the late imperial period. Designed for year 8/9 but could also work with GCSE. Includes gallery information hunt.
Roman artefactsQuick View

Roman artefacts

Lesson that uses a range of Roman artefacts (images on ppt slides to print in colour and place around room). Can also be used with replica Roman artefacts if you have them.
Elizabeth and PuritansQuick View

Elizabeth and Puritans

Lesson covering Elizabeth and the Puritans. How much of a threat were they and what policies did Elizabeth use to limit threat? Designed for AQA History A level.
China - cultural revolutionQuick View

China - cultural revolution

KS3 resource looking at impact of cultural revolution. Includes activity. Designed for KS3 but could be used with GCSE class.
Lesson for introduction to great powers with top trumps cards.Quick View

Lesson for introduction to great powers with top trumps cards.

Lesson to introduce Europe c. 1914 to students for WWI background before moving on to alliance systems. Top trumps game to capture interest and get students to think about relative power of various countries. Then develops this by using cards to categorise. Made for year 10 GCSE on WWI.
Norman feudalism GCSE (AQA)Quick View

Norman feudalism GCSE (AQA)

Lesson which makes use of the Oxford textbooks for AQA GSCE on Norman England. PPt includes overview and also exam question with guidance and self-review notes.