<p>A full lesson on sustainable living - BEDZED - very good interview lesson for a Geography post. It includes:</p>
<li>Reading material</li>
<li>lesson plan</li>
<p>Gwers llawn ar adfywiad Bae Caerdydd - gwers cyfweliad/arsywlad dda ar gyfer swydd Dyniaethau/ Daearyddiaeth. Mae’n cynnwys:</p>
<li>Cynllun gwers</li>
<li>Taflenni gwaith</li>
<p>A full interview lesson on the regenration of Cardiff Bay - a very good interview/obersvation lesson for a humanities/geography post. It contains:</p>
<li>Lesson plan</li>
<p>Uned Rhewlifoedd 1.2.4 Uned 1 Lefel A Daearyddiaeth Yr amrywiol<br />
amgylcheddau rhewlifol a’u dosbarthiad</p>
<li>Bwcled Gwaith</li>
<li>Tasg Ffilm darllen ychwanegol</li>
<p>Glaciers Unit 1.2.4 Unit 1 A Level Geography The various<br />
glacial environments and their distribution</p>
<li>Work Booklet</li>
<li>Additional reading Film task</li>
<p>Set o becynnau adolygu ar gyfer themau 1 i 6 yn Uned 1 ac 2 TGAU Daearyddiaeth. Defnyddiol iawn ac wir o ddefnydd i ddysgwyr TGAU Daearyddiaeth. Gweithgareddau adolygu, pwyntpwer a fideos wedi lincio yn yr adnoddau.</p>
<p>A set of revision packs for themes 1 to 6 in GCSE Geography Unit 1 and 2. Very useful and of real use to GCSE Geography learners. Revision activities, powerpoints and videos linked in the resources.</p>
<p>A set of 8 lessons on the Stuarts. Listed below as:</p>
<li>James I (1 lesson)</li>
<li>Comparison James Vs Elizabeth ( 1 lesson)</li>
<li>Witches (1lesson)</li>
<li>Gunpowder plot (2 lessons)</li>
<li>English Civil war ( 3 lessons)</li>
<p>All lessons have a powerpoint and resources to print off or hand out to the pupils. Very detailed lessons with videos attached.</p>
<p>Uned Rhewlifoedd 1.2.1 - Uned 1 Lefel A Daearyddiaeth Y newid yn yr hinsawdd<br />
a’r gyllideb rewlifol dros raddfeydd amser gwahanol</p>
<li>Bwcled gwaith</li>
<li>Gwaith ychwanegol</li>
<p>Unit Glaciers 1.2.1 - Unit 1 A Level Geography Climate change<br />
and the glacial budget over different time scales</p>
<li>Additional work</li>
<p>Uned Rhewlifoedd 1.2.9 Uned 1 Lefel A Daearyddiaeth Amrywiadau mewn<br />
prosesau rhewlifol, tirffurfiau a thirweddau rhewlifol dros raddfeydd amser gwahanol</p>
<li>Bwcled Gwaith</li>
<p>Glaciers Unit 1.2.9 Unit 1 A Level Geography Variations in<br />
glacial processes, landforms and glacial landscapes over different time scales</p>
<li>Work Booklet</li>
<p>Uned Rhewlifoedd 1.2.8 Uned 1 Lefel A Daearyddiaeth Prosesau ffinrewlifol a<br />
phroses ffurfio nodweddion cysylltiedig</p>
<li>Bwcled Gwaith</li>
<li>Mapiau (newid hyn i gwaith GIS)</li>
<p>Glaciers Unit 1.2.8 Unit 1 A Level Geography Periglacial processes a<br />
process of forming associated features</p>
<li>Work Booklet</li>
<li>Maps (change this to GIS work)</li>
<p>Uned Rhewlifoedd 1.2.7 Uned 1 Lefel A Daearyddiaeth Cyfresi o dirffurfiau<br />
mewn tirweddau rhewlifol</p>
<li>Bwcled Gwaith</li>
<p>Glaciers Unit 1.2.7 Unit 1 A Level Geography Series of landforms<br />
in glacial landscapes</p>
<li>Work Booklet</li>
<p>Uned Rhewlifoedd 1.2.5 Uned 1 Lefel A Daearyddiaeth Prosesau hindreulio<br />
rhewlifol, erydu a nodweddion a phroses ffurfio tirffurfiau cysylltiedig</p>
<li>Bwcled Gwaith</li>
<li>Gguf cwestiwn arholiad + cynllun marcio</li>
<p>Glaciers Unit 1.2.5 Unit 1 A Level Geography Weathering processes<br />
glaciation, erosion and related features and formation process of landforms</p>
<li>Work Booklet</li>
<li>Mock question + marking scheme</li>
<p>Uned Rhewlifoedd 1.2.6 Uned 1 Lefel A Daearyddiaeth Prosesau trawsgludo<br />
rhewlifol a ffrwdrewlifol, dyddodi rhewlifol a ffrwdrewlifol a nodweddion a phroses ffurfio tirffurfiau cysylltiedig</p>
<li>Bwcled Gwaith</li>
<p>Glaciers Unit 1.2.6 Unit 1 A Level Geography Transport processes<br />
glacial and glacial stream, glacial and glacial stream deposition and associated landform features and processes</p>
<li>Work Booklet</li>
<p>Cyfres o 9 gwers sy’n dilyn ei gilydd ar beryglon tectonig gyda thasg asesu ar y diwedd.</p>
<p>Gwers 1 - Strwythur y Ddaear<br />
Gwers 2- Platiau Tectonig<br />
Gwers 3 - Ymylon platiacu tectonig<br />
Gwers 4 - Lledred a Hydred - Ble mae llosgfynyddoedd a daeargrynfeydd y byd<br />
Gwers 5- Beth ydy llosgfynydd?<br />
Gwers 6- Efaith llogsfynydd<br />
Gwers 7 - Astudiaeth achos - Echdoriad Vesuvius 79AD<br />
Gwers 8 - Astudiaeth achos - Effaith echdoriad Vesuvius<br />
Gwers 9 - Tasg asesu- Llythyr llygad dyst llosgfynydd (wedi gwahaniaethu)</p>
<p>A series of 9 consecutive lessons on tectonic hazards with an assessment task at the end.</p>
<p>Lesson 1 - Structure of the Earth<br />
Lesson 2- Tectonic Plates<br />
Lesson 3 - Tectonic plate margins<br />
Lesson 4 - Latitude and Longitude - Where are the world’s volcanoes and earthquakes<br />
Lesson 5- What is a volcano?<br />
Lesson 6- Efaith a volcano<br />
Lesson 7 - Case study - Eruption of Vesuvius 79AD<br />
Lesson 8 - Case study - The impact of the eruption of Vesuvius<br />
Lesson 9 - Assessment task - Eyewitness letter of a volcano (differentiated)</p>