I'm french, and I've made these 16 high qualilty worksheets with writing, comprehension and oral activities covering the basics of the following topics: <br />
- Je me présente (nom, âge, nationalité, lieu d'habitation, goûts et préférences, etc.)<br />
- Je présente les autres (nom, âge, etc.)<br />
- Je présente ma famille (nom, âge, etc.)
I'm french, and I've made these 20 high qualilty worksheets with writing, comprehension and oral activities covering the basics of the following topics: <br />
- Les parties du corps<br />
- Les verbes avoir et être au Présent<br />
- La description physique<br />
- Le féminin et pluriel des adjectifs de description
I'm french, and I've made these 20 high qualilty worksheets with writing, comprehension and oral activities covering the basics of the following topics: <br />
- La salle de classe<br />
- Les fournitures scolaires<br />
- Les articles indéfinis<br />
- Les actions en classe<br />
- Les chiffres du 1 au 20
Video and text adaptation in french of a malaysian legend, that students can use to practice vocabulary, pronunciation and other skills and have fun at the same time. Drama provides them the opportunity to learn a language in a different way. The video can be used to help them with the comprehension and the pronunciation.
I'm french, and I've made these 18 high qualilty worksheets with writing, comprehension and oral activities covering the basics of the following topics: <br />
- Les couleurs<br />
- Les animaux<br />
- La description des animaux<br />
- Les verbes avoir et être<br />
- Les chiffres du 30 au 40
I'm french, and I've made these 12 high qualilty worksheets with writing, comprehension and oral activities covering the basics of the following topics: <br />
- Les vêtements<br />
- Le verbe porter<br />
- Les couleurs<br />
- Les chiffres du 40 au 50
I'm french, and I've made these 18 high qualilty worksheets with writing, comprehension and oral activities covering the basics of the following topics: <br />
- Les jouets et jeux<br />
- Les actions<br />
- Le verbe aimer<br />
- Les articles définis<br />
- Les chiffres du 20 au 30
I'm french, and I've made these 22 high qualilty worksheets with writing, comprehension and oral activities covering the basics of the following topics: <br />
- Les aliments<br />
- Les verbes du 1er groupe au Présent<br />
- Les articles partitifs<br />
- Conversation dans un restaurant
Video and text adaptation in french of a portuguese legend, that students can use to practice vocabulary, pronunciation and other skills and have fun at the same time. Drama provides them the opportunity to learn a language in a different way. The video can be used to help them with the comprehension and the pronunciation.
A two page worksheet that provides pupils with vocabulary, verbs and scaffolding to help them structure a short piece of writing about their favorite animal.
This a fun song in french that students can use to practice family vocabulary. The video can be played in class and pupils can complete the worksheet (during or after).
<p>A worksheet for pupils to practice the use of colours (au masculin et au féminin) In the last exercice I use a little bit of english, as the students need to translate from english to french.</p>
This is a fun song in french that students can use to practice classroom and stationery vocabulary. The video can be played in class and pupils can complete the worksheet (during or after). Song link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=098Xf9d-Ntw
This is a fun and short story in french that students can use to practice colours and animals vocabulary. The video can be played in class and pupils can complete the worksheet (during or after).