A2 international 7C chapter - Muscles, Control of the internal environment - full packQuick View

A2 international 7C chapter - Muscles, Control of the internal environment - full pack

<p>This full package includes</p> <ul> <li> <p>a Teachers Key note and powerpoint Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagrams &amp; questions with mark schemes</p> </li> <li> <p>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class for<br /> 7C - 1 HOMEOSTASIS AND HORMONES<br /> 7C -2 OSMOREGULATION NI MAMMALS: THE KIDNEY<br /> 7C-3 CONTROL OF THE KIDNEY AND HOMEOSTASIS<br /> 7C-4 THERMOREGULATION AND EXERCISE</p> </li> <li> <p>Test for all the chapters including the mark scheme</p> </li> </ul>
A2 international 7B chapter - Muscles, Movement and the heart - full packQuick View

A2 international 7B chapter - Muscles, Movement and the heart - full pack

<p>This full package includes</p> <ul> <li> <p>a Teachers Key note and powerpoint Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagrams &amp; questions with mark schemes</p> </li> <li> <p>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class for<br /> 7B-1 TISSUES OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM<br /> 7B-2 WHAT IS MUSCLE?<br /> 7B-3 DIFFERENT TYPES OF MUSCLE FIBRE<br /> 7B-4 HOW MUSCLES CONTRACT<br /> 7B-5 CARDIAC MUSCLE AND CONTROL OF<br /> THE HEARTBEAT<br /> 7B-6 PRINCIPLES OF HOMEOSTASIS<br /> 7B-7CONTROLLING THE HEART AND<br /> BREATHING RATES<br /> 7B-8 THE RESPONSE OF THE BREATHING<br /> SYSTEM TO EXERCISE in cells</p> </li> <li> <p>Test for all the chapters including the mark scheme</p> </li> </ul>
International IGCSE Biology 9-1 - Plants and food 10 - complete lessonQuick View

International IGCSE Biology 9-1 - Plants and food 10 - complete lesson

<p>This full package includes</p> <p>a Teachers Keynote Presentation and powerpoint composed of the full material using explanatory diagram and video links along with questions and their mark schemes<br /> a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class<br /> Additional revision questions with their mark scheme</p>
International IGCSE Biology 9-1 - Ecosystems chapter 14 - complete lessonQuick View

International IGCSE Biology 9-1 - Ecosystems chapter 14 - complete lesson

<p>This full package includes</p> <ul> <li>a Teachers Keynote Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagram and video links along with questions and their mark schemes</li> <li>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class</li> <li>Additional revision questions with their mark scheme</li> </ul>
International IGCSE Biology 9-1 - Human Influences on the environment chapter 15 - complete lessonQuick View

International IGCSE Biology 9-1 - Human Influences on the environment chapter 15 - complete lesson

<p>This full package includes</p> <ul> <li>a Teachers Keynote and Powerpoint Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagram and video links along with questions and their mark schemes</li> <li>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class</li> <li>Two tests for chapters 14-15 with their mark scheme</li> </ul>
A2 international 7A chapter - Cellular respiration - full packQuick View

A2 international 7A chapter - Cellular respiration - full pack

<p>This full package includes</p> <ul> <li> <p>a Teachers Key note Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagrams &amp; questions with mark schemes</p> </li> <li> <p>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class for<br /> 7A1 - Respiration in cells<br /> 7A2 - Glycolysis and anaerobic respiration<br /> 7A3 - The Krebs cycle<br /> 7A4 - The electron transport chain<br /> 7A5 - Respiratory substrates and respiratory quotient</p> </li> <li> <p>Test for all the chapters including the mark scheme</p> </li> </ul>
A2 international 6C chapter - Decomposition and forensics - full packQuick View

A2 international 6C chapter - Decomposition and forensics - full pack

<p>This full package includes</p> <ul> <li> <p>a Teachers Key note Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagrams &amp; questions with mark schemes</p> </li> <li> <p>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class for<br /> 6C1 - Microorganisms and Decomposition<br /> 6C2 - Forensic science and the time of death<br /> 6C3 - The process of decay<br /> 6C4 - Polymerase chain reaction<br /> 6C5 - DNA Profiling</p> </li> <li> <p>Test for all the chapters including the mark scheme</p> </li> <li> <p>Additional exercises with their markschemes</p> </li> </ul>
A2 international 6B chapter - Immunity - full packQuick View

A2 international 6B chapter - Immunity - full pack

<p>This full package includes</p> <ul> <li>a Teachers Key note Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagrams &amp; questions with mark schemes</li> <li>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class for</li> </ul> <p>6B1 - Non specific repsonses to infection<br /> 6B2 - The specific response to infection<br /> 6B3 - Developing immunity<br /> 6B4 - Antibiotics treating bacterial disease<br /> 6B5 - Antibiotic resistance</p> <ul> <li> <ol> <li>Test for all the chapters including the mark scheme</li> </ol> </li> <li>Additional exercises with their markschemes</li> </ul>
A2 international 6A chapter - Microbiology - full packQuick View

A2 international 6A chapter - Microbiology - full pack

<p>This full package includes</p> <p>a Teachers Key note Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagrams &amp; questions with mark schemes<br /> a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class for<br /> 6A1 - Bacteria and viruses<br /> 6A2 - How viruses reproduce<br /> 6A3 - The growth of bacterial colonies<br /> 6A4 - Microbial techniques<br /> 6A5 - Measuring the growth of bacterial cultures<br /> 6A6 - Invading the body<br /> 6A7 - Case studies of Disease : Tuberculosis<br /> 6A8 - Case studies of Disease : AIDS/HIV<br /> Test for all the chapters including the mark scheme<br /> Additional exercises with their markschemes</p>
Water propertiesQuick View

Water properties

<p>Water properties lesson with questions included in the presentation as well as a student version with incomplete notes to keep them engaged during the lesson</p>
All about carbohydratesQuick View

All about carbohydrates

<p>You will find 2 power point/ keynote presentations concentrating on monosaccharides,dissaccharides and polysaccharides. Each presentation has a student version as well with missing words to keep them engaged during lessons as well as some practice questions at the end.</p>
A2 international 5C chapter - Energy flow and ecosystems - full packQuick View

A2 international 5C chapter - Energy flow and ecosystems - full pack

<p>This full package includes</p> <ul> <li>a Teachers Key note Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagrams &amp; questions with mark schemes</li> <li>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class for</li> </ul> <ol> <li>5C1 - Transfer between trophic levels</li> <li>5C2 - Net primary productivity</li> <li>5C3 - The carbon cycle in nature</li> <li>5C4 - Greenhouse gases and climate change</li> <li>5C5 - Looking at the evidence</li> <li>5C6 - The global warming effect correlation and effect</li> <li>5C7 - Models of climate change and their limitations</li> <li>5C8 - The biological impact of climate change</li> <li>5C9 - Climate change and evolution</li> <li>5C10 - What can be done</li> </ol> <ul> <li>Test for all the chapters including the mark scheme</li> <li>Additional exercises with their markschemes</li> </ul>
A2 international 5B chapter - Ecology - Full packQuick View

A2 international 5B chapter - Ecology - Full pack

<p>This full package includes</p> <ul> <li>a Teachers Key note Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagrams &amp; questions with mark schemes</li> <li>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class for</li> </ul> <ol> <li>5B - 1 What is ecology</li> <li>5B - 2 How ecosystems evolve</li> <li>5B - 3 The effect of abiotic factors on ecosystems</li> <li>5B - 4 The effect of biotic factors on populations</li> <li>5B - 5 Ecosystem interactions and the importance of niche</li> <li>5B - 6 Investigating abundance and distribution of organisms</li> <li>5B - 7 Statistics and ecology</li> </ol> <ul> <li>Test for all the chapters including the mark scheme</li> </ul>
A2 International 5A chapter lessons - Photosynthesis - Full packQuick View

A2 International 5A chapter lessons - Photosynthesis - Full pack

<p>This full package includes</p> <ul> <li>a Teachers Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagrams &amp; questions with mark schemes</li> <li>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class for<br /> -5A-1 The importance of ATP<br /> -5A-2 Chloroplasts and chlorophyll<br /> -5A-3 The biochemistry of photosynthesis</li> <li>Test for all the chapters including the mark scheme</li> </ul>
IGCSE International 9-1 Chapter 1 Organisms and life processesQuick View

IGCSE International 9-1 Chapter 1 Organisms and life processes

<p>This full package includes</p> <ol> <li>a Teachers Presentation composed of the full material using explanatory diagram and video links along with questions and their mark schemes</li> <li>a Students pdf file based on the teacher’s presentation to take notes during class</li> <li>Revision notes with additional questions</li> <li>Mark scheme for the revision notes</li> <li>Test based on the chapter</li> <li>Mark scheme of the test</li> </ol>