NEW GCSE Edexcel Spanish vocabulary, verbs and phonics bookletQuick View

NEW GCSE Edexcel Spanish vocabulary, verbs and phonics booklet

<p>This 80-page booklet contains all of the vocabulary for the new Edexcel specification for GCSE Spanish. It is organised by themes and within each theme, the words are arranged by nouns, adjectives, verbs and other. Next, there is a section for irregular verbs and grammar rules for the tenses. Then, you will find all of the phonics with examples and finally, there are phrases for the photo card and higher-level structures.</p>
Spanish Avocados DisplayQuick View

Spanish Avocados Display

<p>This resource has everything you need for an engaging display for your classroom. It includes big, bright letters spelling AVOCADOS, labels for each letter (adjetivos, verbos, opiniones, conectivos, adverbios, detalle, oraciones temporales, sofisticación), lists of words/phrases for each letter and images of avocados. These are all colour-coded to make it clearer for your students.</p>
Spanish Display bundleQuick View

Spanish Display bundle

4 Resources
<p>This is a cheaper way of buying all of my display resources. You will find more detailed descriptions for each one on my resources page but it includes the Spanish Avocados display, the Spanish classroom language display, the Spanish Question words display and the Spanish tense timeline display.</p>
Spanish Classroom Language DisplayQuick View

Spanish Classroom Language Display

<p>An engaging display which shows students ways to ask questions and say common classroom phrases such as:<br /> ¿Puedo ir al baño?<br /> ¿Puedes ayudarme?<br /> Tengo un problema<br /> Discúlpame, estoy tarde porque me levanté tarde<br /> No entiendo<br /> He terminado<br /> ¿Cómo se dice… en español?</p>
Spanish Tense Timeline - DisplayQuick View

Spanish Tense Timeline - Display

<p>Informative display which include the regular verb endings for the preterite tense, imperfect tense, perfect tense, present tense, present continuous tense, near future tense, simple future tense and conditional tense. There are also titles for each tense.</p>
Edexcel A level Spanish Speaking questionsQuick View

Edexcel A level Spanish Speaking questions

<p>Just over 9 pages of questions for all of the Edexcel A level topics. This document is organised into clear topics and includes questions from the textbook as well as some extra ones.</p>
Edexcel Spanish A level Vocabulary BookletQuick View

Edexcel Spanish A level Vocabulary Booklet

<p>50 page booklet with all of the vocabulary for the Edexcel Spanish A level course. The words are organised into nouns, verbs and others for each topic.</p> <p>Towards the end of the booklet, you will find a section for the literature and film aspect of the course as well as some vocabulary to help with the speaking exam.</p>