GCSE Business Theme 1 Revision PowerpointQuick View

GCSE Business Theme 1 Revision Powerpoint

<p>A 50 slide powerpoint covering the content of Unit 1.<br /> I use it as a promt for me to go through the whole course at a rapid rate with quick fire questions.<br /> Images where they are relevant, bullet points, bright colours used to attract student attention</p>
Gross and Net Profit WorksheetsQuick View

Gross and Net Profit Worksheets

<p>3 pages of calculations (and 3 of the same pages with answers in red, 6 sheets total)- Excel files</p> <ul> <li>Gross profit &amp; Gross Profit Margin</li> <li>Net Profit &amp; Net Profit Margin</li> <li>Gross and Net Profit on one page</li> </ul> <p>Each page has additional questions</p> <ul> <li>PLEASE NOTE: the students copy has the answers on they are just in white font so you cannot see them.</li> <li>If you are using this in a computer room please make sure you delete the answers first, any smart ones might twig on :-)</li> </ul>
Edexcel A Level Business Past Paper Spreadsheet Links / AnalysisQuick View

Edexcel A Level Business Past Paper Spreadsheet Links / Analysis

<p>This spread sheet has 3 tabs - all of which link to Edexcel A Level/ AS Level Exam Papers</p> <p><strong>Tab 1:</strong> Nicely lays out all past A Level / AS papers in a table with Hyper links to the Question Paper, Mark Scheme and Examiners Report. ( I ask my students to down load this and highlight the boxes of the papers they have printed/ practiced)</p> <p>**Tab 2: **Spreadsheets every single past A Level/ AS question, from unlocked Edexcel Business papers: they can search by year, paper, marks available, spec point etc - again with a link to the paper, mark scheme and examiners report (this is the most valuable tab - students can use this like teachers can use exam wizard, it saves us searching for questions for them)</p> <p>Tab 3: Less useful really than tab 2, but it was my starting point for Tab 2, it is a spread sheet of each paper, and what the questions are based on for each paper. It would form a great basis for an analysis as to what questions have not yet been covered in the past papers, I just haven’t gotten that far yet.</p> <p>Enjoy :)</p>
Exchange RatesQuick View

Exchange Rates

<p>Exam Questions for GCSE Edexcel Specification, could be adapted for other specs</p> <p>4 scenarios. Each scenario has 5 questions:<br /> a) a basic decision on what the change will be based on the case study info and the direction of change in exchange rate (using spiced) (1 mark)<br /> b) price/ cost using original exchange rate (2 marks)<br /> c) price/ cost using new l exchange rate (2 marks)<br /> d) % Change in price/ cost (2 marks)<br /> e) 2 of the case studies have 2 mark outline questions about the impact of the exchange rate, 2 of them have 6 mark analyse questions.</p> <p>Resource includes:</p> <ul> <li>2 sided A4 printable version of the case study and questions with printed answer boxes</li> <li>an electronic version without the printed lines for writing on (for easy transfer to Teams/ other online learning platform)</li> <li>Answer sheet</li> </ul>
GCSE Business Edexcel Exam TechniqueQuick View

GCSE Business Edexcel Exam Technique

<p>A Powerpoint which summarises the structure needed for GCSE Business exam technique for exam questions.</p> <p>Examples also given.</p> <p>Student friendly terminology rather than use of AO1, AO2 etc, I refer to Analysis, context, knowledge and evaluation.</p>
Supply and Demand Shift WorksheetsQuick View

Supply and Demand Shift Worksheets

<p>1 x Demand Shift Work sheet (2 sides)</p> <ul> <li>7 basic demand curve graphs</li> <li>students read what has caused the shift, tick an option from the PIRATES options</li> <li>Draw the correct inward or outward shift</li> </ul> <p>1 x Supply Shift Work sheet (2 sides)</p> <ul> <li>7 basic supply curve graphs</li> <li>students read what has caused the shift, tick an option from the CREWS options</li> <li>Draw the correct inward or outward shift</li> </ul>
PED Price Elasticity of DemandQuick View

PED Price Elasticity of Demand

<p>A basic worksheet to help students struggling with the basic concept and basic calculations.<br /> May also be useful for the start of the topic in GCSE lessons</p> <p>Excel file</p> <p>Questions laid out to print on A4 in one tab<br /> Answers in red on the second tab</p>
Branding (Unit 3.1 Marketing Edexcel Business)Quick View

Branding (Unit 3.1 Marketing Edexcel Business)

Starter - Kahoot Quiz recapping Marketing (LO1) - need PC's, tablets or phones, you can skip though, enough content to work through, <br /> Youtube intro<br /> Lesson slides- Branding, logos, slogans, product differentiation- worksheet for slogans<br /> Differentiated task<br /> Homework Requires Pearson Book - over 2 u task PG28 to be copied
Gross and Net Profit QuestionsQuick View

Gross and Net Profit Questions

<p>Small starter activity to calculate the gross and net profit margins of Aldi, based on 2016 and 2017 income statement figures.<br /> 20 marks/ 20 minutes</p> <p>3 x copies of task per A4 sheet</p>
2.4 Making Financial Decision - gross and net profitQuick View

2.4 Making Financial Decision - gross and net profit

<p>Teacher powerpoint</p> <ul> <li>1 x slide displaying scenario and questions</li> <li>2 x slides with answers on in red</li> </ul> <p>Work sheets (same task)</p> <ul> <li>1 x hard, no formulas shown</li> <li>1 x easier (formulas given)</li> </ul> <p>Questions start from basic; rev, fixed costs etc and move up to calculating gross and net profit and margins.</p>
Gross and Net Profit MarginsQuick View

Gross and Net Profit Margins

<p>A worksheet with one example G and N Profit Table to fill in with separate margins table, questions to analyse results,<br /> Same again but using Costa data from 2017 and 2018<br /> Answer sheet also attached.</p>
Revenue CalculationsQuick View

Revenue Calculations

<p>A one page worksheet on revenue.<br /> Basic calculations multiplying quantity by price given 7 short scenarios<br /> second half of the sheet the business sells two products so they need to add the revenue from each product together.</p>
Christmas Finance GameQuick View

Christmas Finance Game

<p>My students loved this.</p> <p>You are Santa, the students are your elves.<br /> They work for you and earn their money by collecting sacks of presents from the manufacturing elves.<br /> They calculate their daily income and then decide if they want buy more sacks.</p> <p>They can use the sledge which means they can carry more presents and earn more per sack… or they can carry the sacks, meaning they earn less per sack.</p> <p>Taking the sledge is risky though… if the weather changes and the ice cracks then the sledge will slip and drop the sacks through the ice.</p> <p>More detail in the Powerpoint. There are differentiated accounts sheets for the students attached too.</p>