Libération de Paris 1944Quick View

Libération de Paris 1944

Liberation of Paris - De Gaulle’s speech Comparison between his speech in 1940 calling for the Resistance and the one in 1944 after Paris was liberated
Jean MoulinQuick View

Jean Moulin

Lesson on Jean Moulin, his part in the Resistance
La Révolution NationaleQuick View

La Révolution Nationale

Lesson on the Vichy Régime and La Révolution Nationale, how the Vichy Regime tried to change the face of France to conform to Nazi Germany’s ideals.
La Belle et la BeteQuick View

La Belle et la Bete

Lesson using the Beauty and the Beast opening scene to focus on understanding a piece of literature without knowing all the words. Descriprion work and comparing the French and English versions to work on translation skills.
Year 9 Scheme of WorkQuick View

Year 9 Scheme of Work

Scheme of work for Year 9 with the following units: Body and health Work and ambition Education Cultural topics to choose from Holidays Priorities and world around us