Back to School Self PortraitQuick View

Back to School Self Portrait

Back to school activity - children draw a self portrait of themselves in August. Around the frame they can decorate with all their favourite things. This activity could be repeated again at the end of the year and children can compare the differences.
1 2 and 3 More & Less Dice GameQuick View

1 2 and 3 More & Less Dice Game

Children roll dice to get number and write it in the middle column. They then fill in the missing numbers at each side to show 1 2 and 3 more and less. Children could be asked to find 2 more and 2 less, instead of all of them. This will require them to count back and forward in their heads.
Partner PortraitQuick View

Partner Portrait

Back to school portrait drawing activity. Children work in pairs to draw each other. Discussion before could be used to get children thinking about their partner’s features. Artist writes their name at bottom and their partner’s in the space above. Another one could be done in June at the end of the year and children compare differences.