Ma villeQuick View

Ma ville

A resource created ideally for Y7 about the town of Milton Keynes, but can be used for any town. The presentation includes vocabulary to introduce pupils to different types of town and city in French and prepares them to give them the vocab to write independently. Great for new spec GCSE
Les vacancesQuick View

Les vacances

A great presentation for consolidating learning and revision for the topic of holidays. Great prep. for GCSE / N5. Range of tenses , activities, modes of transport and countries.
French musicQuick View

French music

An excellent presentation for a lesson about French music. Youtube links and information about current French-language singers. Brilliant for end of term, or a cultural lesson on la ‘Francophonie.’ Good for KS3 lower ability groups.
Hallo- A basic introduction to the German languageQuick View

Hallo- A basic introduction to the German language

Ideal for Year 7/S1 pupils to introduce the basics of the German language. Starter activity to get pupils thinking about what they associate with Germany or German-speaking culture. Some basic greetings and opportunities for consolidation.
Ma villeQuick View

Ma ville

An ideal resource to consolidate revision for GCSE/N5 on the topic of the town. You can see what there is to do in the city of Glasgow. 'On peut + infinitive constructions. ’
Mon styleQuick View

Mon style

Presentation including basic vocabulary on clothes, incorporating gender and present tense constructions about what one wears. The presentation is designed to enable pupils of all abilities to describe what they may wear.
Family descriptions with adjectivesQuick View

Family descriptions with adjectives

Excellent GCSE / N5 reading comprehension task about family. Plural verb conjugations and coloured words to differentiate for high end learners. Comprehension revison task also. Great for a starter or plenary.
A table!Quick View

A table!

A great way to introduce the partitive article with food and drink. du, de la, des, de l’…’
L'avenir - The using of different tensesQuick View

L'avenir - The using of different tenses

This presentation and sequence of lessons concentrates on varying tenses. Pupils need to be able to identify a variety of tenses in order to achieve the higher grades. This presentation encourages pupils to look for different tenses, including the perfect, conditional and future tenses.
Le corps... The bodyQuick View

Le corps... The body

An introduction to the parts of the body in French. Consolidation of genders and also ‘j’ai mal…’ too. Plenary activity of ‘millionaire’ at the end for the competitive class.
Studying and workQuick View

Studying and work

A revision and consolidation activity in preparation for KS4 / GCSE/ N5 on the topic of work and studying.
Les medias!Quick View

Les medias!

A presentation to emphasize different genre of film. The presentation contains enough scaffolding to encourage pupils to write for themselves what types of films or programs they like to watch. Lots of vocab and phrases for GCSE prep/ revision.