Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1 - 1.1 The dynamic nature of business- why new business ideas come about.Quick View

Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1 - 1.1 The dynamic nature of business- why new business ideas come about.

Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1 - 1.1 The dynamic nature of business- why new business ideas come about. Why new business ideas come about: • Changes in technology • Changes in what consumers want • Products and services becoming obsolete How new business ideas come about: • Original ideas • Adapting existing products/services/ideas This resource covers Three lessons but could be condensed into 2. There is a power point presentation for the three lessons and handouts. My students have access to computers for the investigation tasks but you can tweak the resources for desk delivery only. The ‘Dynamic ’ power point lesson goes through the following: LESSON 1: • Starter activity on Allbirds trainers • What we mean by Dynamic nature of business • Video clip on how headphones were invented and how their use has changed over time • How new ideas come about through changes in technology • Activity- students investigate new technology ideas • Plenary- technology and its impact LESSON 2: • Starter- obsolete products • How new ideas come about- original, Adapting products, consumer needs • Research activity – students investigate 4 original ideas and see how they came about- links to articles in the power point • Plenary – multiple choice questions LESSON 3: • 5,4,3,2,1 recap starter • How new ideas come about by adapting products • Case study on Easton LaChappelle, - a 22 year old that set up ‘Unlimited Tomorrow’- how he has used technology to adapt an existing product • Plenary I give out handouts which students fill in rather than books which are attached but they can easily be adapted.
Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1   1.1 Business activity – How Businesses Add Value and create a USPQuick View

Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1 1.1 Business activity – How Businesses Add Value and create a USP

The role of business enterprise and the purpose of business activity: • To add value: convenience, branding, quality, design, unique selling points This resource covers TWO lessons and has 2 power point presentations and handouts. My students have access to computers but you can tweak the resources for desk delivery only. The ‘Added Value’ power point lesson goes through the following: • Starter activity looking at similar products and how they add value • Students work through tasks looking at the different ways you can add value • Why is added value so important • Activity- students add value to a product and a service • Plenary- added value multiple choice and open answer questions. The ‘Unique Selling Point ‘power point lesson goes through the following: • Starter- Creative thinking task to show the problems with trying to create a USP • Link to a business video- students explore their USP • Laminate the 6 different businesses - students need to match the businesses to the USP on their handout. (USP part 1) • Handout researching other unique selling points- this can be done as a class activity or individually on computers • Plenary – multiple choice questions This is the follow-on lesson from my “1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship- Business activity and meeting customer need I give out handouts which students fill in rather than books which are attached but it can easily be adapted.
Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1   1.1 Business activity -purpose of business enterprise and Customer NeedsQuick View

Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1 1.1 Business activity -purpose of business enterprise and Customer Needs

Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1 1.1 Business activity The role/purpose of business enterprise and Customer needs The role of business enterprise and the purpose of business activity: • To produce goods or services • To meet customer needs Identifying and understanding customer needs: • What customer needs are: price, quality, choice, convenience The importance of identifying and understanding customers: generating sales, business survival This resource has a power point presentations, handouts and data on small businesses setting up in the UK which can be laminated and used in the starter activity. The ‘Business Enterprise’ power point lesson goes through the following: • Starter activity using data on SME businesses – students will need to make calculations • Students complete a task identifying what the business produces and the resources they might use. • Challenges of selling a good v service • Students then answer questions on a person looking to set a small business • Activity- create a power point presentation on Gripit and its Business Activity- levelled questions • Plenary- students look at 4 risk taking entrepreneurs and answer the questions on the handout The ‘Customer needs ‘power point lesson goes through the following: • Starter with key term definitions • Activity with different business scenarios- how do they meet customer’s needs? • Students go back and complete their Gripit power points • Plenary using a chart students assess different customers needs This is the follow-on lesson from my “1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship- Calculated Risks I give out handouts which students fill in rather than books which are attached but it can easily be adapted.
Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1     1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship -Risk and RewardQuick View

Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1 1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship -Risk and Reward

The impact of risk and reward on business activity: • Risk: business failure, financial loss, lack of security • Reward: business success, profit, independence This resource has a power point presentation, handouts and information on 4 risk taking entrepreneurs which can be laminated and used in your plenary. The ‘risk and reward’ power point goes through the lesson covering: • Starter activity recapping key terms from my previous lesson available on TES • Students complete a risk and reward activity you will need dice! • Video on Theo Paphitis and how he calculates risks (I just watch the first few minutes) • Students then fill in a risk and reward table • Plenary- students look at 4 risk taking entrepreneurs and answer the questions on the handout This is the follow-on lesson from my “1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship- Role of entrepreneurship” I give out handouts which students fill in rather than books which are attached but it can easily be adapted.
Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1 -1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship -Showing EnterpriseQuick View

Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1 -1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship -Showing Enterprise

1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship -Showing Enterprise This covers- Being enterprising or showing enterprise involves taking risks, showing initiative and a willingness to undertake new ventures. This resource has a power point presentation, a handout and a WORD document. The ‘role of entrepreneurship’ power point goes through the lesson covering: •Starter activity recapping key terms - This is the follow-on lesson from my “Introduction -1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship” Identify the 3 skills of enterprise Watch a video on Levi Roots- clip link in the notes of the power point Students then complete the WORD document on Levi Plenary- Kahoot quiz click on link I give out handouts which students fill in rather than books which is attached to the power point but it can easily be adapted.
Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1- Topic 1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship-The role of entrepreneurshipQuick View

Edexcel GCSE Business 9-1- Topic 1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship-The role of entrepreneurship

The role of entrepreneurship: This covers how an entrepreneur: organises resources, makes business decisions, takes risks This resource has 2 power point presentations, a handout and a WORD document. The ‘role of entrepreneurship’ power point goes through the lesson covering: • Starter activity recapping key terms • Identify the stages an entrepreneur goes through to set up a business z Apply each stage to Waffle Jacks an American Diner- see Word document z Students then apply the stages to a hairdresser • Plenary- power point with questions to recap- open Gallery of Enterprise This is the follow-on lesson from my “1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship- Showing enterprise” I give out handouts which students fill in rather than books which is attached to the power point but it can easily be adapted.
GCSE Business Edexcel 9-1 Introduction lesson- entrepreneurs and enterprise- Showing EnterpriseQuick View

GCSE Business Edexcel 9-1 Introduction lesson- entrepreneurs and enterprise- Showing Enterprise

This has 2 power point presentations. The ‘Introduction power point’ goes through the lesson covering: • Ice breaker • Understand what is expected from you in the first year of the course • Define the type of people that run businesses • Research the qualities and skills needed to run a business using real examples • Plenary The second power point is ‘Entrepreneur Slideshow’ which reinforces the skills entrepreneurs need and is used half way through the lesson.