Shakespeare's Witches Spells for HalloweenQuick View

Shakespeare's Witches Spells for Halloween

<p>Description<br /> The activity in this document is centred around William Shakespeare’s famous “Witches’ Spell” from Macbeth. The goal is for students to explore the structure of the spell and use it as inspiration to create their own versions with different ingredients.<br /> Key Elements:</p> <ol> <li>Learning Objectives:<br /> • Understand the structure of the witches’ spell.<br /> • Create a new version of the spell using unique ingredients.<br /> • Present the writing in a decorated format, mimicking a spell’s style.</li> <li>Activities:<br /> • Read the Spell: Students read an excerpt of the spell from Macbeth and analyse the reversed structure used by Shakespeare (e.g., “toe of frog” instead of “frog’s toe”).<br /> • Create a List of Ingredients: They brainstorm and list their own disgusting ingredients and apply the reversed structure.<br /> • Develop Actions: Think of methods used in spells, like “boil,” “chop,” or “stir,” and integrate them into the spell’s structure.<br /> • Write the Spell: Using the ingredients and methods, students craft their spells with rhyming phrases and a rhythmic flow.<br /> • Final Step: Present the spell, potentially adding a chorus or publishing it in a creative, decorative template.</li> <li>Extension Ideas: Create a class spell using a chorus similar to the one in Macbeth, with each student contributing a part of their own spell.<br /> This activity is designed to develop creativity, understanding of Shakespeare’s language, and poetic structure through engaging writing tasks</li> </ol>