Online CPD Training OpportunitiesQuick View

Online CPD Training Opportunities

<p>This resource provides links to online training opportunities for school staff and parents related to a number of key areas. These include: SEMH, Communication and Interaction, Parent Engagement, Modern Foreign Languages</p>
Fairtrade Themed Maths Year 3Quick View

Fairtrade Themed Maths Year 3

<p>Slide pack for Fairtrade themed maths<br /> LO: How do I interpret data in a table?<br /> Skill: Finding the relevant information.<br /> This lesson focuses on interpreting data for bar charts, tables and pictograms.<br /> Slide pack includes different levelled challenge cards.</p>
Phonic Phoneme Spotter StoriesQuick View

Phonic Phoneme Spotter Stories

<p>Whole set of phoneme spotter stories<br /> ‘ch’, ‘ee’, ‘igh’, ‘ai’, ‘j’, ‘ng’,‘sh’,‘th’,‘air’, ‘ear’, ‘oa’, ‘oo’, ’</p>
Superhero ID CardsQuick View

Superhero ID Cards

<p>A printable superhero ID card that could be used for role play or as an introduction to a superhero topic.</p>
Superhero ID CardsQuick View

Superhero ID Cards

<p>ID cards that can be personalised by the children to include a picture, superhero name and their fingerprint. Great for role play or to introduce a superhero topic.</p>