GCSE History - Western Front - StalemateQuick View

GCSE History - Western Front - Stalemate

<ul> <li>GCSE History</li> <li>AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Western Front</li> <li>Stalemate</li> <li>Why did a stalemate develop on the Western Front?</li> </ul>
GCSE History - Western Front - StalemateQuick View

GCSE History - Western Front - Stalemate

<ul> <li>GCSE History</li> <li>AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Western Front</li> <li>Stalemate</li> <li>The following were equally important reasons why the stalemate on the Western Front was finally broken:<br /> • New technology like the tank<br /> • The American entry into the war<br /> • The blockading of German ports<br /> • The German Offensive in March 1918<br /> Explain how far you agree with this statement.</li> </ul>
University - Economics of Strategy - illustrative analysis of a businessQuick View

University - Economics of Strategy - illustrative analysis of a business

<ul> <li>Economics of Strategy</li> <li>Illustrative analysis of a business</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Ideal for university</li> <li>Assess the relative performance of a business since 2004 compared with an industry average or a competitor. Briefly set out its vulnerability and its main exposures. Identify the key elements of its business strategy and assess its effectiveness in a) raising profits and b) mediating the impact of macroeconomic exposures.</li> <li>Vulnerability</li> <li>SRATC curves</li> <li>Economic graphs throughout</li> <li>Macro exposure</li> <li>Market exposure</li> <li>Supernormal profits</li> <li>Price positioning</li> <li>Price elasticity of demand</li> <li>Product range</li> <li>Differentation</li> <li>Customer relationship management</li> <li>Brand development</li> </ul>
University - Economics for business - example and illustrative analysis of an economy and businessQuick View

University - Economics for business - example and illustrative analysis of an economy and business

<ul> <li>Economics for Business</li> <li>Example and illustrative analysis of an economy</li> <li>Example and illustrative analysis of a business</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Ideal for university</li> <li>Assess the past and current performance and future prospects for the economy focusing on the key aggregates.</li> <li>Assess the vulnerability of a business and its degree of exposure to macroeconomic shocks. Briefly advise the business on an appropriate strategy to manage uncontrollable macroeconomic shocks from the global recession and any recovery that takes place.</li> <li>GDP</li> <li>Unemployment</li> <li>Exchange rate</li> <li>Inflation</li> <li>Interest rates</li> <li>Balance of payments</li> </ul>
University - TaxationQuick View

University - Taxation

<ul> <li>University - Taxation</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>UK</li> <li>Origins of taxation</li> <li>Tax development</li> <li>Defining taxation</li> <li>Why does the government impose tax</li> <li>Elements of tax - base</li> <li>Elements of tax - rate</li> <li>Elements of tax - taxpayer</li> <li>Desirable characteristics of a tax system</li> <li>UK tax revenue</li> <li>Government spending</li> <li>Your money and how they spend it</li> <li>Differences in taxing the rich &amp; poor</li> <li>Incomprehensible and complex tax system</li> <li>Public spending</li> <li>Financial transaction taxes - advantages, disadvantages, solution</li> <li>30 calculation exam style questions &amp; answers for personal and business taxation</li> </ul>
University - Organisation Behaviour - Revision NotesQuick View

University - Organisation Behaviour - Revision Notes

<ul> <li>University - Organisation Behaviour - Revision Notes</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Taylor and scientific management</li> <li>Ritzer’s McDonaldization Thesis</li> <li>Ford and The Assembly Line</li> <li>Taylorism</li> <li>Fordism</li> <li>Marxist critique</li> <li>Weber and Bureaucracy</li> <li>Authority</li> <li>Instrumental vs value rationality</li> <li>Hawthorne experiments</li> <li>Unitarist perspective</li> <li>Human relations</li> <li>Schein’s Types of Man</li> <li>Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs</li> <li>McGregor’s Theory X and Y</li> <li>Pluralist perspective</li> <li>Integrationist</li> <li>Interactionist</li> <li>Radical</li> <li>Marxism</li> <li>Marxist theory and perspective</li> <li>Marx’s labour theory of value</li> <li>Deskilling thesis</li> <li>New technology and organisational behaviour</li> <li>Groups and team working</li> <li>Leadership</li> <li>Motivation and job design</li> <li>To what extent, if at all, does pay motivation - illustrative and exemplar answer</li> </ul>
University - Information Systems - Revision Notes and Exam Style Questions and AnswersQuick View

University - Information Systems - Revision Notes and Exam Style Questions and Answers

<ul> <li>Information Systems - Revision Notes</li> <li>Exam Style Questions and Illustrative &amp; Exemplar Answers</li> <li>256 pages</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Ideal for university</li> <li>Importance and fundamental concepts of information systems in organisations</li> <li>Data, information, knowledge</li> <li>information systems</li> <li>Technology infrastructure</li> <li>Adding value</li> <li>Stakeholders</li> <li>Social, economic, political, legal, cultural and ethical contexts</li> <li>Protecting personal data</li> <li>Data privacy</li> <li>Data protection act</li> <li>Sarbanes-Oxley Act</li> <li>Intellectual property</li> <li>Information economy</li> <li>Semiotics</li> <li>Enterprise wide systems</li> <li>ERP systems</li> <li>Knowledge management</li> <li>Knowledge management systems</li> <li>Customer relationship management (CRM) systems</li> <li>E-business models</li> <li>Corporate strategy</li> <li>Cultures</li> <li>Outsourcing</li> <li>In-house</li> <li>IT governance</li> <li>Managing change and implementation</li> <li>Information systems security and evaluation</li> <li>Risk management</li> <li>Information security standards</li> <li>Costs</li> <li>Business cases</li> <li>Knowledge - managing knowledge effectively to leverage strategic potential, different characteristics and types of knowledge, addressing difficulties and challenges in relation to managing knowledge.</li> </ul>
University - Accounting Theory - Revision NotesQuick View

University - Accounting Theory - Revision Notes

<ul> <li>Accounting Theory - Revision Notes</li> <li>Exam Style Question and Illustrative &amp; Exemplar Answer</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Ideal for university</li> <li>Types of theory</li> <li>Epistemological positions</li> <li>Positivism</li> <li>Anti-positivism</li> <li>Objectivism</li> <li>Interpretivist</li> <li>Normative accounting</li> <li>Regulation and legitimacy theory</li> <li>Free market perspective</li> <li>Private economic based incentives</li> <li>Market for managers</li> <li>Market for corporate takeovers</li> <li>Pro-regulation perspective</li> <li>Public interest theory</li> <li>Capture theory</li> <li>Economic interest group theory</li> <li>Systems oriented theories</li> <li>Political economy theory</li> <li>Classical political economy theory</li> <li>Bourgeois political economy theory</li> <li>Legitimacy theory</li> <li>Social contract</li> <li>Accounting profession, regulation and ethics</li> <li>UK regulation</li> <li>IASB</li> <li>Risk audit</li> <li>Ownership and governance of audit firms</li> <li>Stewardship</li> <li>Accrual accounting</li> <li>Standard setting</li> <li>Fair value</li> <li>Prudence</li> <li>Positive accounting theory</li> <li>Agency relationship</li> <li>Political costs hypothesis</li> <li>Management costs hypothesis</li> <li>Compliance hypothesis</li> <li>Debt hypothesis</li> <li>Anti-regulation</li> <li>Regulation and co-ordination of internal organisational performance</li> </ul>
University - Business in Social and Political Context - Revision NotesQuick View

University - Business in Social and Political Context - Revision Notes

<ul> <li>Business in Social and Political Context - Revision Notes</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Ideal for university</li> <li>Clusters</li> <li>Networks</li> <li>Tacit knowledge</li> <li>Network theory</li> <li>Institutions</li> <li>Networks and markets</li> <li>Governance</li> <li>Government</li> <li>General governance</li> <li>Corporate governance</li> <li>Markets, law</li> <li>Markets without law - the shadow economy</li> <li>The informal economy</li> <li>Taxation</li> <li>Standards</li> <li>Accounts and accountability</li> <li>Government involvement</li> <li>Market failure</li> <li>Barriers to entry and exit</li> <li>Firms as governance makers as well as takers</li> <li>De-regulation</li> <li>Corporate responsibility</li> <li>Corporate citizenship</li> <li>Globalisation</li> <li>Global supply chains</li> <li>Codes of conduct</li> <li>Corruption</li> <li>United Nations Global Compact</li> </ul>
Emigration impact on Poland’s national competitiveness and attractivenessQuick View

Emigration impact on Poland’s national competitiveness and attractiveness

<ul> <li>To what extent could emigration impact on Poland’s national competitiveness and attractiveness?</li> <li>Migration trends</li> <li>Workforce</li> <li>Brain drain</li> <li>Job creation</li> <li>Role of governments</li> <li>Competitive advantage of nations</li> <li>Regional integration</li> <li>Cultures</li> </ul>
University - Finance - Revision Notes and QuestionsQuick View

University - Finance - Revision Notes and Questions

<ul> <li>University - Finance - Revision Notes and Questions</li> <li>379 pages (various modules)</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Questions &amp; Answers throughout</li> <li>Exam style questions and illustrative answers</li> <li>Formulae</li> <li>Derivations</li> <li>Financial management</li> <li>Financial arithmetic</li> <li>Financial mathematics</li> <li>Financial markets and instruments</li> <li>Market efficiency</li> <li>Project appraisal</li> <li>Cost of capital</li> <li>Working capital management</li> <li>Company financing</li> <li>Capital structure</li> <li>Dividend policy</li> <li>Payout policy</li> <li>Shareholder value</li> <li>Valuing shares</li> <li>Stock valuation</li> <li>Exchange rates</li> <li>Decision making under uncertainty</li> <li>Inter-temporal consumption/investment</li> <li>Risk and return</li> <li>Diversification</li> <li>Optimal asset allocation</li> <li>Portfolio theory with risky assets (including a risk free asset)</li> <li>Capital asset pricing model</li> <li>Asset pricing</li> <li>Bond pricing</li> <li>Futures and forwards</li> <li>Options</li> <li>Corporate Finance</li> <li>Capital budgeting</li> <li>Derivatives pricing</li> <li>Real options</li> <li>Public offerings</li> <li>Behavioural Finance</li> <li>Derivatives and financial risk management</li> <li>Continuous discounting</li> <li>Binomial option pricing</li> <li>Credit derivatives</li> <li>Credit default swaps (CDS)</li> <li>Value at risk</li> </ul>
University - Management Accounting - Revision Notes & QuestionsQuick View

University - Management Accounting - Revision Notes & Questions

<ul> <li>University - Management Accounting - Revision Notes &amp; Questions</li> <li>274 pages</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Questions &amp; Answers throughout</li> <li>Exam style questions and illustrative answers</li> <li>Direct costs</li> <li>Indirect costs</li> <li>Overheads</li> <li>Product costs</li> <li>Period costs</li> <li>FIxed costs</li> <li>Variable costs</li> <li>Stepped fixed costs</li> <li>Semi-variable costs</li> <li>Opportunity costs</li> <li>Sunk costs</li> <li>Cost-Volume-Profit analysis</li> <li>Contribution</li> <li>Break even point</li> <li>Sensitivity analysis</li> <li>Contribution margin</li> <li>Target sales</li> <li>Margin of safety</li> <li>Operating leverage</li> <li>Special price decisions</li> <li>Make or buy decisions</li> <li>Limiting factors</li> <li>Product costing</li> <li>Standard costs</li> <li>Absorption costing</li> <li>Apportionment</li> <li>Overhead rates</li> <li>Under absorption</li> <li>Over absorption</li> <li>Marginal costing</li> <li>Activity based costing</li> <li>Price elasticity</li> <li>Cost plus pricing</li> <li>Target costing</li> <li>Planning and budgetary control frameworks</li> <li>Sales budget</li> <li>Production budget</li> <li>Purchases budget</li> <li>Labour budget</li> <li>Cash budget</li> <li>Zero based budgeting</li> <li>Activity based budgeting</li> <li>Responsibility centres</li> <li>Cost centres</li> <li>Revenue centres</li> <li>Profit centres</li> <li>Investment centres</li> <li>Variance analysis - materials (price and usage), labour (rate and efficiency), fixed production overhead, variable production overhead, sales, market share, market size</li> <li>Flexed budgeting</li> </ul>
University - International Financial Management - Revision NotesQuick View

University - International Financial Management - Revision Notes

<ul> <li>University - International Financial Management - Revision Notes</li> <li>120 pages</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Questions &amp; Answers throughout</li> <li>Fixed vs flexible exchange rate regimes</li> <li>Direct quotation</li> <li>Indirect quotation</li> <li>Appreciation</li> <li>Depreciation</li> <li>Cross exchange rates</li> <li>Bid-ask spread</li> <li>Spatial arbitrage</li> <li>Triangular arbitrage</li> <li>Perfect capital markets</li> <li>Arbitrage</li> <li>Speculation</li> <li>Covered interest parity</li> <li>Covered interest Arbitrage</li> <li>Uncovered interest parity</li> <li>Uncovered interest Arbitrage</li> <li>Purchasing power parity</li> <li>Relative Purchasing power parity</li> <li>Absolute Purchasing power parity</li> <li>Real exchange rate</li> <li>Big Mac Index</li> <li>Real effective exchange rate</li> <li>Fisher hypothesis</li> <li>Balance of payments</li> <li>Current account</li> <li>Capital account</li> <li>Reserves</li> <li>Current account deficit</li> <li>Exchange rate determination</li> <li>Flow approach</li> <li>Stock approach</li> <li>Exchange rate forecasting</li> <li>Open economy identity</li> <li>Net international investment account (NII)</li> <li>Quantity theory of money</li> <li>Flexible price model</li> <li>Sticky price model</li> <li>Variance</li> <li>Covariance</li> <li>Correlation</li> </ul>
University - Accounting & Financial Reporting - Revision Notes and QuestionsQuick View

University - Accounting & Financial Reporting - Revision Notes and Questions

<ul> <li>University - Accounting &amp; Financial Reporting - Revision Notes and Questions</li> <li>616 pages (various modules)</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Questions &amp; Answers throughout</li> <li>Exam style questions and illustrative answers</li> <li>Organisations</li> <li>Conceptual Framework</li> <li>Regulatory framework</li> <li>Accounting concepts</li> <li>Accounting policies</li> <li>Income statement</li> <li>Statement of financial position</li> <li>Recording financial transactions</li> <li>Ledgers</li> <li>Books of prime entry</li> <li>Double entry</li> <li>Financial accounting</li> <li>Adjustments</li> <li>Controls</li> <li>Inventory</li> <li>Dividends</li> <li>Depreciation</li> <li>Accruals</li> <li>Prepayments</li> <li>Bad and doubtful debts</li> <li>Bank reconciliations</li> <li>Trial balance</li> <li>Control accounts</li> <li>Statement of changes in equity</li> <li>Cash flow statements</li> <li>Interpreting and comparing financial reports/statements</li> <li>Ratios</li> <li>Annual report</li> <li>Users of financial information</li> <li>Window dressing</li> <li>Creative accounting</li> <li>Social Accounting</li> <li>Corporate governance</li> <li>Auditing</li> <li>Social and environmental reporting</li> <li>Working capital</li> <li>Audit report opinion</li> <li>UK Companies Act 2006</li> <li>True and fair</li> <li>Revenue recognition</li> <li>IAS 33 Earnings per share (EPS)</li> <li>Accounting for non-current tangible assets</li> <li>IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE)</li> <li>IAS 23 Borrowing Costs</li> <li>Revaluation</li> <li>Fair value</li> <li>IAS 40 Investment Property</li> <li>IAS 20 Government Grants</li> <li>IAS 36 Impairment of Assets</li> <li>IFRS 5 Non Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations</li> <li>IAS 38 Intangible assets</li> <li>Goodwill</li> <li>Business combinations</li> <li>IAS 2 Inventories</li> <li>Accounting for construction/long term contracts</li> <li>IAS 10 Events after the reporting period</li> <li>IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent liabilities and assets</li> <li>Onerous contracts</li> <li>IFRS 8 Operating Segments</li> <li>Segment reporting</li> <li>IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors</li> <li>Changes in accounting policies</li> <li>Consolidated financial statements</li> <li>Control</li> <li>Associates</li> <li>Parent</li> <li>Subsidiary</li> <li>Equity method of accounting</li> <li>Joint ventures</li> <li>Accounting for Taxation</li> <li>IAS 12 Income Taxes</li> <li>Deferred tax</li> <li>Non-controlling interest (NCI)</li> </ul>
Book review - Creating a World Without PovertyQuick View

Book review - Creating a World Without Poverty

<ul> <li>Book Review - Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism by Muhammad Yunus</li> <li>Author’s background</li> <li>Content summary</li> <li>Fundamental concept</li> <li>Content and evidence</li> <li>Style and structure</li> </ul>
ICAEW - Case Study - Template Mark SchemesQuick View

ICAEW - Case Study - Template Mark Schemes

<ul> <li>ICAEW</li> <li>Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales</li> <li>Case Study - Template mark schemes for executive summary and all requirements</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>16 pages</li> <li>Executive summary</li> <li>Requirement 1</li> <li>Requirement 2</li> <li>Requirement 3</li> </ul>
ICAEW - Financial Accounting & ReportingQuick View

ICAEW - Financial Accounting & Reporting

<ul> <li>ICAEW</li> <li>Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales</li> <li>Financial Accounting &amp; Reporting</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Exam questions and illustrative answers with revision notes</li> <li>Consolidation</li> <li>Goodwill</li> <li>Joint arrangements</li> <li>Joint control</li> <li>Equity method of accounting</li> <li>Provisions for unrealised profits</li> <li>Fair value adjustments</li> <li>Deferred consideration</li> <li>Non-controlling interest (NCI)</li> <li>Consolidated retained earnings</li> <li>IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations</li> <li>Disposal of a subsidiary</li> <li>Dividend income</li> <li>Deferred income</li> <li>Foreign currency</li> <li>Abandonment of non-current assets</li> <li>Inventory valuation</li> <li>IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment</li> <li>IAS 23 Borrowing costs</li> <li>IAS 20 Government grants</li> <li>Ethics</li> </ul>
ICAEW - Corporate Reporting - Revision NotesQuick View

ICAEW - Corporate Reporting - Revision Notes

<ul> <li>ICAEW</li> <li>Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales</li> <li>Corporate Reporting - Revision notes</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Exam advice</li> <li>IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements</li> <li>IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting</li> <li>IAS 21 The Effects of Foreign Exchange Rates</li> <li>IAS 29 Reporting Hyperinflationary Economies</li> <li>IAS 2 Inventories</li> <li>IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment</li> <li>IAS 36 Impairment of Assets</li> <li>IAS 10 Events After the Balance Sheet Date</li> <li>IAS 38 Intangible Assets</li> <li>IAS 37 Provisions</li> <li>IAS 23 Borrowing Costs</li> <li>IAS 20 Government Grants</li> <li>IAS 24 Related Party Transactions</li> <li>IAS 8 Accounting Policies</li> <li>IFRS 5 Discontinued Operations</li> <li>IFRS 8 Operating Segments</li> <li>IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts</li> <li>IFRS 6 Mineral Resources</li> <li>IAS 40 Investment Property</li> <li>IAS 41 Agriculture</li> <li>IAS 19 Employee Benefits</li> <li>IAS 33 Earnings Per Share</li> <li>IFRS 2 Share Based Payments</li> <li>IFRS 3 Business Combinations</li> <li>Leases</li> <li>Financial Instruments</li> <li>Impairment of Financial Assets</li> <li>Hedge Accounting</li> <li>Consolidated Financial Statements</li> <li>Investments in Associates</li> <li>Interest in Joint Ventures</li> <li>Business Strategy Analysis</li> <li>Sale and leaseback</li> <li>Ratios</li> <li>Key audit risks</li> <li>Accounting errors</li> <li>Going concern</li> <li>Ethics</li> <li>Foreign currency</li> <li>Exam question and illustrative answer with revision notes</li> </ul>
A Level Maths - Core/Pure - Revision notesQuick View

A Level Maths - Core/Pure - Revision notes

<ul> <li>A Level Maths - Revision Notes</li> <li>AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Factor Theorem</li> <li>Remainder Theorem</li> <li>Sine rule, Cosine rule, area of a triangle</li> <li>Exponentials and Logarithms - functions, laws of logs, exponential function, natural logarithm</li> <li>Coordinate Geometry - distance between two points, midpoint of a line joining two points, gradient of a line joining two points, parallel and perpendicular lines, equation of a line using one point and the gradient</li> <li>Circles - equation of a circle</li> <li>Radians - arc length, area of a sector</li> <li>Series - geometric progressions, sum of a geometric progression, sum of infinity of a geometric progression</li> <li>Sin, Cos and Tan - sine, cosine and tangents of common angles, quadrants and the cast rule, related angles, graphs</li> <li>Differentiation - increasing and decreasing functions, stationary points, maximum/minimum/point of inflection</li> <li>Trigonometry identities</li> <li>Solving equations</li> <li>Area under a curve - definite integrals</li> <li>Functions - domain and range, one to one, composing functions, inverse of a function, graphs, modulus function</li> <li>Iteration</li> <li>Transforming graphs</li> <li>Sec, Cosec, Cot - Pythagorean identities, trigonometric equations, proving identities</li> <li>Product and quotient rules - differentiation of trigonometric functions</li> </ul>
ICAEW - Strategic Business Management - Revision NotesQuick View

ICAEW - Strategic Business Management - Revision Notes

<ul> <li>ICAEW</li> <li>Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales</li> <li>Strategic Business Management - Revision notes</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Exam advice</li> <li>Exam question and illustrative answer with revision notes</li> <li>Strategic analysis tools</li> <li>SWOT</li> <li>PESTEL</li> <li>Porter’s Five Forces</li> <li>Product Life Cycle</li> <li>BCG Matrix</li> <li>Ansoff’s Matrix</li> <li>Strategic, Operational, Financial</li> <li>Costing systems</li> <li>Break even analysis</li> <li>International expansion</li> <li>Investment appraisal</li> <li>Discounted cash flows</li> <li>Internal rate of return</li> <li>Cost of capital</li> <li>WACC</li> <li>Business valuation</li> <li>Hedging strategies</li> <li>Foreign currency risk</li> <li>Interest rate risk</li> <li>Strategic, operational &amp; financial issues and risks</li> <li>Financing</li> <li>Financial restructuring</li> <li>Acquisition risks</li> <li>Unquoted companies</li> <li>Non current assets held for sale</li> <li>Present value</li> <li>Synergies</li> <li>Due diligence</li> <li>Impairment</li> <li>Brands</li> <li>Positioning strategies</li> <li>Horizontal integration</li> </ul>
ICAEW - Case Study - Revision NotesQuick View

ICAEW - Case Study - Revision Notes

<ul> <li>ICAEW</li> <li>Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales</li> <li>Case Study - Revision Notes</li> <li>Ideal for students</li> <li>Ideal for teachers and private tutors</li> <li>Executive summary</li> <li>Requirement 1 - Financial statement analysis</li> <li>Requirement 2 - Financial data analysis</li> <li>Requirement 3 - Operational and strategic analysis including ethical awareness</li> <li>Exam advice</li> </ul>