KS3 Year 7 introductions and Greetings in FrenchQuick View

KS3 Year 7 introductions and Greetings in French

<p>The lesson covers the key phonics in French, how to greet someone and how to introduce yourself and use this language to create a dialogue. Includes a PowerPoint with the whole lesson, 3 learning objectives and a mini whiteboards activity.<br /> The bundle also contains a homework sheet ready to print.</p>
French KS3 - Year 7 - Dates and Months (Birthday)Quick View

French KS3 - Year 7 - Dates and Months (Birthday)

<p>This resource contains a lesson PowerPoint containing the following learning objectives :</p> <p>To know numbers from 1 to 31 and months</p> <p>To understand how to ask for and give your Birthday (numbers and months)</p> <p>To be able to translate into French</p>
French KS3 - Year 7 - Where do you live (countries)Quick View

French KS3 - Year 7 - Where do you live (countries)

<p>This resource contains a lesson PowerPoint containing the following learning objectives :</p> <p>To know a variety of countries in French</p> <p>To understand descriptions of where people live</p> <p>To be able to describe yourself in detail and to include where you live</p>
French KS3 - Year 7  - NationalitiesQuick View

French KS3 - Year 7 - Nationalities

<p>This bundle contains a lesson PowerPoint containing the following learning objectives :</p> <p>To know countries and nationalities</p> <p>To understand how to describe where you live and your nationality</p> <p>To be able to describe where you live and your nationality and to understand descriptions in French</p> <p>It includes a variety of activities including Mini Whiteboards activities.</p> <p>There is also a homework sheet with the relevant activities in a Word document.</p>
French KS3 - Year 7 - Opinions in FrenchQuick View

French KS3 - Year 7 - Opinions in French

<p>This bundle contains a lesson PowerPoint containing the following learning objectives :</p> <p>To know and revise days of the week, months and numbers</p> <p>To understand how to give opinions and reasons</p> <p>To be able to understand and give your own opinions and reasons</p> <p>It also contains a homework sheet with relevant activities to the objectives.</p>
French KS3 - Year 7 lesson 4 - age and numbersQuick View

French KS3 - Year 7 lesson 4 - age and numbers

<p>This bundle contains a lesson PowerPoint containing the following learning objectives :</p> <p>To know numbers from 1 to 15 and revise key introduction questions !</p> <p>To understand how to ask for and give your name and age</p> <p>To be able to understand a dialogue in French</p> <p>It also contains a sentence builder with greetings and age + a complete homeworksheet !!</p>
French KS3 - Year 7 lesson 3 - The Classroom languageQuick View

French KS3 - Year 7 lesson 3 - The Classroom language

<p>This bundle contains a lesson PowerPoint about key classroom language and understanding teacher instructions in French with a recap about phonics ! There is also a full homework worksheet in Word document !</p> <p>Learning Objectives:</p> <p>LO1: To know key classroom language</p> <p>LO2: To understand teacher instructions</p> <p>LO3: To be able to read French phonics accurately</p>
French KS3 - Year 7 Lesson 2 - The AlphabetQuick View

French KS3 - Year 7 Lesson 2 - The Alphabet

<p>This resource contains a Lesson PowerPoint with different activities around the Alphabet in French.</p> <p>Learning Objectives:</p> <p>LO1: To know the alphabet</p> <p>LO2: To understand how to form key words using phonics/alphabet</p> <p>LO3: To be able to use accurate phonics in speaking</p> <p>Consolidates the lesson about Greetings and Phonics</p>