La perte d'enfance - Un sac de billesQuick View

La perte d'enfance - Un sac de billes

French A-level (edexcel) Paper 2 - Un Sac de billes This essay explores Joffo’s loss of innoncence, looking and comparing themes such as childhood/ innocence and war/ violence. Essay Question: Évaluez comment Joffo traite la perte de l’enfance? Recieved an A* grade.
l’Hôtel Excelsior, Un sac des billesQuick View

l’Hôtel Excelsior, Un sac des billes

French A-level (edexcel) Paper 2 - Un sac des billes This essay explores chapter 9 and the importance of l’Hôtel Excelsior for the main message of the book and the characters’ development. Essay Question:Examinez l’importance du Chapitre où les garçons sont dans l’Hôtel Excelsior. Recieved A* grade (44/50)
Handicap - Les intouchablesQuick View

Handicap - Les intouchables

French A-level (edexcel) Paper 2 , Les Intouchables This essay explores the theme of disability, analysing the both characters and how this theme effects them in unique ways. Essay Question: Examinez l’idée que dans ce film ce n’est pas seulement Philippe qui a un handicap. Grade A*
IGCSE History 6+8 marker revision plansQuick View

IGCSE History 6+8 marker revision plans

This revision document contains bulletpoint plans for 6 and 8 markers for the Paper 1 and Paper 2 Edexcel History IGCSE. Includes the topics : Germany: development of dictatorship, 1918–45 A divided union: civil rights in the USA, 1945–74 The USA, 1918–41 China: conflict, crisis and change, 1900–89
Techniques Littéraires Essay, Un Sac Des BillesQuick View

Techniques Littéraires Essay, Un Sac Des Billes

French A-level (edexcel) Paper2 - Un sac des billes This essay explores the literary techniques used by the author throughout the book and analyses the effect and emphasis they add to the story and the characters. Essay Question : Analysez les techniques employées par Joffo dans le livre Un sac des Billes . Recieved an A*grade , (45/50)
Les moments optimistes - Un sac des billesQuick View

Les moments optimistes - Un sac des billes

French A-level (edexcel) Paper2 - Un sac des billes This essay explores the optimistic moments in the novel when Jo and Maurice are able to be children and how their journey shaped them as young men despite the atrocities of the war. Essay Question : << Bien qu’un Sac de Billes soit une histoire de guerre, il y a plusieurs moments optimistes dans le livre. Jusqu’à quel point êtes vous d’accord avec cette affirmation? >> Recieved an A*grade , (45/50)
Macro-economics Alevel (Edexcel )definitions YEAR 1Quick View

Macro-economics Alevel (Edexcel )definitions YEAR 1

This revision table includes all the definitions of the key terms you will learn in Year one of the A-level Macro-economics course ! Very helpful to put these definitions to memory to improve your knowledge of economics and get better grades in tests.
La nature humaine essai - Sac des billesQuick View

La nature humaine essai - Sac des billes

French A-level (edexcel) Paper2 - Un sac des billes This essay explores the good versus bad people that Jo and Maurice encounter on their journey and how these types of people influence how they mature and survive. Essay Question : Analysez la nature humaine dans le livre Un sac des Billes . Recieved an A*grade , (40/50)